The Dr Then The Hospital

So as I said dad had to have blood work done on Wednesday and then we got to Thursday and dad got to see his Dr who said that everything was fine that he did have swelling in his legs but that would be expected considering he has been sitting in his wheel chair and couldn't put his legs up.

During this my brother and I started in the parkinglot of the Dr's office but we had to move and before that a gal came by and gave my brother and I five dollars and some other supplies at this point our mom came out and said that we needed to go sit somewhere else because we were making people uncomfortable with our grocery cart full of our personal items.

My brother and I moved to a bus stop that sits in front of a hotel there next to the hospital and we sat and waited for our parents when they came to us we put dad under a few trees for shade because it was starting to scorch out and that's not good for him now remember he just saw his Dr about ten to twenty minutes ago by this time and all of the sudden his legs are double the size they were before.

This is not a good thing so my mom and I went back to the office to find out what we should do they got a nurse who told us that with dads legs being that swollen and having a some discoloration and of course discomfort in his legs to take him to the er cause it could be nothing but you never know.

So my mom and I went and got dad she took him as fast as she could go the er and my brother and I followed right behind with all of our stuff just to sit outside the er where we waited for about three hours the dr in the er said she didn't like how his legs looked or his heart was acting and this is where you find out what the heat has been. doing to my father.

My mom came out and told us that our dad had afib and that he was being admitted now remember when he saw his Dr that morning there was no sign of this it just showed up and we didn't know about it again another thing God did to keep my dad in a safe place now this was June 2nd the day before dad was to get his ssi and we were supposed to get into a hotel in a different part of town.

But I got us a different room from the hotel right next to the hotel the only problem was the fact that it was expensive and we thought it wouldn't matter because like in the beginning we thought dad had found a loan that would help us out and we found out we were wrong oh well.

The night of the 2nd into the third we stayed in the hospital where the head of nursing said we could stay she got us food while we waited for dad to get his room and she made sure we were OK at 1am my dad got his disability and we got some stuff we thought we would need.

But believe me we ended up not needing big mistake oh well so we the third got into the hotel at night slept and went back to the hospital and it seemed like no matter what my dad had something going on with him one day it would be his afib one day his kidneys and then one day he flat out passed out and thank God that's all he did and that God gave us my brother because he caught him at dead weight and took him down gently to the floor and I'm very grateful to God for all of my dads drs because they care what happens to him.

Now after a week dad was still in the hospital which is where we ended up staying ourselves for about three days till we saw my mom had the points and we could stay at the hotel one more night which we took advantage of.

Now after two weeks my dad was released from the hospital and we were back on the streets and under the bus stop in front of walmart now at this time we no longer had a basket and we had a new bag that held all of our stuff in and one of my moms friends came to get along with two other bags and at this time we had gone thru my moms b-day and another hospital stay where my dad has someone from family services at the hospital who gave us the name of a hotel we could get into by July 3rd and believe me we were excited about that.

Now I do want to say I am very greatful to a couple of family friends who helped us out at this point with enough money to get dad into a hotel room for a couple of nights before he has to go to his dr again and have him the ability to eat breakfast for a couple of mornings and gave us the ability to have some stuff to eat when we decided to walk to go to a different part of town again so that we wasted two nights walking so we got that much closer to my dads disability again which we were very greatful for not the walk but everything else.

In the next chapter the third of July and the struggle that still presented itself and what we were told by homeless shelters and the people that should have been able to help us God Bless.