The Calm Before The Storm

Now I told you what lead up to and how I got fired now this is what happened leading up to us being homeless for 2 and a half months and here I'm going to tell you something I think I've told you before and that's we had four animals as well and you'll get to know a little more about them as well.

Now I know that being fired is no big deal your probably thinking just get unemployment well I tried that and due to who I worked for it was proving to be a problem they would block me at every twist and turn as I tried to get unemployment till I was able to get a good job from home so that I could help my brother and be able to stay home and clean and help take care of our three cats and our chocolate lab.

I thought I had found a couple of good options for jobs from home but like with everything it takes time to get them off the ground and I thought I was doing pretty good and I also knew I had my taxes that we could use after I got my w2 form from my former employer and doing the taxes that did help a little.

But like with anything I was working my butt off and praying every night that something good would happen so we wouldn't lose our cars those were the first things that we ended up not being able to use and that's because with no insurance and expired tags you can't drive your car which is why where we were living tried to tow our cars away and in what they knew was desperation on our part they roped us into getting a garage that we could afford had they worked with us on ita payments but youll find out more about that later.

Right now I'm going to tell you that even though we were short one more paycheck since I lost my job and we were having to pay rent for January which we were able to do and pay electric because water trash and sewage was included in our monthly rent.

Moms paycheck helped take care of a little bit of our other bills and the rest of dads disability check took care of rent and what mom couldn't take care of on bills moms check took care of food on the week days and dads meds kinda of and the only reason mom was still able to work was because a friend she worked with took her to and from work every week now.

Now here's what I haven't told you when we started the year 2017 dad was in the hospital with severe water gain and was there for a couple of weeks which sucked.

But God took care of him by giving him a great team of drs who we are very thankful for dad came home I did my taxes and had to wait three weeks till I would get my return back and now is when we come to the garage I figured the apartment manager would have given me time to get the tags and everything up on the cars and not force our hands and get the garage now hindsight we should have just let them tow the cars but we were told they would work with us on what had to be paid for the garage and that we would have no issues guess what they lied to us so this was in march that we had to get the garage and we had paid in February on time and March on time thanks to Gods good graces we had been fine and we had no problems so when we got around to April.

Well I should say almost april I got an almost 1500 dollar bill for rent because of the garage and now we were stuck with a garage we had been told they would work with us on and didn't now we were trying to figure out what to do so I talked to someone else at our apartment complex and they said all I had to do was call this one place and they would help with the full months rent for April with no problems so I called the place set up an appointment and when I went there they did all of the paperwork that was needed and they told me it would be a few days before they would know how much I would get to help with rent.

Now we kept money out just in case we couldn't get the help and guess what they could only help with 500 of what I needed and we ended up being like 40 shy of having what they needed for rent and yet they still refused to take the money they wanted it all that day upfront.

Now see because we were shy only 40 then we new it would end up being almost 200 by the time my mom got paid so we all started praying to be shown how we were supposed to handle it and get it paid.

We thought well I thought I had found the answer in a loan for way more than rent that month but that was fine we figured I get the loan then we can pay two months easy but guess what in my desperation to get the money for rent I got scammed not once but twice once well twice in April real nice right well I felt like a moron I thought for sure being approved for those loans was a sign from God but I guess in my desperation I missjudged it and didn't read what was going on.

Now in the next chapter your going to find out the exact date we became homeless and what happened with our animals