3. Diagon Alley

Some nights I would sleep in Ginnys room but most nights I would stay with George. A few nights he would sleep in bed with me because the floor was so hard. We were there for about two weeks we would play quidditch some days and other days the twins would make pranks.

I was supposed to sleep in Ginny's room so I had to wake up early  the day before we went to Diagon Alley and we went to Rons room and we were ready to go to Diagon Alley to get our books for the upcoming year which including 'the standard book of spells grade 2' 'break with a banshee 'gadding with ghouls' 'holidays woth hogs' 'travels with trolls' 'voyages with vampires' 'wondering with werewolves' and 'year with the yeti most were written by Gilderoy Lockhart.

I assumed he must be the new defense against the dark arts teacher since Quirell was gone. The twins thought it must be a witch but I thought it was the man himself.

Before we left Ron finally got a response from Hermione. She said she hoped Harry was alright and she was going to be there to buy books today.

We were going to travel using floo powder. Even though Harry had no idea how to use it. Mrs.Weasley suggested Ron go first to show him. So Ron stepped in the fireplace and said very clearly "Diagon Alley"

Mrs.Weasley said " you must say it very clearly."

So Harry went next and said "Diagonnelly" the twins went next and then me. I knew Harry said it wrong so I tried to find him. I knew that he probably landed somewhere near here. George just grabbed me and told me to calm down we would find him. While waiting we did find Hermione and I hugged her.

After a couple minutes we saw Hagrid come around the corner with Harry. Hermione quickly fixed Harry's glasses. Fred and George asked where he ended up and Harry told them knockturn alley they were impressed because they were never allowed to go there.

Harry said "guess who was in Borgin and Burkes?"

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Malfoy and his father."

"Did Lucius Malfoy buy anything? " Mr.Weasley asked.

"No he was selling" Harry said.

"So he is worried I would love to get Lucius Malfoy for something." Mr.Weasley said.

"Be careful Arthur. That family is trouble." His wife said.

I was annoyed hearing them talk about my best friend's family like that. I mean I knew my uncle didn't like the family either because the worked with Voldemort but that didn't mean they were bad people.

Mr.Weasley forgot all about this when he saw Hermione's parents thinking it was so amazing they were trading mugglw money for wizard money.

We all went our separate ways to buy the stuff we needed and to see our friends from Hogwarts. I stayed with George for a while but then went back to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Then after an hour we went to buy our school books. When we got there we saw Gilderoy Lockhart signing his new book today.

Mrs.Weasley was so excited because she loved him. Hermione did too. The photographer was running around taking pictures of him. When he saw Harry and myself his eyes lit up and told us to join him. The photographer was so happy and took pictures of us. At some point I looked up and saw Draco standing on the balcony above us. He was glaring at Harry but when he saw me he smiled.

Eventually we got away from Lockhart and got to the edge of the room. He put his books in Ginny's new cauldron. "I will buy my own" he mumbled.

"Bet you loved that didn't you Potter? Famous Harry Potter can't even go into a bookstore without making the front page? " Draco came down the steps saying to Harry.

"Leave him alone!" Ginny said as she stepped in front of him. My body did its natural reaction as it stepped in front of Draco.  "Its fine we aren't trying to fight. Right Draco?" He didn't Answer but his hand was on my back.

He whispered to me "is that Potter's new girlfriend? "

Ron came over and asked if Draco was surprised to see Harry and Draco couldn't hold back any longer he said "not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop. I bet your family won't eat for a month with all those books."

"Draco." I looked at him. Ron looked ready to fight and he was coming at Draco but Harry stopped him and Mr.Weasley told us to go outside. Mr.Weasley and Mr.Malfoy started arguing when we got outside.

Mr.Malfoy said "whats the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" I grabbed Draco and we were just watching this unfold.

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces  the name of wizard Malfoy."

"Clearly." Mr.Malfoy said.

After this the Malfoys left. Before leaving Draco hugged me and said he would see me at school.

After that we went back to the Weasley house and I just went upstairs because I wasn't a fan of Mr. And Mrs.Weasley who thought so lowly and talked so badly about the Malfoys. I liked the twins and Ron and that's all that mattered.