4. My birthday and the trip back

I stayed there for almost a week after our trip to Diagon Alley. It was me and the twins and we would play quidditch most days.

After about a week on September 1st, my birthday, I woke up early that morning with George having a cake in my face.

"Hey George whats that?" I look at him.

"Your birthday cake. Today is your birthday right?" He looked nervous.

I just nod at him and take the cake.

"Its chocolate with cream cheese frosting." He said.

I stare at it and it looks delicious. I start to eat a piece and George just stares waiting for me to say something. "Itz really good." I say while eating. He just smiled. "Please tell me there isn't a joke or prank inside that will make me sick or grow warts?"

He just smiled. "Hunter I wouldn't do that to you. Atleast not on your birthday." I thought this was sweet because I didn't think he would do that to many other people.

Ron and Harry came in and took a piece. They seemed to like it too. I had already packed my suitcase. We were running a bit late so we had to hurry to the train station. When we got there we had to get to the platform and get on the train quickly.

Me and the twins got on the train and I assumed Harry and Ron were right behind us so I went to where Draco was after hugging George and Fred telling them I would see them at school.

I saw Draco and he looked mad. "Why were you with the Wesley's?"

I told him all about Harry being stuck at his uncle's house and I just decided to stay.

He was still mad but he got over it pretty quick and told me happy birthday. At some point the twins asked me if I had seen Harry and Ron and I told them no. George looked at me too long for Draco's liking and he asked if they needed anything else.

"Uh no sorry. Cya later Hunter." George smiled at me.

I told Draco to be nicer. I heard something outside and I looked out the window to see the Weasley car on the tracks. I quickly went to the hall to yell at George about the car. He went to the closet compartment and looked. "Oh he's in trouble." I said to George.

He just nodded even though i think he was jealous, as I went back to Draco. "I think he likes you." Draco said to me. I just shook my head no and sat down waiting for lunch.

We finally got there and I sat at our table after the placements happened we ate. Draco was much nicer now that we were alone and George was far away from us. I know he hated tge Weasleys but I think it was more with George. I don't know why he would be upset even if George did like me.

After a while my uncle left as well as McGonagall and Dumbledore. I assumed that the boys just got there and they were in trouble. I found out later that they had detention but they were almost expelled and if they would have been in Slytherin they would have been.

I just thought they were dumb. The barrier shouldn't have been closed and I didn't think it could close.

The next morning was awfully boring. I had breakfast with Draco making fun of some first year. Then I heard it from the Gryffindor table, it was the Wesley's  mom. She was yelling at Ron for the car. The entire Slytherin table started laughing.

I had already read all of Lockharts stupid books. They didn't sound like he did these things. He sounded like a wimp but I didn't know so I didn't make any assumptions. The books were atleast interesting but sounded dramatized.

I sat next to Draco in all of our classes. When we went to defense against the dark arts where Lockhart was talking all about himself we even had to take a quiz based off his books. It was all questions about him, favorite color, secret ambition, greatest achievement  and questions about his tasks. I got them all right even though I didn't like him.

When we went to herbology we had to plot mandrakes. One of those little creatures bit Draco's hand. I laughed but he looked disgusted. It was better in the classes that we didn't share with the Gryffindors because Draco and Harry would always fight. It was annoying.

It was good that herbology was our last class because I needed a shower after. Thats was nasty and I was covered in dirt and compost. I ran up before lunch and met Draco when I came back for lunch.

After lunch this little mousy boy was asking Harry for a picture and for him to sign it. Draco asked if Harry was signing photos sarcastically.

"Everyone line up Harry Potter is giving out signed photos." Grabbe and Goyle started laughing.

The mousy boy said Draco was just jealous. I looked at Draco who looked pissed. He said "of what? A scar I don't think getting your head cut open makes you special."

I grabbed his arm. Then Ron said eat slugs waving his wand around. 

"Better be careful Weasley. Don't want any trouble or your mommy will bring you home."

Ron looked like he was about to curse Draco but Lockhart came over. Lockhart and Harry took a picture for mousy then Lockhart  pulled Harry toward the building. We all just laughed.