Mysterious Scene


Apollo finally managed to work his way up towards a position relatively hidden from sight after scouring a colossal tree. At a glance, its branches were strong enough to support his weight, while one of the largest branches amongst the top was even suitable for him to lay on.

[Hmm, it will suffice for now as you suggested. But, keep in mind, there are beasts who use these trees as means of travel. This forest is never safe despite its appearance.]

"I understand, but it's hidden from view and vision is obstruction by the thick foliage. Not to mention, the shade and the thickness of the leaves are rather comfortable. If we do run into those beasts, then my earlier training should allow me to react quickly enough," Apollo answered.

Besides that, he also laid against the tree because with each passing moment, the feeling of exhaustion continuously washed over him. However, it wasn't to the extent of garnering his immediate sleep. Instead, he followed through with his curious nature by browsing through the booklet given by Irauk.

A thorough read revealed all the information he was missing. Specifically, the rankings of beasts and their respective categories.

In short, beasts could be categorized into 3 archetypes—Normal, Variants, and Bloodline Beasts. The normal beasts which as it sounds, only grow stronger through the orthodox way of advancement—either through natural ingestion (absorbing Natural Essence) or cannibalizing their own kind.

Next, there were the Variants—their entire existence was a tangent. Because unlike the other two, there is more than one way to be labeled a variant. 

Their possibilities range from early elemental awakening, heightened physical aspects, or, in the rarest cases, awakening a soul before achieving an almost unattainable level. However, to do the last one brings us to the third type—Bloodline Beasts.

These beasts possess powerful ancestors and the memories of their lineage are passed down through the remembrances engraved in their souls. In other words, they possess advantages far beyond others.

"If that's the case and everything is so strong. Then what are these Terrors and why haven't they been dealt with? I don't understand that issue," Apollo uttered while closing the book in a curious tone.

[Ah, those… I'm not necessarily aware of their state. As I said before, I'm not privy to everything. Perhaps there's some underlying reason for that, but I'm unable to say. You'll have to unearth the answer to that question through your own efforts.]

In addition to learning of the beasts, the book also detailed the matters of Natural Essence possessing elements. Apollo tore into the meat of the Azure Lightning Wolf while recounting the basis of elements. 

In essence, the elements were what comprised Natural Essence. They were always present, however, their ratios varied. For Natural Essence to take on a single element, it required an abundance of it to be present over the rest. 

Furthermore, cultivation methods and techniques were used to extract these components while keeping the rest at bay. This was known as an affinity for an element. The stronger the affinity, the easier it was to attract those determined elements.

Suddenly, a question entered Apollo's mind, "Will I be able to manipulate elements if I absorb Natural Essence?

[As a Demon, it shouldn't be possible. However, in your unique state, the answer is hard to determine. I say to just test it out once you can sense said elements.]

"Hmm, I see. So when will I be able to sense the elements?"

[The exact moment varies. Depending on your affinity, that's the only way for you to know. If it's even a possibility for you. Nevertheless, the general consensus is that the quicker it happens, the stronger your affinity with that element.]

"And what about this Spiritual Essence?" Apollo asked all of a sudden. He had a feeling it was quite important due to the item in his possession.

[That's correct. How did you come to that conclusion?]

"Because of this," Apollo answered as he retrieved a small shard. It was the size of two fingernails possessing a slender yet rough rhomboid shape. However, it shimmered with a mystical glow similar to a lighter sapphire.

[Ah, that's a Spirit Shard. I see.]

「Item Name: Spirit Shard

Rank: Inferior

Information: One of the 4 types of crystallization of Spiritual Essence. However, it is also the most inferior containing small amounts of it. When used for cultivation, it can only benefit those under the Soul Warrior Realm due to its lack of abundance and purity.

Usage: Allows a Spirit Cultivator who utilizes the Soul to increase their Oz by 1 unit. In your case, it is exchanged for Experience.」

"Hmm… Spirit Cultivation is the counterpart to Body Cultivation, right. So, if my power isn't linked to this world, why did the system reward me with an item from this world?" Apollo questioned.

[Everything is done for a reason. If you continue the way you are going, you'll have no worldly currency. Thus, it is imperative that some is generated beforehand. Not to mention, even if it isn't linked, it still holds value to you.]

"Ah, I see," Apollo nodded. However, prolonging his rest increased the dreary feeling in his mind, so much so it approached his limit. Hence, closing his eyes, he finally fell asleep. Only, as he did so his mind was full of questions. Cultivation intrigued him as did the very existence of the system.

Unbeknownst to him, while he slept. A purple aura radiated from him. While faint in the beginning it continued to grow in density. It wasn't long before it blanketed his body. At the same time, a few beings caught wind of an ominous stench.


Thud! Bang! Boom!

Apollo's eyes slammed open abruptly after being jolted awake by the sound of battle. Even though it was distant, the sounds and vibrations were powerful enough to vibrate the tree he rested upon.

It was unknown how long he slept but he felt refreshed. All signs of his earlier exhaustion disappeared. In fact, in place of that was an exuberant feeling coursing through him.

'Why do I feel...different? It isn't extreme but I feel it. Something is changing,' Apollo thought while turning his head towards the origin of the sounds. He felt the urge to unearth the cause of such large tremors.

Shifting his position slightly, a bright ray of light shone through a crack in the trees. In turn, his eyes emanated a violet luster before narrowing his sights. Oddly enough, he could see further than ever before! "Azridan, is it safe to check those noises?"

[It should be. Stick to the treetops. From the vibrations, this is without a doubt a battle between two exceptionally strong beasts. Unfortunately, you're entirely too far for me to gauge the strength of their fluctuations.]

"That's fine, you'll be able to do so as I get closer!" Apollo responded while shooting off into the distance, utilizing the branches as footholds. Like a phantom, he traveled quickly through the branches, causing the scenery to flash rapidly.

Soon enough, the brutal fight came into view as Apollo paused his steps and frowned slightly, "Shouldn't something like that be limited to the central region…"