A Much Needed Rest (Part 1)

Momo stared out at the crystal clear lake. She's been to the ocean more times than she could count. However, she's never seen anything as beautiful as this. The water was calm. Animals could be seen on the other side of the lake running around. Shoto walked up next to her friend. "...It's hard to believe that this is only a few hours away from Santa Cruz…" Momo nodded. Kirishima, Jason, and Chris were unpacking the tents. Mina was reading the assembly instructions. "Did we really have to get such giant tents?" Momo turned to her. "You didn't buy them." Chris looked over at Mina. "And you're not assembling it." Mina looked back and forth between them. "You two are so mean."

Kirishima hardened his hand and began to pound the large stake into the ground, pinning his corner of the tent. Jason activated his disgust, causing his hand to become consumed in green energy. Then he slammed his stake into the ground. Chris only needed 3% of One for All to pound the third stake into the ground. Momo created a large hammer and gently pounded the final stake into the ground. Shoto and Mina ensured the internal rods were connected. The tent stayed up. Mina smiled at Kirishima. "You're really good at this stuff." Kirishima smiled with a slight blush. "My father used to take me camping all the time. You do something every year and you never forget." Jason began opening the second box. "We still have another tent to pitch."

Later, Kirishima was backing his truck up. Jason and Chris were guiding him to make sure the boat didn't turn away from the boat run. As promised, Shoto had bought a boat. It wasn't too big: just enough to comfortably carry the six friends. The boat rested in the water. Chris was quick to undo the chains from the boat trailer. Jason hopped into the boat and backed it away from the shore. Mina quickly hopped in. "I wanna ride!" Jason snickered. "You're such a child." Mina sat in one of the seats. "Don't care." Jason, with slight difficulty, drove the boat up to their private pier spot that Momo had rented for two weeks. Shoto was waiting. Jason tossed some rope to her. She grabbed it and froze. "...What am I supposed to do with this?" Jason looked up. "We tie the boat to the pier so it doesn't float away." "Oh, ok. How do I tie this?" "...I actually don't know." Kirishima jogged up to them. "I got it." He took the rope from Shoto and tied the back of the boat to the pier. Then he went to the front and did the same thing. "There. Now it's not going anywhere."

Mina drank some water. The sun had set and their campfire was roaring. She happily sighed and looked at her friends. They were all cooking smores and the two couples were cuddling with each other. Mina looked to Shoto's left and giggled a little bit. The others slowly looked over and laughed a little. Shoto was confused. Then she looked to her left. Kirishima was holding a marshmallow over her left side. Shoto glared at him and grabbed the marshmallow, activating her fire. The sweet was then turned into a crisp. Kirishima sadly looked at the now black marshmallow. The rest of the group laughed even louder.

The next day, All Might walked through the very narrow hallway. Despite losing his quirk, he was wearing his baggy silver age costume. The cape dragged on the ground behind him and the sleeves nearly overcame his hands. The massive blast doors opened in front of him. Behind several inches of glass was All for One. The villain smiled, sensing All Might's presence. "Hello, Toshinori." "All for One." The former Number One Hero sat down in the visitor chair. The blast doors closed behind him. A security guard's voice came over the intercom. "All Might, you have 10 minutes with him." All Might nodded at the one way mirror and looked back at All for One. "You owe me answers." "Oh? I didn't realize that I owed you answers after you destroyed my face and body. Was that not good enough?" All Might wasn't in the mood for games. "Shigaraki: what is he planning?" All for One smiled. "Nothing much yet. But given the timetable he set for himself, you don't have much time. Since we're on the topic, how is everyone doing out there?" Before All Might could think of an answer, the security guard spoke again. "All Might, we're restricting his knowledge of the outside world. Don't tell him anything." All for One sighed, still smiling. "They've been doing that for months now. However, I can guess what's happening. Panic is probably setting into the general population. Crime rates are most likely increasing across the country without a Symbol of Peace to keep people in line." All for One's smile grew larger. "And the League of Villains have probably been avoiding you at every turn as they build up their arsenal and continue onward with Shigaraki's plans." All Might's eyes narrowed. He couldn't and wouldn't admit to it, but All for One was 100% accurate.

All Might knew that asking All for One for information was useless, but there was one thing that All Might knew: All for One loved to talk. "So All for One, why did you turn Shigaraki into a villain?" All for One lost his smile, primarily out of confusion. "Turn into? I don't understand what you mean, All Might. We choose to be villains just as easily as you all choose to be heroes." All Might narrowed his eyes. "That's not what I meant. I meant why did you choose Shigaraki specifically." "Oh, I see what you mean." All for One smiled a little bit. "It's actually a really petty reason. I was trying to think about what would hurt you the most?" All Might thought he understood. "His quirk. You chose Shigaraki because his quirk had a real chance at beating me." "Oh, it didn't matter what quirk he had. I chose him because I wanted to inflict as much emotional pain on you as possible." It was All Might's turn to be confused. All for One explained a little bit more. "All Might, I'm surprised you didn't recognize him."

All for One's smile grew once more. "He's the grandson of your teacher, Nana Shimura. He's Tenko Shimura."