The First Day On The Streets

This is the first day all four of us were on the streets because my dad had just been discharged from the hospital and we couldn't find anyone that could help us even with my dads health it was hard so even though we fought tooth and nail with the hospital we had to leave.

It was like they didn't even care that my dad was sick and that the heat could kill him I know the hospital can only do so much but we were hoping that they could have at least helped us get into some place so that we wouldn't half to worry about what the Florida sun could do to my dad but still we left.

This was on a Friday the Friday before memorial day on top of it all so you know how busy the roads were but we knew somehow things would be OK we knew God had a reason for what was happening and that in the end it would all work out so my mom brother and I took all of our stuff and met my dad downstairs outside of the hospital and after he got in the chair we arranged all of our stuff on purses some in my dads lap.

Once we were ready to go we decided to go to the closest place that had a pharmacy because dad had somw meds that needed to be filled so we went to walmart one it had a pharmacy and two they had a nice shaded area we could take dad to so he wasn't being hit by the sun at every second which was good.

Dad seemed OK and we were hanging in there even though we were worried about dad and the fact that we couldn't afford a lot of food or drink or even dads meds we had faith that God would point us to what would be done next and truthfully we thought that's what he was doing when the same night after he was discharged he had such bad cramps that he couldn't move.

That sent him right back to the hospital and we thought well if this is what God wants is for dad to be in the hospital that's fine he'll get three meals a day all of his meds and he'll be OK well survive but that wasn't the case God had other plans for us plans that none of us could have seen coming and it starts after dad was discharged again and we went back to Walmart to figure everything out.

Well here's what we figured out you see mom and I had brought a few things with us when we were evicted that might make you wonder what we were thinking? But it's a good thing we did bring them you see mom took her ninja coffee maker and I had taken several movies that I didn't want to lose now those aren't the only things we took but I'll explain those later because they end up helping us to so mom and I took all of the movies and the coffee maker to a pawn shop to sell them my brothers idea.

The idea ended up being a great one because we ended up with enough money to at least get a little bit of food and one of my dads meds that he really needed now this is Saturday and this is after dad went back to the hospital on Friday night but got discharged again I only told you that so there's no confusion on what day it was but this is about the time one of the managers of walmart came out and very rudely told the four of us that we couldn't stay where we were sitting and that if we stayed there much longer she was going to call the cops and have us trespassed from that Walmart we didn't want that so my dad bought us a few extra hours by telling the mamager he was waiting on a med to be filled.

With him telling her that my brother and I had time to search the surrounding buildings for abandoned shopping carts and we found one we took it over to where we were sitting and we packed as much of our stuff as well could into it and what didn't fit we ended up carrying and putting some on my dads lap.

So after we did that we left so we wouldn't have the cops called on us we headed up to the hospital which is also where my dads heart dr is and we went there for a little bit to try and figure out our next move but we didn't know dad wanted to sleep there at the buildings for the dr but the problem with that was security and once we convinced him it was a bad idea we left still heading away from walmart.

As well walked my dad was saying we could squat at a construction site since it was a holiday weekend and no one would be there but again my mom ,brother and I got him to think better of the idea and we kept going until we got to a bus bench in front of a usps store and we sat and ended up falling asleep and we slept until dad woke up to find a police car sitting across from us now you can imagine we were on edge thinking we would get in trouble but thankfully just moved on but that also got us to move on at 3 in the morning on sunday morning.

That's when we decided to go to a different Walmart one that was some distance from us but one we thought we'd be ok staying at first awhile heck during the walk to that walmart we even asked an officer who told us as long as you stay out of the way and don't cause problems that we would be fine staying there even with the way we would half to stay there.

So with that the four of us kept going to our new destination and we were upbeat about it thinking we'd be able to be just fine for more than a day or two there and that's what we held onto and the strength of God to get us to that Walmart at 8 am on Sunday morning and believe me we were all relieved to see that place to big time.

Now I know what most people are thinking yea it seems bad but you found a place to stay stationary till you found some help that's not true I wish it was but its not you'll find out in the next chapter God Bless.