The Days Before

Now in April when we weren't able to pay we got a notice on our door that we needed to pay by a certain day so we went upfront to the office to talk to the manager.

When we got up there we asked if there was any way she could help us out and give us a little more time and she had said yes now remember I had tried for that one loan and got scammed and at this point I was trying to find a way to get some extra time and when the manager said that she could I trusted her and calmed down but what I didn't know was she had lied to me because the following day she told me she never said she could help.

Now at this point I was grasping at anything to give us more time till we could find a way to get the money we owed the apartment and not be evicted we were only shy 40 so I didn't understand why she couldn't take what we had till we got the rest but whatever so since she refused to help and lied about being able to help.

I went on the Internet and researched if it was legal to evict a person and there family if one was disabled and had to be in air conditioning for health reasons I found that if I had a letter from my dads dr explaining that he couldn't be in the heat and that it would kill him that by law the apartments would half to work with us.

The only thing I didn't see coming at me was that they would pull out the oh no by housing laws we don't half to help you and no matter how many times I tried to show them that no because of my dads health they had to find a way to accommodate for his benefit and they kept refusing they even refused to look at the letter the dr sent for them to see that he even agreed that dad needed to be in a.c at all times.

Now when I realized that the apartments wouldn't budge and would go against the law even if it came from a lawyer or even a cop I started trying to find somewhere we could go on foot but again nothing came up we were staying calm and praying every day like always and thru April we just prayed God would show us another way and that's about when I got scammed again.

I know what your thinking how did you fall for it again? Well that's an easy one to answer we really thought this is Gods answer to our prayers and we didn't stop and listen our mistake so we went thru april figuring we would at least have until like july to find something else.

You know by Florida law when your being evicted its a 90 day period to give you time well I guess the apartments didn't really read the law or even know it so we went from April to May and guess what these are the last few weeks we had in our apartment and with our dog and three cats we didn't know that till an officer left a 24 hours to evict on our door and guess what we just packed what we would want to take with us and tried to find a place for our animals with no such luck.

Now let me tell you this and it'll really get you thinking that maybe we were evicted to early the lower manager not the main one was telling us before we got our notices that we would find a way to make it work and that by the time they would evict us would have been when we owed a total of four months worth of rent and yet we only owed two so tell me this what did the main manager do to go against the law and get her way? How didn't she half to obey the laws? Can I answer that? No but in the long run I have thought about all of this and so has my entire family but it does not good to look back.

Now a few days before we were evicted my dad ended up in the hospital with chest pains that was a god send because on May 17th we were evicted into the hottest part of the day and even though we wanted to stay at the apartment until animal control came the officer was very firm in telling us no now here's what I found strange the officer that came to evict us didn't have a police car just his personal car but we weren't going to argue so with heavy hearts and a wheel chair full of our stuff and bags weighing us down we startes our treck to the hospital.

What you will read in the chapters to come is hard not only to remember because the very next chapter hurts to think about but because some people may need to remember my family and I don't want pity from anyone just for you to read this and realize that not everyone wants what happens to them.