Sunday A Different Walmart

Now Sunday we spent the whole day at a different Walmart and technically we weren't even in the Walmart parking lot we were in a parking lot that really didn't belong to any of the stores in the area.

But we set up a makeshift camp site in a corner way out of the way so we didn't bother anyone and I want to stress this point we also didn't have signs asking for money or food we just figured we still had a couple of things we could sell if we had to do we could eat and have something to drink.

One of those items to go first of course you know about the very first items we sold but all of us had phones and my brother sold his so we could have some money and thanks to him we did so we ate and had something.

Now as Sunday wore on my mom and I would go into Walmart or my dad and mom or at least two people would go to Walmart to cool off because it gets wicked hot in Florida so like I said we had no signs asking for money.

We didn't beg and guess what people would stop and give us money and a lot of that had to do with the fact that my dad had to be in a wheel chair we think or it was because all of our stuff was in a shopping cart but we never once asked anyone but God to help get us through the rough time we were facing and we were also thanking God that we had eachother.

Now something you should know is that as we got the money we got food but when we had what we wanted for food we didn't touch the money so that when we needed more of something we could get it now not much happened Sunday and it was the Sunday just before memorial day but it was quiet we didn't bother anyone and that's pretty much what sunday was every once in awhile someone would either stop and give us cash or food so we were OK and we thanked God for it we still do.

Now Monday is a completely different story one that completely blew our minds and one that I'm not going to put in this chapter because Sunday was a good day for us even though we didn't have much we were ok.

Now something I want to remind people that are reading this about is not everyone is going to look homeless we probably wouldn't have if it hadn't of been for the shopping cart with all of our luggage.

And I'm also going to tell you this there are three different kinds of homeless and in this chapter and the next two I'm going to give you one and what each one entails and actually the third and final one I'll tell you about after I'm done writing this book.