Indra vs Zenith

Indra gave Alexander a good look, trying to figure his true intentions.

Before meeting this strange person, he hadn't encountered a single life form and yet there was a person standing in front of him.

It was as if this man knew, he would be arriving here. Indra definitely felt suspicious.

"Before you go pointing dangerous weapons at other people, don't you think you should explain why you're doing this?"

Indra sighed. For some reason it was going to take a while before returning back to earth.

"I want to fight you with all my power my foe. The head priest on my planet predicted your abilities and your arrival here. Now take your weapon out and fight me!"

"To think I'd end up meeting someone so idiotic. Look here Sir, I have no intention to fight you, but I do need your help. Let's discuss this in a much friendly manner. What do you say?"

"Who'd you call an idiot? You're the idiot, your face is an idiot and your entire being is idiotic!! There's no way I'm leaving this place without fighting you!"

Zenith yelled back. Indra stared at him like he was looking at a child. Besides, what did any of those insults even mean anything?

"Now bring out your weapon and fight--"

Before he could finish, Indra rushed towards the unaware Zenith and coated his fist with golden energy and punched him in the abdomen.

Within seconds, Zenith was sent flying to the moon.


He crashed on the moon with a huge force, causing a large crater to appear with cracks surrounding him.

'I hope I didn't kill him...right?' Indra thought.

He heaved a sigh of relief when Zenith got out of the crater and came back to where he originally was.

"Damn that hurt you idiot! Well at any case, it looks like I do not need to worry about going all out hahaha..."

"Well, it's not like I have a choice do I? Then what at are you waiting for, show me what you got Zenidiot." Indra signaled towards Zenith with a smirk.

"Don't call me that!"

Zenith scrunched his face in anger. Nobody ever dared to disrespect him, let alone insult him.

Without a moment's waste, he charged towards Indra and started to slash him with his two daggers.

Indra remained steady and calm and casually dodged the consecutive strikes and disappeared immediately.

Noticing his disappearance, Zenith immediately turned around to parry the oncoming fist.

He was prepared this time instead of getting caught off guard previously.

He held his daggers diagonally in front of his chest and stopped his fist.

Without backing up, both started to trade blows rapidly without a single pause.

Zenith felt elated when he gave his all, doubling and even tripling his speed and strength.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Indra backed up several meters. Pulling his arms together, he directed some of his energy towards his core.

Noticing the change and the huge spike in energy, Zenith's face got ever more serious and immediately deployed barriers in front of him.

Fully aware that he would not have enough time to get to him or dodge the oncoming attack, he remained behind the barrier and prepared for the oncoming attack.

"Let's end this, Core Cosmic Burst!" Indra calmly replied as he released a massive golden energy beam, which ripped through space and headed towards Zenith.


As Zenith had predicted, the energy beam collided with multiple barriers and ripped through, like a hot knife slicing through butter.

The barriers shattered into fragments and the oncoming smashed into him, sending him flying back several meters.

His chest plate was shattered, exposing his bare chest dripped in blood.

Just as Indra thought he had won, he suddenly noticed Zenith rush up towards him and kick him in the face with all his might, sending Indra this time towards the moon.

Without giving his foe a break, Zenith punched Indra with consecutive blows, sending him all over the place.

After landing on the ground, Zenith wiped the blood that trickled from his lips. He was injured badly.

Realization dawned upon him. He had to put an end to this fight, otherwise, neither him, nor him armor would survive against such power.

'What the hell was that energy beam?! It was so strong and destructive. Had I not fused my two daggers to invoke my ultimate form, I would have been dead by now. '

His ultimate form consisted of a red dragon armor embedded to his chest.

Along with it was a helmet and a dragon gauntlet attached to his right arm extending all the way to his shoulder.

Noticing the cracks on his chest plate, he trembled in excitement so much, he wished he could have had more fun.

Unfortunately, although he looked like he was fine, the injuries sustained from trading blows with Indra, took a huge toll on him.

How long had he waited for this very moment; to fight someone with all his power?

He could not help but admire the man, who slowly got up from the crater.

"You have my respect, my foe. Although you almost had me there, do you now realize that even though you seem stronger, you can never defeat me in my ultimate form. After all I--"

"Yeah yeah yeah I heard you all right. But....don't tell me this is all you've got?"

Indra released his aura, surprising Zenith, as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

He couldn't or rather, didn't want to believe that Indra was holding back all this time.

"Indraaaa! I will not lose, not to you, nor to anyone ever! Brace yourself as you're about to see my strongest move ever. Be glad you were the first to ever witness it."

All of a sudden, Zenith's dragon helmet and his chest plate disappeared.

However, if one were to observe closely, they would see the dragon gauntlet glowing and growing bigger in size.

As it grew to a certain size bigger than him, he he pointed it right at Indra.

"Take this! Dragon Fiery blaze!"


A huge red beam, mixed with a hint of golden color resembling the shape of a dragon, roared it's way towards Indra.

"Then, as a token of respect I shall use my strongest move..... slightly."