
In September if you remember correctly we had a hurricane hit here in Florida and her name was Irma and no it wasn't as bad as she could have been and I'm great full for that fact.

At that time yes we were in our hotel and had a roof over our heads as we still do today but it was still bad because we lost all power for at least 3 days.

Now the fact that we had no power meant no ac no fridge no nothing and again heat and my dads health don't mix well at all so we had to keep bugging the desk to please find out how long before the power would be turned on.

I can tell you for a fact my whole family and I were very very great full that it was only three days without power because otherwise we would have had another hospital stay one that was in turn caused by the storm.

So all in all I would say that was one of our harder times at this hotel because yes everyone has there little issues every now and again when they live places they half to deal with issues like power outages so even though by Florida standards that we are still homeless just in a better spot.

So yes September was a different time for us because we did go thru that storm but it's also about the time we got my dad his therapy cats so they got to ride out there first storm with us.

So as I come to the end of this particular part of the story I am going to warn you I'm going to jump because of the fact that from October to May not a lot happened other than thanksgiving and Christmas and of course New Years not a lot happened for us.

So the rest of this book is going to be placed a year and up to now two years later and how things have slightly changed for us as a family.

So to end out this chapter I will say that no matter what you are going thru no matter how bad things seem just remember that God is always there for you leading the way making sure your ok and that even if your going thru a test designed to break you remember that God will be there for you to help you thru all of your trials as he helps us all every day.