
In April to be exact April 3rd my dads birthday in 2018 my family and I went thru our next trial and it had to do with dads health he got sepsis he was fine first thing in the day on his birthday he didn't seem off until later in the day about dinner time.

Actually when we went to go and get his birthday desert and come back that we noticed something was wrong because he didn't want anything to eat he just wanted to sleep and we watched him like hawks until  11:30 at night.

At this time I had to call the ambulance and have them come to get dad we at the beginning of it all thought it was the flu because of how he was acting and the fact that with all of his health issues that's what we figured but alas we were wrong.

It was the next day after we had gone and seen my dad and gotten back to the hotel that mom and I got a call from dad and he told us he had sepsis and that we were lucky they found it in time because it could have killed him easily very easily.

So for the next few days dad wanted nothing to do with food or anything of the sorts but he was getting better he was on antibiotics and seemed to be getting better and they even were starting to check his pacemaker to see if that had been affected and we'll what they found scared us because it did affect the leads the sepsis had actually attached itself to the leads of the pacemaker.

Now mind you we are now about half way thru the month and asking every once and awhile if he's coming home soon just to be told that no he wouldn't be because you don't get over sepsis that fast.

Now as we came up to the mid part of April dad was moved to a different hospital so they could completely remove the pacemaker and put a type of life vest on him till they could safely put a defibrillator in and then he could get rid of the vest but he had to be clean of sepsis for almost 2 weeks.

Once they decided to remove the pacemaker they set up arrangements for him to be moved to a different hospital and set up rides for mom and I for there and back this was not big deal to us that way we could at least be there for him when he woke up after surgery.

After the surgery he got his fun little vest that does outside defibrillation on people like my dad should it be needed so it wasn't long that they sent my dad back to his hospital the one we could walk to and see him and be there and believe it or not it was at this time we found out that he would half to have his antibiotics done from home three times a day but none of us knew how to do it so dad agreed to go to a rehab facility so he could get what he needed there and get better.

Now here is where the fun for us began after he got to the rehab facility he was treated horribly and it came one night after he had only been there a week that he ended up with extreme pain in his right leg and it was getting to the point that he was scared because they said they had called for an ambulance but they just weren't showing up.

By the time they got dad to the hospital he was in such extreme pain they had to right away give him pain meds and the next morning a vascular dr came in and checked the veins in his legs to find out hat was going on.

This is when we've gotten into May when all of this happened yea he was feeling better but that was how he felt in a way he felt good but then no he didn't because of how his leg felt.

But besides that we then knew that dad was yet again spared by God and that we don't know what it is yet but we do know that God has something big planned for dad and he needed to figure it out but we're still working on that.

Now let me tell you this that no my father is not in the condition he was in that he is not feeling better in the pain department and that's a part of this story I will touch on but not go into great detail on so as I will say as this chapter comes to an end God has been amazing to us as he has for all of you God bless.