There Is No Real Help

As I said in one of the chapters is I would explain what I meant when I said that there is no real help here.

Now let's see where do I start? OK so let's start with there so called homeless shelters let me ask what do you think when you think of a shelter? You think that they will let homeless in any time of the day for free and let familys stay together right? If that's what you think you would be wrong at least when comes to the shelters near my family and I they wanted at the time $5 per person each night and then they split the men from the women.

You half to be there at a certain time and then you may or may not get a bed to stay in and on top of that its in the worst part of downtown so when you get kicked out in the morning you are in a bad area in the scorching heat.

So that's one thing that's not good for homeless especially those that don't have money and can't afford it then there's the fact that you can't get a bus out there because again no money that doesn't help anyone that is homeless that has no money and can't take the heat of the day like my father.

Now let's see the next place would be the numbers your given so the first one I'll start with is united way they say that they can only help you if you are in a place and then they can help you pay for the roof over your head no matter where it is.

That is a complete lie I know this for a fact because after being un-justly evicted from our apartment we did get to stay in a hotel before we checked out I called they said and I quote we don't help pay for anything like that even though I had been told they would help.

So that's a bust for anyone that is homeless and don't have really anything cash wise because of the situation they are in and yes God took care of my family and I and we survived and I'm greatful the problem I have is that there are those that are worse then us and need that type of help and can't get it.

Now let's see what's the next one? Oh here's one the salvation army is another place that is supposed to help the homeless and those with need for food again they don't help you unless you have a place of residents and then you half to have a car to get where they are to get help that they give but again no help because even if you have a car they only help a few people.

I don't know why they say we can help when in the end they can't help with anything at all and treat you like your nothing if your homeless and you didn't ask for it they treat you like you did something wrong.

The next and this one will shock many people because it shocked my family and I is the churches all of them gave us the same answer now you may be wondering what do you mean? The answer is going to be hard for everyone to hear and that answer was oh well we can't help you because your not a refugee all we help are them I'm sorry there's nothing we can do for you that's not the answer we expected.

That answer floored all four of us and I don't understand why that was the answer I thought the church would have been the ones to help when no one else would help us we didn't understand how they could turn there backs on people.

God says that we should help everyone and be there for people to show kindness and love for man and woman but that's not what they did they again treated us poorly as if we asked for what happened.

Let me ask you this if you were homeless where would you turn? Now remember this is the question to think about when you are in our situation no family in the area our place to turn was and always will be is God and yes we were turned away by those that say they are to help us and put in place to help those that need help but for us God was our help because he sent us angels to help us when we had no help from people.

I know that there are people that are supposed to help us out when your homeless but that's not the way it is here in Orlando they will only help if you have the money to stay at a shelter have a car or a place to live and that even makes for an iffy situation I don't understand how its like this here but its not like that in some of the other places I've looked at different states would have helped and I don't want anyone to get me wrong I'm very greatful God has taken care of us and he always will I'm just worried that there are others out there here in Orlando that don't have the angels we had that don't have any of that and they need help and can't get it.

I hope that when you read this you really looked at what you and even myself at one time have thought there are places that help homeless they should just go there heck I even thought go to the church there supposed to help anyone and everyone I wish that were true and now that my family and I have been there I really hope that we as a whole can find a way to fix the issues that we have here in Orlando.