The Annual Business Summit (Part 1)

The sun's rays pierced New York city, and descended upon Freddy's bed. Feeling the heat crawl up his skin, he slowly opened his eyes and groggily sat on his bed.

As he was about to fall back to sleep, a hand grabbed hold of him and threw him into the bathroom.

Opening his eyes wide, he noticed it to be none other than Indra himself.

Freddy yelped in pain as he firmly landed in the bathtub.

"Are you serious? You could've just woke me up slowly!" Indra's chuckle further angered Freddy as he cursed out louder.

"I woke your sorry little self so many times and yet you didn't budge the slightest. The rest is pretty self-explanatory."

"And do pray tell me, what was the rush to have me woken up at 8 fucking am in the morning?" Indra raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Despite telling him last night, this man lacked the slightest sense of urgency.

It was until he noticed Indra's blue suit, did he finally remember today's most important event.

Smiling sheepishly Freddy closed the door hurriedly without uttering a word.

Today was the day where many things were bound to change.

Indra thought of all the possibilities of dangers lurking from every corner.

The enemies he would have to face and the people he needed to save. Everything was taken into consideration.

Signing the deal with Falcon Steels was not of importance.

Knowing that a crime was to occur soon enough, was more terrifying than the unknown.

He knew he had to be prepared and thus made his own preparations. All that was left, was to enact it successfully.

Freddy stepped out of the bathroom and noticed Indra lost in thought, in front of the mirror.

"Are you dazzled by your own appearance?" Freddy let out a loud laugh and brought Indra back from his thoughts.

"Not really, was just thinking about my new abilities." Having heard Indra's new gain in power, Freddy was amazed by it's capabilities and immediately deduced it's similarities.

"It's very similar to nuclear fusion isn't it?" Indra turned around, surprised by Freddy's reply.

All this while, he believed his powers to be something beyond the origins of science in this world.

He thought of mana, or also known as the unknown energy to be something inexplainable by science. His thoughts were proven wrong, however.

Indra lauded at Freddy's great mind. He too had heard of nuclear fusion over the internet.

"Wait, a sun undergoes nuclear fusion when four hydrogen atom are squeezed so tightly, it creates a helium atom correct?" Freddy nodded as he continued to change into his office attire.

"Exactly. When that occurs, it creates energy and thus becomes a star. Your supposed core is much similar to how the star works."

Indra nodded in enlightenment as he finally understood the principles of his core. However, there still remained a question within his mind.

"But in order to become a star, isn't mass also a consideration factor?" He asked doubtfully.

Principally, in order to become a star, mass was one of the most important foundations and Indra was just like any other human. In front of a star, his size was minuscule.

By right he should've lacked the ability to develop a mini core, or for fusion to take place in his body.

Freddy placed a finger on his chin and deeply thought of it for several seconds before attaining a theoretical answer.

"I might be wrong since I have not done any research on it. My guess is that it has to do something with your mana. When you were pulled into the sun, your body must have mutated and developed similar attributes to that of a star. Being alive after getting exposed to such radiation is already a miracle."

Freddy hid the fact that Indra was just a monster. Simply a monster. Not only did he survive it, but becoming much stronger was something inconceivable.

His view of Indra overlapped with that of a mini star.

After speaking to Freddy, Indra had gotten a better understanding of his core and how his abilities stemmed similar to a neutron star.

"Well then I guess have a few hundred billion years before I implode into a black hole or explode into a supernova." Hearing him, Freddy stared at Indra in horror.

"Ok that was stupid of me, I'm sorry." Indra pleaded Freddy.

"Don't ever say that, I almost shat my pants. But speaking of it, maybe it might be different for you." Freddy counter argued.

"What do you mean?" Indra asked curiously.

"Imagine if you had a self-sustaining core fueled with mana, wouldn't that practically provide nigh infinite energy?" Freddy was perplexed, and Indra stared at Freddy blankly before laughing his way out.

"I don't think so man. Trust me, all those who were born are bound to perish one day. I would much rather die than living an eternal life."

"Immortality does sound sweet to me though. Lucky you!" Freddy glared at Indra and left him speechless.

"You don't even know that you fool! Stop acting like you're Einstein. You need a few more brains, before you go on thinking like him."

"Well, you never know. I am an Einstein when it comes to hacking though. Besides, what's wrong with immortality? You wouldn't age, and the fear of death would never haunt you." Indra eye's flickered as he recalled the many years of his life.

The pain of losing the ones you loved was the worse. Especially his parents. Should be become immortal, it would be nothing but a curse. A curse he never wished to have.

Deep down, he had a feeling that he stopped aging the moment the core was born in his body. He silently prayed for it to not be true.

"Hey Indra, are you ok?" Freddy walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Oh, and thanks for letting Richard be here." Indra said as he wore his blue coat on.

"Not at all and don't worry about it." Freddy frowned when he heard a snore in the other room.

"What's wrong?" Indra asked.

"Why did you bring the other guy? He's so rude and cocky, ordering me around like I'm his servant. Geez!" Freddy folded his shirt sleeves as he prepared to charge at the man in the other room.

"I brought Richard and Walter here because no one would ever suspect them to be here of all places. Despite us being close, they would never imagine us hiding two important people in a rundown apartment." Freddy nodded in agreement.

"What about my apartment rent? If that apartment lady found out I brought two more people in, she is going to kill me. Indra, just get Walter out of here, I beg you."

"Fine. After paying your rent for the next one year in advance, I thought maybe you would agree. Seems like I have no other choice." Noticing Indra's 'dejected' look, Freddy was astonished.

"Wait of course they can stay! You never told me you paid my rent." Freddy smiled gleefully, as he thought about his future savings.

"Perfect, I'll be leaving first and make sure to be ready. Tonight, is going to be dangerous." Freddy noticed Indra leave with a hint of sadness in his eyes. His smile lacked the usual authenticity.

Though Freddy had no idea as to what kind of a life Indra lived back then, all he cared was for him to be happy. Indra being his very first friend meant a lot to him and he swore to be there for him at all times.


The sun set as darkness took over the light, and the buildings were lit up, illuminating the dark city.

The 25th annual business summit was underway. Businessmen, VIP's, and other celebrities entered the Rockefeller plaza .

People and media were crowded outside and anticipated for most important guests to arrive. Today, the FDA would arrive to sign the patent for the release of the new drug by DW-Industries.

Moreover, today was also the day where two major companies would sign a deal and become affiliated partners.

This two big news caught the attention of many throughout the world. The management officials of the plaza managed to contain the crowd from letting them enter.

Giving way to other limousines and cars, many important people entered in with different ambitions. There was another news which others looked forward to.

The new CEO of Golden Enterprises. Mysteriously making his way into the corporate world, they were all curious as to who this person was.

Indeed, many had done background checks on him and found nothing, much to their surprise.

At times when no information was found was when the rumors tended to be at it's peaks.

Some placed their hopes on him, while some couldn't agree to him being the CEO.

Some were simply too loyal to Richard Starling, while some simply wanted him dead.

The forums and other social media websites were all willing to see this man's abilities in the future.

Soon, a white limousine appeared with a grey wolf symbol on it. Baring it's fangs, the commotion quieted down and waited for the person to reveal himself.

Upon noticing Aaron, everyone cheered for him and tried to rush towards him.

Wearing a white tuxedo with a black outline, he waved his hands towards the crowd.

The crowd went wilder upon his wave and the media took pictures and videos of his appearance nonstop.

It was then another limousine rolled over with a beautiful woman getting out of the car.

Stunned by her beauty, the photographers took pictures of her as the crowd begged for her autograph.

Waving her hand, Maria walked towards Aaron who maintained his stolidity in front of the crowd.

After all, they both were bound to be business partners in the future. Self-esteem was important for a person like Aaron.

"You look gorgeous Ariam." Aaron replied as he hugged her.

Having worn a red dress with a rose attached to the left of her dress, she managed to garner everyone's attention unto herself.

"Thank you, Aaron. You're not looking too bad yourself." Aaron internally cursed and praised her acting abilities.

The entertainment industry would've been at their knees for her. Her level of façade was on another level.

Putting is arm out, Maria grabbed onto his hand and walked in with Winston and Ema following from behind.

"So, you were the one who fought me the other day. I must say, that was some impressive speed Ms. Ema." Winston's praise further irked Ema as she continued to maintain her disguise. Ema's betrayal came as a pleasent surprise to him.

"You are not strong enough." She responded as she masked her killing intent.

"Why don't we battle again sometime? This time, without any interruptions." Richard smiled as he walked alongside her and entered the plaza.

"I'm quite surprised he told you a lot of information. Especially his abilities. Quite the fatal mistake he made. One must never reveal his own abilities." Winston continued on with his conversation.

"Or that he is too cocky for his own good, thinking himself to be the top of this world. I don't believe in all that space nonsense. There is no one stronger than master and Him." She cockily replied.

Winston remained calm as he smiled at her foolish antics.

Just like her, many underestimated Aaron and his intelligence. It was only a matter of time before everything was under his control.

And Winston would be ready to see and serve his lord who would reign as the strongest in this world.

Suddenly, Aaron and his group sensed a small rise in energy and turned around towards the entrance.

Stepping out the car, a golden-haired man and a blond woman made their dazzling appearances.

Stunned by their looks, the crowd almost believed them to be a couple made in heaven.

With the him and his partner making their way in, Indra's eyes landed towards a woman whom he never expected to be alive.
