Spiraling Out of Control

A few thousand miles away from New York, a huge invisible spaceship landed on an uninhabited island.

Descending to the ground, the spaceship remained afloat a few meters above the ground.

Upon closer inspection, it contained several ash marks on the top of it, indicating traces of a battle that occurred earlier. A one-sided battle that was.

The doors slowly opened revealing three figures in the front, along with fifty other bodyguards in the back who had quite the menacing look in their eyes.

None had a smile on their faces and radiated pure hostility. Especially the young girl in the front.

Her impatience further grew on her, as her sclera turned purple and claws emanated out of her body with a small horn in the middle of her forehead.

Her teeth grew sharper and her mind went on a frenzy.

It was then a hand reached out to her to calm her down. An elderly lady to her right placed a hand on her head and soothed her.

"We're here aren't we child? Just wait till we do our jobs. After that you can have your revenge as much as you want."

The young girl deactivated her form and returned to her usual gorgeous appearance.

"Hpmh! If only that fool was here in front of me, I would've killed him myself." An elderly man to the young girl's left, snorted as he held the cane between his legs.

The elderly lady glared at her husband for the number of mistakes committed on their journey thus far.

"You shut it you old swine! Not only did you blow up one of their satellites for simply being in our way, but you also almost gave our location away to the others! Now, you want to kill that guy instead of letting our granddaughter do it? Now shut it before I shove that stick up your throat!"

The old lady shook her head as the elderly man finally shut his mouth.

"Enough grandmother. I know grandfather is thinking for me and my wellbeing, but this is my revenge and mine alone."

The grandmother looked proudly at her granddaughter and pitied the person who had the guts to go against her.

The trio walked down the stairs and were greeted by multiple people armed with various guns and other weapons.

Their strength was not any less to the people opposite to them. The weakest was at the middle stage of King's Realm.

Having expected them, Winston walked up and slightly bowed to them.

Noticing his butler attire with white gloves on his hands, the trio were able to identify this person.

A man with short black hair, and a tattoo engraved to his cheek with the letter 'A' on it, proved it all the more evident. The loyal dog of Aaron.

"Welcome Ms. Selna, Mr. Luther and Ms. Luna. It is a pleasure to have you here on earth. Follow me and I shall guide you to our cruise." Selna calmly scanned his strength.

Not too surprised of his strength, she smirked briefly before returning to her usual calm demeanor.

"So, the loyal dog has come here to pick us up. Very well then, take us to your cruise and it better be worth it."

Winston simply smiled at Luther's ramblings and guided them to the very large cruise which was in their sight several meters away from them.

The trio along with their subordinates, got on the cruise, and headed straight for New York City.

"Ms. Selna, we have provided suites for you all to stay at our very own hotel. If you require any assistance, do contact me or my staff. They'd be happy to help you."

Impressed by the cruise and the hospitality Luna walked around the cruise and gazed at the beautiful ocean as birds flew across the horizon.

Despite the amazement, her mind was unable to remain placid.

Continuous images of Indra appeared as if he was ready to battle. Subconsciously, she desired power at his level.

Power where one could be unhindered and free from the fear of others, without having the thought to be stronger than oneself.

Gripping the railing tightly, she smiled when she recollected her new powers she gained back at her planet.

Once she ingested the potion given to her by her grandmother, her power directly rose to the early stages of Emperor's realm.

Shocked by the power of the potion, she was informed by Selna that it was given to her by a man named Aaron many years ago, when they first visited earth on their way home.

Amazed of its latent capabilities, she turned obsessed about its process and desired for more.

A stern warning from her grandmother made her realize it's terrifying side effects.

Should she consume more of it immediately without increasing the one's cultivation power, one could end up dying from it.

So, she trained until she reached the King's realm and consumed the old demonic potion.

Back at the cabin suites, Luther took a puff from his cigar and laid on his bed restlessly.

Contrarily, Selna was on the phone with Aaron and their conversation about the new Dem-Potion seemed to be going on and on.

Another deal with him further excited Selna.

"What you're trying to tell me is that the side effects of this potion is lesser than the ones you gave us a decade ago?" Selna was unable to mask her astonishment.

She licked her lips crudely and thought of the possibilities of attaining far greater power. A realm beyond the currently known realm.

"Indeed, it is possible. However, the potion is very potent and we have tested it on a person who was at the peak Emperor's realm. The result, he went insane and turned into mummified demon. It all depends on the person's talent and willpower." Selna narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

If the side effects were lessened, wouldn't it be easier to ingest the potion? What was he getting at?

"Surely, we could always discuss this in a much professional way." Aaron remained silent momentarily before chuckling over the line.

A business deal with two brainy people never went well.

"Being our important guests, we think of your safety as our top priority. Then again, these potions have yet to be tested on innocent people."

Aaron responded, not wanting to give further room for negotiation.

He seemed to have underestimated Selna's skills in conniving.

"Why innocent people? I can provide some of my men to do the dirty work for you. In exchange we would like to have some of your potions. Trust me, I can provide you with many things, you wouldn't deny."

Aaron bit his lips on the other side of the line. He had fell into this woman's trap.

Surely, he had the ability to outright reject her. He had the golden eggs, while she was the bargainer.

Unfortunately, she was very important in today's business summit and angering the old couple would further destroy his plans.

Two Cosmic Realm cultivators was something he would never be able contend against.

He lacked the manpower and Maria wasn't the type to selflessly help him.

"A hundred cultivators." Aaron squeezed the words out of his mouth forcefully.


"I need hundred cultivators that are at Emperor's Realm or higher. They must be loyal to me at all times and must obey me. Should you agree to it, I shall provide you with ten vials of the new Dem-Potion."

"Oh, Mr. Aaron that's why it's so much fun doing business with you. You have my word, in a few weeks' time, I shall send a hundred cultivators of your preference. With that, our deal has been concluded. See you soon!"

Selna disconnected the call and threw the phone at the small table next to her.

"Hey old man, we've just gotten another chance to grow stronger!" Noticing her excitement, the old man got up from his bed and smiled brightly.

When it came to strength, this couple were on the same wavelength.

"Hmph, obviously! You're the wife of this great Luther. It was no wonder you were able to lock a deal with him this quickly!"

The man held his head high in pride, unaware of the death glare his wife threw at him.

"You mean the husband of this great Selna. You're just so silly sometimes."

With that, the couple's bickering began as they completely forgot about the huge deal they just made.

Aaron cursed at the old woman in his mansion as he broke his twentieth mobile phone.

Despite the deal, his face contorted in fury and hatred towards many things.

Having congested the new Dem-Potion, his realm hadn't increased one bit and stagnated at the initial stage of Cosmic Realm.

He understood his talent as well as his limits. Unlike Daemon, his low talent wasn't able to increase his powers or create a huge faction like him.

When it came to Daemon or Indra, he was nothing but an insect. Moreover, his ability to control others was slithering away from his grasp.

Everything around him felt out of his reach. That made his mind all the more unstable. Inferiority, he hated it and superiority was something he dreamt of.

Being able to control others with but a thought was something he desired. He needed more power and now the new Dem-Potions were not of use to him.

He needed far greater power and the only way to attain it, was to gain Daemon's blood and kill him.

The odds of killing Daemon was one in a million or far greater than that.

Aware of the farfetched idea, he felt that he had no choice but to enact this plan.

Once the hundred cultivators all drank the Dem-Potion, his army and his overall morale and strength would leap to higher levels.

In the end, was it because he wanted people to follow him?

No, he wanted to be stronger than all those whom he feared and hated.

Despite his cruelty and barbaric acts, Aaron sincerely trained until he was at his limits.

Once he stepped foot into Cosmic Realm, such training was deemed useless.

His mind was thrown into chaos. His only solace was the demonic crystals.

He had hoped for his rise in power, and yet it failed him today.

His two obstacles were Indra and Daemon. The thought working with Indra was practically impossible, and Daemon would've seen right through his plans.

"Wait a minute, working with Indra?" Aaron stood up from his couch as his eyes widened of the possibilities of working with Indra.

Unlike Daemon, who gave no room for negotiations, Indra was the kind and righteous type.

If he had Indra's help, then attaining Daemon's blood would no longer be a dream.

Moreover, he had very little time until Daemon's complete revival.

He had to take his chances no matter what. The more the options, the better at his survival.

"Seems like it wouldn't hurt to make a deal with him. Once the summit ends, I shall start my plan." His frown took a 180 and smiled evilly as he found hope within his plans.

Should his plans succeed, he would be killing two birds with one stone.

His mind would finally attain peace, with the deaths of Indra and Daemon.