The Fall

I call this the fall because in a way that's exactly what happened one minute mom and I both had jobs and the next I had been fired now before you start jumping to conclusions I didn't deserve to be fired I'm going to put it out there what happened.

I worked a very demanding job that yes I was able to do with no problems in fact I was pretty good at it but in November of 2016 I got hurt when a metal table I was moving to clean under fell on my hand because the legs on it broke.

Sending not just the table but the chairs that were stacked on the top to do some damage to my right hand I was sent to the hospital and then sent home no big deal I was in a lot of pain and had some major swelling thru my right hand and arm now this bothered me but nothing I could do I was off work for a few days because my dad had a surgery so with my mom we went to the hospital and we waited for the surgery to be over and see how he did.

Dr told us it all went as it was supposed to and that everything was fine no problems well originally he was supposed to be out patient ended up staying over night after he came home that Wednesday I went to my jobs dr and had them look at my hand and they wrapped it and put me on light duty in my area that was a bad idea I ended up going home early due to massive pain.

Now as the weeks went I saw a specialist in my injury and then went to actual light duty where I did nothing but this was in November when we were cold for Florida which wasn't good for my hand so I tried to stick it out but it was so bad that the area that handled light duty gave me a simple task of pretty much nothing the restore my shift.

As things went I ended up having to call out once for shift because of my hand well according to everything I knew about calling because of the injury that I should have gotten no points that wasn't the case come to find out.

I'll explain that here in a few now I did do other light duty work as the weeks drew closer to Christmas and this is where things get messy you see I was supposed to be on light duty till after Christmas but for some reason that was unknown to me I had to go to my area so I called my manager and asked why his answer oh your being fired my first thought why? My second was I didn't deserve to be treated like that but I was so Christmas eve morning I went in with my work clothes in a bag and waited for my chance to defend myself.

Well they didn't give me the chance they told me oh your being fired for being late when on light duty I was never late and to many call ins for my injured hand.

I was beyond shocked they wouldn't show me my record card they didn't even give me walking papers what the heck believe me I know what your asking why didn't you demand all of your rights in seeing the record card and get walking papers? That answer is simple they had security ready to take me out of there by force if I had been anything but decent with them so I acted nicely I followed them out and then as my brother and I left the parking lot they had security follow us out all the till we were off there property.

Now the next chapter is when things kind of sort of get out of hand not completely but a little bit this is where our fall started when we slowly lost everything but we kept reminding ourselves God has a reason for everything that happens you know when one door opens another closes I know sounds crazy but its true God has a reason for everything that happens.