Virtuous and Evil

Having been contacted by Ricardo, Gilbert and Joseph who were at their respective houses, went ballistic.

They rushed over to Indra who was busy dealing with the press.

"Being an employee of this company, what do you think has happened to Mr. Richard Starling?" One of the reporters asked.

"We are still unsure as of now. We have contacted the authorities and they should be here anytime soon. Today, it is my regret to announce that Wimp- Mr. Richard Starling, has passed away. We will be holding a funeral for him as soon as the annual summit ends." Indra replied in return.

"Do you think there is a conspiracy involved? If so, who do you have suspicions against?" Looking towards the reporter, Indra stoically replied:

"Like I just said, I don't plan on doubting anyone. Should there be an ulterior motive, then we demand the authorities to bring justice to us."

Having heard Indra's reply, many people continued to report the words stated by him.

Gilbert and Joseph arrived just in time to send everyone within the building out. Arriving next to Indra, they whispered:

"We have managed to send the people out." Indra nodded and looked towards the reporters who had various questions to answered.

"Sir, who is going to be the next CEO, now that Mr. Richard Starling has passed away?"

Having heard the reporter's question, Joseph and Gilbert smiled in excitement as they looked towards the man next to him.

Indra smiled as well. Not in excitement, but with anticipation. It was time for his enemies to shudder upon his name.

A name which was ready too resound throughout the world and bring upon chaos towards those who sided with evil.

"My name is Indra… Indra Chakravarthy, and I'm the new full time CEO of Golden Enterprises!" The camera clicked stopped, and the usual chattering quieted down.

Everyone's faces were glued to Indra.

The other reporters who were ready to leave, rushed back and began bombarding him with even more questions.

"How was this decided so quickly? Was this planned all along?" Another reported asked, as they eagerly waited for his reply.

"Indeed, I had planned on introducing myself at the annual business summit. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I had decided to reveal it to everyone tonight itself."

"Mr. Indra, what are your plans for the summit tomorrow? After Mr. Richard's passing, don't you think there is going to be a huge drop in the stock market?"

A reporter asked, aware of the sudden complication.

"Everything will be just fine. I would like to thank those who have supported our company and have continued to do so. As for the others, well I just wanted to say, be prepared."

Having said so, he signaled towards Joseph and Gilbert to send the press away.

Leaving the disappointed crowd, Indra walked back in with Joseph's mobile phone in his hand.

"Ms. Olivia Hartley, it's me."

"If it isn't the new CEO Mr. Indra? I am very sorry for your loss." Hearing Olivia's apologetic tone on the other side of the line, Indra simply shook his head.

"Thank you, he meant the world to me." Indra replied.

"Either way, aren't you simply too full of surprises?"

"Well it's nothing much. I'm surprised I didn't see you here, considering how famous NewEra is."

"I did plan on appearing. Instead, my team and I found something very dangerous and plan on making this our news."

Indra narrowed his eyes for a moment until he finally realized what she was on about.

"Is it regarding the cargo?" Olivia was stunned. Her initial doubts turned into absolute conformation.

"So, you did have something to do with that?" She asked incredulously.

"Well? What did you and your team find out?" Indra feigned ignorance, as he simply passed on answering the question.

"We found huge traces of destruction. Moreover, we believe it was manmade destruction since none of the equipment in the cargo were used. If I'm not wrong, there are others like you aren't there?" Quite the clever one indeed.

Indra knew, she would eventually get a whiff of the situation going on.

Though he needed her help, he didn't wish to throw a powerless person into a dark and cruel world.

A world where without strength, one would be crushed mercilessly.

"Aren't you the smart one? Then let me give you a hint, DW-Industries."

"The largest pharma company in the United States? Don't you think it's a bit too farfetched?"

Indra simply chuckled at her question. Oh, she had no idea.

"Why not, and the footage you have of me battling someone in the underground battle arena, has something to do with DW-Industries."

Olivia was totally lost this time.

What on earth did the black market have anything to do with a well renowned company such as DW-Industries?

"I don't follow." Was all she said.

"Look Olivia, why don't I send you some files regarding their history and the experiments they did. Trust me, your opinion for them would take a one-eighty."

"How did you get those?" Oliva asked in disbelief.

"I have my ways, but here's where I need your help. When the time comes, I need you to telecast these files and documents related to them. Would that be doable? I can't seem to trust many people right now."

Olivia remained silent for mere moments before agreeing to his plan.

"Let's keep this between us, shall we?"

"Do I have any other choice?" Indra chuckled at her reply and disconnected the call.

With one plan out of the way, next was to deal with Walter Dinnon.

Dialing another number, a familiar voice entered his ears.

"Freddy, is Walter safe?"


Winston stood still in his place, as he noticed multiple objects flung across the room by someone whom he was very familiar with.

He dodged some of the items thrown towards him and went back to his usual spot.

This was the very first time he had seen his master more furious than ever.

Though his master threw many objects, he didn't dare to touch the TV.

Noticing the golden-haired man on TV who had declared himself as the new CEO, he never expected things to turn out this way.

Nor did he expect his master to muster an emotion, never seen before.

Not him, at least. Extreme fear.

"Why Winston, why the fuck is he alive? I thought he was dead when he fought against Him?"

Aaron gritted his teeth in hatred as he flung the dining table across shattering across the wall.

Adjusting his hair, Aaron sat on the floor and closed his eyes. His chances were almost all gone.

There was no way he can take on a monster like him, despite being at the Cosmic Realm.

Let alone his company, he was unsure of his very own survival.

Why did Indra not kill him all this while? Why was there a need to introduce himself now?

It was then, his eyes widened in shock as he stumbled to get back up.

Winston rushed over with concern, only to be pushed away.

"Winston, he is trying to destroy my company. I think he knows about our drug, HE FUCKING KNOWS!" Aaron screamed as he punched the wall across, blasting a hole right through it.

"Winston, I don't care what you do. I need to know every single thing he has done, since his arrival here in New York city. Wherever our cameras are, use them. Otherwise, hack into the NYPD and find out where and what he has been doing."

Winston nodded and went to fulfill his master's wishes. He now was more than eager to kill Indra and protect his master at all costs.

"It's me Aaron, did you know about this?"

"…" Much to his irritation, there was silence on the other line despite being answered.

"Better answer me, before I change my mind." Hearing his whisper, Ariam responded seriously.

"I did." Was all she said to startle Aaron.

"Are you out of your mind? Why didn't you tell me he was alive?! Do you have any idea, how easily our plans could be destroyed by this man?" Ariam chuckled as she reacted indifferently to his complaints.

"Relax honey, he won't destroy us. We have plenty of time before he actually gets to us. Oh, and just so you know, He is awake."

"W-What did you just say?" Aaron's hands trembled slightly before gripping the phone tightly.

"Haha, I did expect that from you! Yes Aaron, He is awake. He just woke up. He is unable to move, but he is able to respond. And in no time, He will take over the world once again. Not even Indra can stop him this time." With that said, Ariam disconnected the call.

Aaron slouched to the ground, as he lost all hope and willpower. His empire and his painstaking effort was about to be crushed by two major forces.

He felt all this, way too familiar. The imperial era. During those times, he was nothing but the Vice Commander.

Such title meant nothing in front of two behemoths, who had the ability to destroy the world with their full powers.

"Indra and Daemon! I'm not going to let you take what's mine, and I swear I shall become so strong, I will destroy the both of you."

Aaron's eyes flickered with hatred as he gazed out window. With his building in view, he swore to become the conqueror of this world.


Ariam opened a secret metallic reinforced door in her basement, using her secret password.

The moment the door opened, multiple small green lights flickered across the narrow tunnel.

Multiple cages to each side of the tunnel shook immensely. Screams and wailings were heard, as they all begged to be let out.

Some were sane, while some screamed something indecipherable and banged the huge caged doors.

Unfazed, Ariam walked deeper in and was approached by an extremely large, reinforced door.

Made from an unknowingly durable material, the door was very strong.

None, except for someone at the Emperor's realm or higher would be able to destroy or enter in it. Placing her thumb on the scanning device to her right, the door clicked open.

The room within was filled with various huge cylinders.

With green liquid filled, the cylinders bubbled continuously and the various humans within it were all unconscious, or presumably dead.

However, that itself wasn't the most eye-catching part.

Within the center of all the other cylinders, was a cylinder filled with purple liquid.

Within it was a man with long black hair, and had a small beard covering his lower part of the face and a black mask attached to his mouth.

"Lord Daemon!" Hearing her ecstatic call, Daemon who was contained within the huge cylinder, opened his eyes and lifted his head slowly towards her.

"Maria, what… is it?" He asked in a muffled voice.

"Indra has shown himself to the world and Richard is officially dead."

"What about the… demonic crystals?"

"We have received huge amounts of the Dem-Potion. Upon your orders, we will soon begin the transfusion."

"Good work… Maria. Make sure to stay… alert, until I regain… my powers back."

"Thank you, Lord Daemon. What about Indra?" Hearing her question Daemon widened his eyes for a split second.

"Indra… leave him alone. He… He is mine to deal with. Kill… kill all the… others. Soon, this world… will be mine. There… are more… dangerous things than him… out there." Maria was astonished and confused at the same time.

She decided to keep the question to herself. All she cared for was her loved one to wake up.

"As you wish Lord Daemon, and welcome back my love." Daemon closed his eyes and went back to his deep slumber.

Maria exited the secret lab and slowly made her way out elatedly.