2. Saving Harry

sorry I started reading a different book but now I'm back to this story.

George was driving the car with Fred in the front next to him and me and Ron in the backseat of the car. Their father had got an old car and made it so it could fly. He loved muggle things such as cars. On the car he put an invisibly button so if he flew it he could go with out being seen by muggles.

We pulled up outside Harry's house on Privet drive early the morning of the fourth of August. Harry had been asleep but then Ron talked to him from the window trying to get him to wake up. After a few minutes Harry woke up looking very confused because his room was on the second floor.

"Ron? Hunter?" he asked

"All right Harry?" George asked.

"whats been going on? Why haven't you been answering my letters? I've asked you to stay multiple time then dad came home and said you'd got an official warning for using magic in front of muggles-" Ron was cut off by Harry.

"it wasn't me but how did he know?"

"He works for the ministry idiot." I said to him.

"you know we can't use magic outside of school." Ron said.

"you should talk." said Harry looking at the floating car.

"This doesn't count." Ron said "but doing magic in front of those muggles you live with."

"I told you I didn't. look can you them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys looked me up and won't let me out? I obviously can't magic myself out because the ministry will think thats my second spell in three days-"

"Stop talking." I say. "they have come to bring you home with them."

"you can't magic me out either." Harry said.

"idiot." I say again. tying the rope around the bars on his window.

"if the Dursleys wake up im dead."

"Don't worry" George said "and stand back."

Harry moved away from the window. The car revved and revved then it pulled the vars straight off the window. We pulled the bars into the car and then George moved the car close to the window. Ron told Harry to get in but Harry started freaking out that all of his stuff was in the cupboard under the stairs and that he can't get out of his room.

George told him it was no problem as he climbed in the room. George used a hairpin to unlock the door. The twins said they will get the stuff from downstairs while anything Harry needed from this room he should hand out to us in the car. Finally they got all the stuff from downstairs and brought it up loading it in to the car.

Just as Harry was getting into the car there was a loud screech from behind him. The from inside the house. "That ruddy owl!"

then Harry said "I've forgotten Hedwig" he was coming back into the car when his uncle banged on the door making it fall open. He looked confused at first then he dived for Harry grabbing his ankle. We all pulled him as hard as we could making his leg slip free and George stepped on the gas getting us out of there.

"See you next summer!" Harry yelled at them. "how did you know something was wrong?"

"I saw in your head and saw the bars on your window therefore I told Ron we came up with this plan to get you out. Yay." I said looking annoyed.

On the ride Harry told us all about Dobby, who I knew was a Malfoy house elf, telling him to stay away from Hogwarts. I knew I would have to tell Draco when I saw him again.

Fred says "well house elfs have strong magic but usually can't use it without their master telling them to. You don't have anyone at school who had something against you do you?"

Ron and Harry were both just like "Draco Malfoy." I rolled my eyes as they said this because I knew Draco nor his father would send a house elf to threaten Harry to stay out of school.

"Not Lucius Malfoys son right?" Fred asked. "Because dad tells us he was a big supporter of you-know-who. Then when You-Know-Who disappeared Malfoy said he didn't mean any of it but dad reckons he was in his inner circle."

"Hey you guys know I'm in Slytherin and that Draco Malfoy is my best friend right?" I said to them.

George looks apologetic. "Sorry Hunter I mean I thought I was your best friend but..."

I run my hand through his hair and smile at him. "no George but I do like you a lot. I think you're funny and smart and sweet and adorable." I nod at him as he blushes.

They talk about Arthur Wesley's job and how he would have to arrest himself if he raided his own house because of the missuse of muggle artifacts such as the car. Finally Fred said we were only about ten minutes away now.

The twins were telling Ron and Harry to go upstairs quietly and when their mom called them down for breakfast she would be so happy that she wouldn't care how Harry got there. As we were walking across the yard we all stopped as we saw Mrs. Weasley looking angry walking toward us.

She yelled at them about how worried she had been. "Beds empty! No note! car gone- could have crashed- you wait until your father gets home" then she told Harry how eased she was to see him. Then after her yelling some more we went in for breakfast.

I sat next to George as we started eating. Ginny popped in in her nightgown and screamed as she ran back out. Ron said "Ginny my sister she's been talking about you all summer."

"Yeah she wants your autograph Harry." Fred said as his mother glared at him making him stare at his food again. The twins wanted to sleep but their mom said they could go de-gnome the garden. Harry wanted to watch.

After a while of de-gnoming Mr.Weasley came home. He told us there were nine raids and some of the things he found last night. He started to get yelled at by his wife saying he should not have lied about the car. He started apologizing. She told him Harry arrived this morning after his sons drove the car.

He was shocked when he saw Harry. Then he said to his sons "you flew that car all the way to his house? How did it go?" then he saw his wife's eyes glaring at him then he said "that was very wrong boys. Very wrong indeed."

We all went upstairs because we were tired. Harry stopped at Ginny's door and she slammed it on him. "guess I'm sleeping with you George." I said looking at him.

He rolled his eyes but nodded. Ron and Harry went upstairs to Ron's room and I layed on the floor in George's room and he said I could have the bed. I smiled and hugged him taking the bed and falling asleep pretty quickly.