An Old Friend

Wearing clothes that belonged to the modern era only felt unnatural for Indra at first. However after several days, he had gradually gotten used to it, and even started liking it. The distinguishing aspects to his old and new clothing was the lightness to them.

The old one felt congested at times, as his armor made it heavier and much worse, when he was still training to become a Cosmic Realm warrior.

Now that he no longer needed an armor to protect himself, these clothes were not only light they were many amazing designs when Freddy showed him various clothes on the internet.

Another thing which intrigued him was the way to use technology. Though he was still struggling with the advanced aspects, he had managed to understand the basics of a phone or a computer and how to use it properly.

Thanking his super human brain, and of course Freddy, it only took him about a week or so; which would take a regular human years.

"Seriously, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous." Freddy shrugged as he continued to watch Indra type really quickly. His speed had shocked him so much, he did not come out of his room for a whole day.

"It's no big deal, besides I need to get used to this world. I cannot rely solely on my instincts. I have to gather as much information to live properly in this new world." Indra stated.

Freddy and Indra had chatted many things over this week and a half, and not once had he been able to find out about Indra's origins or any information pertaining to him. If he wanted to hand him over to either Golden Enterprises or DW Industries who welcomed people gifted with powers or other worlders, he needed information about that particular person.

Otherwise, they'd call him delusional or a scammer. Even then, Freddy still felt that it was not right to hand Indra over without his permission.

"Hey Indra, I need to talk to you about something." Freddy decided to tell Indra the truth. He would have to be ready for the worst case scenario.

"You know, the real reason I let you stay over at my apartment right?"

"I do. It's to hand me over right?" Indra smiled as he turned towards Freddy.

"Ho-How did you know?" He stood up with astoundingly.

"After learning much about this world, I began to understand what these so-called companies are, how different organizations earn money, and how they welcome people with extraordinary powers."

Freddy remained silent and continued to listen to Indra.

"Then I remembered a question you asked when we met in the parking lot." Indra responded.

"Wait, what question?"

"Originally, if a person asks if he or she is an otherworlder; and the person says yes, wouldn't any person turn around and run away or call the cops?" Indra raised an eyebrow as he continued to look at Freddy.

Realizing he got caught, he felt ashamed of his actions. For the first time he felt guilty.

He understood that in order to eliminate his personal problems, he was stripping away another person's right to live.

Though people have had a good outlook on companies providing freedom to those who were gifted, there were also rumors that once they joined, they would never be able to live a normal life. In fact, nobody truly knows what those people do once they sign a deal with the top companies. Some turned out to be vigilantes while some worked as mercenaries. Everything was testimonial evidence.

"I'm sorry man."

"Save it, I was going to leave soon anyways. I have gathered enough information to know my next destination. Besides, you helped me quite a bit so I owe you one."

"No, but I cheated you. I was going to call them and strip you of your freedom."

"Fred, if you hadn't apologized, I would have already left without saying goodbye. Since you admitted to your mistake, I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes, so cheer up." Indra patted Freddy's shoulders and assured him. Feeling better, Fred smiled in return and promised himself to never repeat such a mistake again.

"I never asked, how are you so knowledgeable about the computer in particular? I can see others learning the basics, but this thing you taught me call 'hacking', don't you think people would have a hard time?"

"Yeah they would. That's because this used to be my only profession, before I lost my job. I was a hacker in a cyber security company." Freddy responded enthusiastically.

"Then aren't you sad, you lost your job?" Indra asked in confusion.

"No, because my dream is to work at the Golden Enterprises, one of the leading companies in the world. I would die of happiness to just receive an appointment from them." Hearing Freddy ramble off, Indra shook his head.

This man continued on with his endless speeches on hacking and information technology, which Indra understood a little, but concluded that anyone else in his position would not want to socialize with this person.

Indra did not care. He enjoyed Freddy speaking about his true passions and staying committed to it. Such a man was worthy of respect.

"Ok ok, I heard you. Well, I need to head out somewhere, and I'll be officially leaving tomorrow. Once I have enough money, I will pay you back." Indra replied.

"Wait what already? Alright, take care then. I'll send you my account details, for now use my phone." Freddy replied much to his dismay. Although he wanted to decline, he had to pay his rent, otherwise he was in for it from the landlady.

"By the way, where are you going?" Freddy couldn't help but ask.

"Golden Enterprises."

As Indra put on his shoes and was ready to head out, he heard a loud slam as he noticed Freddy run to his room and immediately walk out with new clothes.

"Ha-ha..why..didn't you tell me?"

Indra chuckled and walked out as Freddy followed him out of the apartment. Grabbing a taxi, both of them headed towards their destination.

"At least tell me who you're visiting?" Freddy pleaded with both hands.

"I'll explain when I'm done, till then, shut up." Indra smiled jokingly, shutting Freddy up. Upon reaching the enterprise, they both walked in and headed towards the receptionist.

"Hello sir, welcome to Golden Enterprises, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked politely.

"Hi, my name is Indra and I would like to speak to Mr. Richard Starling please, it's a little urgent."

"I'm very sorry sir, but Mr. Starling is not accepting any appointments today," startling Indra.

"Well, if you do not mind, could you tell me when I can meet him?" Indra asked. Using his super vision he was able to determine that Richard was neither in this building nor in the entire city.

"Mr. Starling was not accepting appointments since yesterday. May I reschedule your appointment to a later date?" Indra politely declined her offer and sat across the reception office, where Freddy was waiting for him.

"So how did it go?" Freddy asked.

"The person I wanted to meet is not here. Well there is still another five hours till they close, so I'm going to be waiting here. Why don't you go home?"

"Nah, I'm going to wait as well. For real though dude, you made half my dream come true already. So, I'll stick around just for a bit longer." Indra chuckled when he noticed Freddy's excitement as he continued to view huge interiors.

Indra continued using his super vision once every thirty minutes to determine if Richard entered New York city. Three hours later, he finally noticed Richard within his vision. His heart thumped really quickly, as sweat started to trickle down his forehead.

Soon enough, a luxurious car pulled over at the entrance. The guards soon opened the door revealing Richard and the others. As soon as he entered, Freddy and Indra both stood up; one with nervousness and the other with excitement.

"It's been awhile Wimpy." Though Indra called out softly, it was loud enough for everyone around around him.

Earlier today, getting his offer rejected by the Sokanon tribe and returning empty handed, Richard told Ema to cancel all his appointments and to be alone in his office.

Just as he entered his building and was ready to head up, he froze completely upon someone's call. His hands were shivering and his hair stood straight as he recalled that name.

There was only one person to ever call him him by that name. Turning around slowly, a man with golden hair and a breathtaking aura appeared in his view.

"How dare you call our boss like that?!" When Ema thought Indra had insulted him, she was ready to throw him out of the building.

She suddenly stopped, when she noticed her boss turn around in tears. Tears? She had seen many emotions from her boss, but tears was the first. Who was this man, to shake Richard up so much?

Richard slowly walked over to Indra, as he too had tears in his eyes. Noticing Indra's change in demeanor, Freddy was frozen stiff like an icicle; words just weren't enough to describe the current situation.

"It's you isn't it, Indra?"

"Ye-yes, my friend. It has truly been a while." Indra said, and soon enough Richard hugged him with all his might, and Indra reciprocated it.

"It's been so long, you've gone ahead and grown old didn't you?" Indra wiped his tears as he parted from Richard.

"Can't help it can-can I? It was a thousand years ago. Even to this day, you still call me Wimpy." Richard laughed immediately after crying.

Indra sighed, as he felt relieved. Unaware of the time that passed since his battle with Daemon, he finally understood that too much time had transpired. Nevertheless, he felt happy when he realized that his true friend was still alive.

Everyone else watching the two talk, were confused; especially Freddy. Alice and Ricardo weren't an exception either. However, Ema understood when she heard the name. The name sounded so distant and yet familiar.

'So this was the person, boss always reminisced about?' There was not a slightest trace of happiness in her eyes. No. What reflected in her eyes at that moment, was absolute fury.

"Where have you been for so long? I heard you were dead? Did you come back from the dead?" Richard started to bombard Indra with all sorts of questions.

"Not here, let's talk it in your office." Realizing his predicament, Richard promptly guided him to his office while Freddy slumped down back in his chair. Today was simply too much for him.