The 2nd Sports Festival (Part 1)

Ms. Harper woke up and started cleaning the house. She turned on the television as she plugged the vacuum in. She wasn't used to being alone at home. She had a few friends that she would hang out with, and had even befriended some of the parents of other students at UA. However, she missed Chris. She didn't want to guilt him into staying over more, but she missed her only son. She even missed Jason. He wasn't her biological son, but she had been the only person who he had confided in. She even thought of him as a second son. However, neither of them had called or texted in the last few days. She just assumed that working in the Nighteye Agency meant that they were very tired. She would do her best to be patient. That was until she glanced at the news on television. Apparently there had been a huge battle in Los Angeles. It wasn't the destruction that had caught her attention; it had been the headline. It read 'Hero In Training "Impact" defeats Cosa Nostra Leader'. The anchorwoman was reading from a script that described the events along with shaky camera footage from someone's phone in a nearby apartment complex. "Thank's Patricia. Now, shown here is the Raid party, led by the pro hero Nighteye, along with other powerful heroes, including Fatgum and the Number Nine Hero Ryukyu. They were attacked by a giant man who had broken through the front of the Cosa Nostra headquarters." Ms. Harper, despite the distance the camera was from the group, immediately recognized Chris and Jason as they led the charge inside. She dropped her vacuum as she stared at the screen. "An hour later, shown here in the footage, the battle takes to the streets as a hero in training from UA Chris Harper, going by the name 'Impact', saves a little girl from the Cosa Nostra leader; a man named Overhaul." Ms. Harper went pale as she saw Chris land on the ground, holding a little white-haired girl in his arms. Then a lumbering, several story tall monster lumbered out of the giant pit. The poor mother was forced to watch as Chris powered up his quirk, being consumed in green energy. When the monster attacked him, he vanished. Then the monster was flung into the air. Chris had seemingly teleported to him, but Ms. Harper knew enough about fighting to know that he had moved faster than the speed of light. Then he shot himself into the air. The camera aimed upwards. Chris couldn't be seen from that high up, but the shockwaves from his punches could be seen. Then a shockwave hit the buildings that shattered the glass windows. The monster came crashing down into the pit as Chris landed on the ground, seemingly unharmed. He raised his fist into the air, mimicking All Might's victory pose. Ms. Harper immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Chris.

Jason, Chris, and Mirio entered the Nighteye Agency. Not a single one of them spoke. They quietly went to their desks and packed their things. After a few minutes, Chris broke the silence. "...You got anywhere else to go, Mirio?" The sidekick smiled. "The Ryukyu Agency picked me up as a self defense instructor. Neijiri said all of my UA training shouldn't go to waste just because I lost my quirk. Where will you guys go?" Chris shrugged. "We'll ask around different agencies, but until we get picked up again, we'll be stuck at UA." There was a knock. Fatgum stood there. He had gotten a new parka and his fat had regenerated. "Hey guys. Mind if I come in?" They all shook their heads. Fatgum looked into Nighteye's office. "...he was a good man." The trio nodded in agreement. Fatgum took a deep breath. "I know it's a bit soon, you two, but I have an offer for you guys." Jason and Chris looked at each other before Jason shifted his gaze back to the pro hero. "An offer?" "You two did an amazing job at the raid. I wanted to invite you guys to come work for my agency." Jason and Chris both looked at each other and nodded. Chris smiled. "We're in." Fatgum smiled. "Good to hear." Chris's phone had finished turning on, which resulted in a nonstop stream of notifications. He gave a worried glance to Jason, who smiled. "Let me guess; mom?" He nodded. Jason's phone also finished turning on. There were less notifications than Chris, but there were still a few. Jason sighed. Fatgum and Mirio had snuck away. Chris picked up his phone and called his mother. She picked up immediately. "...Hi mom-" "Chris! I was so worried! Why didn't you-" Chris took the phone away from his ear, temporarily deafened. Jason started to turn away, but Chris grabbed his arm. They would suffer through this together.

Shoto was waiting in front of the 2A Dorm with the rest of the class. Even their teacher, Pres Mic, was there. They were all waiting for Chris to return from Los Angeles. He was running late due to him and Jason insisting on coming back with Momo, Mina, and Kirishima. Finally, at eight in the evening, Momo's limo rolled up and parked. Chris stepped out of the limo and was bombarded by cheers and questions. Shoto was also curious, but she knew that Chris would answer her questions later. She instead ran up and threw her arms around her boyfriend. Jason smiled. "Hey there, beautiful." Shoto smiled and kissed him. "I heard you were amazing." "I would like to think so, but Chris was phenomenal." Shoto noticed that Mina and Kirishima were holding hands. "...Are they…?" "Yep. It only took Kirishima's near death experience to bring them together, but they are finally together." The four friends walked inside while Chris, with Momo and Pres Mic's help, tried to appease the hyperactive crowd.

The next day, Chris sat in his seat with a yawn. "I'm so tired…" Kirishima turned around in his seat, looking directly at Momo. "What did you do to him?" Momo, understanding what the redhead was implying, glared daggers at him. "Not at all what he meant. Chris simply had a hard time sleeping due to all of the questions yesterday." Kirishima smirked. "But how did you know that was the issue unless you were with him all night?" Momo's face turned bright red. Mina turned in her seat to face Momo. "Busted." Pres Mic entered the room. "Hello 2A students!" The class quieted down and faced the front of the room. The teacher put his hands on his hips. "Alright, I know you all have been working very hard at your agencies these last two months." he looked at the back of the class, where Jason, Chris, Kirishima, Mina, and Momo sat. "Some of you more than others. But we have come full circle, and it is now that time of year again!" The class looked around the room at each other. Then Chris realized what was happening. "Oh son of a-" "It's time for this year's Sport's Festival!"