28***The Blender and The Blood


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Save Spot: Abandoned Labyrinth




"Um, Angus... What happened?" I asked my party member who is currently hunched over the fire on her knees with her head turned to me. She looked like I caught her stealing from the cookie jar! Even a deer caught by headlights wouldn't have been able to outdo her expression!!!

".....Mufthinn...." she replied. Her cheeks were puffed up like a squirrel with a few too many nuts and even though I couldn't see her hands, I did see that the meat on the splint was just beginning to roast - which is impossible because even though I put it on slow roast, I spent more than an hour at home, so if it wasn't perfectly roasted, it would be charcoal by now - so it was easy to know what happened, I just wanted to know why she was looking at me like she dropped the urn with my grandmother's ashes?

I probably would have asked why she was looking at me like that, but then I saw a pile of black chunks to one side, and.... the carts!!!!!!!!

"Wait, you went back for the carts!" I shouted in glee as I sprinted to them and searched there contents! Everything we picked up, including old armour and weapons as well as loads of food and hides, where all here and not at a better time! All of our gear was toasted on our way here and we burned through all our food supplies as if they were air!!! I could practically feel my Improvisation Mastery itching to get some new stuff!

I was worried about how we'd get back to get the stuff here, but I was drawing up blanks! The closest I could get to a plan had me dying a few times so I'm glad we didn't have... too... wait!

"Actually, how did you get these here?" I asked as the realization calmed me down. even if she is fast, she should be near dead while under heavy de-buffs if not completely dead by now!

"That T-thing over there." She said while pointing to the cross. What, has she never seen a cross before? 'T-thing' felt a bit disrespectfully, but really, that doesn't matter. What matters though, is that she used it to cross a monster infested grassland!!!!

"It had some weird buff going on. Kept all the monsters away. So I used it." she replied. At that, I pumped some Detection essence into my eyes and stared intently at the thing for a full 30 seconds, to no avail.

"Your not doing anything f***wad" Angus commented after a while, and I just shot her another one.

"Yeah, and your mouth isn't getting any cleaner with that language!" My mom taught me few things, but all were important in this world. And on of them were, 'If someone is being rude, let them know!' and I'll take that down to my grave. And I say that because I might be going there if I keep riling this fire cracker up!

"Oh, why do you care?! What, your gonna get a spanking if you here a few cuss words!" She fired at me.

"No, but I'll spank you myself if you make me start cursing!" I fired back. I did realize that that sounded silly, but the shot was already fired.

"Well I'm sorry that your infant **s can get influenced from a few curses! Maybe I should sensor myself now huh!!!"

"MAYBE you should try to try to fix your dang attitude! What, didn't you know your strongest repetitive trait gets passed to your whisper partner? That means your mouth is so dirty your brain is affected by it!!!"

"Wait, that was you???!!!" She belted out all of a sudden as she rushed me! What the hell?!!!!

"So your why I can't think a strait though for more than ten seconds at a time?!!!!" she roared as she tackled me, "I almost f***ing died because of you!!!!!"

"Hey its not my fault you're too stupid to keep you mind straight while fighting!!!" I shot back while kicking her off of me!

"Too stupid???!!! More like you're too stupid to even know when to stop thinking, you little ****!!!"

"Stink Breath!!"

"Daffy Duck!!!"

"Rotten Tongue!!!"

"Scatter Brain!!!"

"Bug Lips!!!"

"Lizard Head!!!"

"Bordon Ramsey!!!"

"... Bordon Ramsey?" Ha! Beet that!!! That reference hasn't been relevant since 20XX! There's now way she'd....

"*Pfft* *muffled giggling* The heck why Bordon Ramsey!!! *out loud laughing*"

I felt my face go beet red at her laughter. "Well, what about you!!! Was Lizard Head the best you could come up with?! And seriously? Daffy Duck?! What are you, preschool?!!!" I shot at her, but she just continued laughing.

"Oh, come on*hahaha*! Like Stink Breath was any better!!! *incontrollable giggling*"

"And I bet Scatter brain was a real no brainer!!!" I was still mad, but I was starting to laugh too!

"Yeah, yeah, and Bug Lips was just classic wasn't it *some outrageous form of laughter*"

"What kind of laughing is that anyway!!!" I said as I fell to the floor genuinely laughing right along side her. She couldn't answer, only laugh, and me neither at this point, so laugh we did!!!

We laughed and laughed for what felt like days, though it was probably just minutes if not an hour. If anyone saw use then, they'd think we lost it! It wasn't until we were long out of Stamina and our Fatigue was ready to kill us when we finally stopped!

You'd think I'd be worried about why I was laughing my literal life away (in game of course) but after that, I felt, more relaxed than I've ever been! On look at Angus told me the same went for her.

"Hey Nylon," Angus started.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Why did we waste so much time on something that stupid?" she continued.

"I don't have a clue." I replied as I sat back up and saw the cross in all it mysterious glory. I wondered if it had anything to do with this and if I could even analyze it! The mystery was eating me alive now!

So, I decided to give it a try one more time. I flooded my eyes with Detection essence, with no results. Then I tried it with Body Reinforcement, but that was worse. Then I tried mixing the two essences but they didn't want to work together (

I got success after I mixed Body Reinforcement and Detection essence with Improvisation essence... This is going to be a hack isn't it?

Achievement Unlocked: The Blender (use two masteries to make a new mastery with any method)

Analysis Mastery Created: lvl5

Analyzing -Wooden Rapier of The Goblin King-

Info - Locked! Level too low!

Stats - Locked! Level too low!

Analyzing -Goblin King's Blood-

Info - The blood of the Goblin King, drawn by the wood of the Cavern Willow.

Stats - lvl6

att: 0 dex: 0

def: 0 ess: 30


Miasma (Neutral): Repels any mob away from it for 30 meters. Under certain conditions, it gives one of two de-buffs to players.

Seeds of Animosity: Affected players get increased strength and stamina stats, but rationality drops drastically.

Hysteria: If laughter is invoked while under Seeds of Animosity, Stamina starts to decrease drastically while Fatigue increases. Affected players however, loses their stress in an out of game. The more stress a target has, the longer they laugh. Miasma's effect range reduces as the laughter continues.

When I read the last part, I jumped and looked around to find mobs all over us!!! Only about a meter or so of land stood between us and the closest mob, a lvl 25 Giant Lizard!!! Angus had some blood on her hands, which I guessing is not only meat blood seeing as she's still fine seeing as her head was hanging out of range the whole time!

She was in the grass, so she didn't see anything even after she stopped laughing, and I wasn't paying any attention, so they snuck up on us out of no where!!!!

'Angus...' I whispered her, 'Whatever you do, don't... move...'


She looked confused at my statement, but then something moved in the bushes behind her. And I don't know what it was, but it shut her up and froze her in place.

We stayed that way for a small infinity, waiting with racing hearts, lungs not even daring to breath to loudly, until the last, most resilient mob, a lvl30 Rhino Beetle, finally turned tail!

We collapsed on the spot, fighting for air and stayed that way until we calmed down enough to move.

My hands were too shaky to do much of anything without some assistance from Body Reinforcement, and Angus didn't even try to do anything, even speak! Those de-buffs are insane!!!

But, even though that was the most harrowing experience of my life to date, I'd be lying if I didn't say I didn't need it.