5. Quidditch

I was told by my captain Marcus Flint that we would have quidditch early the morning of the first weekend we were back. I was up at the crack of dawn and I had convinced Flint to let Draco on the team as a seeker. So Draco would be up against Harry.

Draco had bought me a new broom for my birthday so I had mine before school started. His dad had apparently bought the entire team new brooms. We all came to the field seeing Gryffindor squad flying already.

"Flint I thought we had the pitch?" I asked him. "We do" he says.

The captain and Harry and the twins came down. George said hi to me I smiled and waved.

"Flint!" Said the Gryffindor caption Oliver wood. "This is our practice time!"

"I got a signed note from professor Snape you see." He handed it over.

Wood read it and asked about our new seeker. Draco came to the front. Fred asked about the new brooms and Flint said it was from Draco's father. Ron and Hermione came down from the stands where they were watching the Gryffindor team practice.

"Atleast no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way on the team. They got in on talent." Hermione said.

"No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood." Draco said.

I said his name to calm him down. But the Gryffindor team was mad by that comment. The twins tried to attack him and Ron had to reach under Flints arm who had gotten in front of Draco and zapped him but the wand was broken so it backfired on Ron.

They tried to make sure he was OK but Ron belched up slugs. My entire team laughed so hard they were on the ground. Then mousy came down from the stands and asked Harry "you can fix him can't you?" I laughed at that because Harry wasn't very good at magic. He was average. He and Hermione ran Ron to try to get him to Hagrid's.

Once they left the Gryffindor team was still trying to fight Draco. I said "get the hell over it. It was rude yes but its over and its our practice time. Get the hell off our field." The Gryffindor team stared at me and after a while agreed.

We practiced for a couple hours and then we went to lunch. On the way there I yelled at Draco for using that word I asked him not to say that. He apologized to me. I know he wasn't sorry he said it but he was sorry it upset me wish made me hug him.

Later that night I was walking in the corridors and I heard a voice I knew I could speak parseltongue and that's what it sounded like in the walls. "Come to me. Let me rip you. Let me tear you. Let me kill you." I knew the legends about the chamber on secrets and whatever was in there could kill you without hurting you physically so I thought of snakes and then I closed my eyes. I thought it might be a basilisk. If so I couldn't look it in the eye. So I looked at the floor as I walked back to the common room.

We practiced a couple times a week for quidditch. Draco was getting much better but wasn't as good as Harry yet. 

A few weeks later Harry asked me, Hermione, and Ron to go to Nearly Headless Nick's death day party. It was his 500 years of being dead. I agreed until Harry said it was on Halloween. I told him the feast is so good on Halloween though. Then Harry begged us. I groaned before finally agreeing.

I had to convince Draco I would be there for the beginning of the feast and then I would go to death day party. The food was amazing there was everything you could possibly think of. After an hour I told Draco I was leaving now. He looked very upset as he glared at the table. I kissed his cheek. "Love you D see you tonight." I thought I saw a blush creep up his cheeks but I was gone too soon to notice.

When I came in moaning myrtle,a squat girl, one of the ghosts of Hogwarts that haunts the bathroom, was talking to the three of them at a very high pitched annoying voice. After a while the headless horse party came in the had said that nick could not be a part of them because his head was barely attached. Then nick gave a speech.

Harry asked if it was always so cold down here.

"No Harry its just hot everywhere else. It feels nice here." I said.

They were all freezing so they decided to leave and I followed. The snake started making sound on our way out and Harry seemed as though he could hear it. Then he stopped and said "its that voice again. "

Hermione and Ron looked very confused. I laughed because I knew he could hear it I didn't know how. I was related to Tom riddle who was related to Salazar Slytherin therefore I had a reason to have the ability for parseltongue because Slytherin himself was one. Harry wasn't related to him so I was confused how he had this ability.

When Harry tried to follow the voice I went along keeping my eyes down. We got to where the voice stopped and on the wall it said THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. EMEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE.

There was something hanging when we got closer we realized it was the caretakers cat hung by her tail. I knew she was dead because that was what the basilisk did to its victims.

The feast apparently just ended because everyone came into the hall. "Enemies of the heir beware! You'll be next, mudbloods!" Draco said.

I yelled at him for that word. I looked at Draco and shook my head because he knew I was related to Slytherin.

Filch the caretaker came in and looked at Harry thinking he did it filch yelled "I'll kill you!"

Then the headmaster and a good number of other teachers appeared. Dumbledore told us to follow after he grabbed the cat. Draco looked at me as I left. My uncle and McGonagall followed too.

When we got there after examining the cat Dumbledore realized she was just petrified. I remembered the water on the floor and knew it must have been what saved the cat.

Dumbledore said he didn't know how the cat was petrified, I did but choose to say nothing, Filch said he should ask Harry because he did it.

I started laughing because Harry had no idea how to do that.

Dumbledore said no second year could have done this. I was about to say something because I could but my uncle put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. Eventually we were told to leave because Dumbledore knew Harry couldn't know how to do that spell.

We left and went into an empty classroom and Harry asked if he should have told him about the voice.

"No that would not be a good idea. Hearing voices, even in wizarding world, is not good. It makes you seem crazy." I told him.

Hermione wasn't talking much. I went into the library to find the three of them she said she was looking for the story of the chamber of secrets but couldn't find the book it was in.

"Do you know what it is?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah sure, uh well you know the school was made by the four best witches and wizards of the time. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They were all working in Harmony for a while until Slytherin had a rift with the others. Slytherin wanted the students to be from all magic families. So only Ron and I would be here. Supposedly before Slytherin left, which he did after fighting with the other heads for a while, he made a chamber somewhere in the castle. He sealed it and none would be able to open it until his own true heir returned to the castle. The heir alone would be able to open and unleash whatever layed inside the chamber therefore purging the school of all those who in Slytherins choice were unworthy to study magic."

The three of them said nothing but just stared nervously at me. "The school has been search. They have never found the chamber."

"People will likely say I'm the heir." Harry said. I laughed so hard I choked.

"You definitely aren't, you are nothing like Slytherin. Don't worry Potter its not you." I walked out still laughing.

I walked past where it happened and I saw spiders running trying to get through a little hole. Which proved it was the basilisk because I knew spiders feared them. The next day we were all talking and Hermione said "who can it be though? "

Ron said "let's think who do we know that wants to scare all muggle borns?"

"If you mean Malfoy-" Hermione was cut off.

"Of course I am. 'You'll be next mudbloods'"  Ron said. I just shook my head as he looked at me. "Not him" I say.

Ron looks skeptical. I left not needing to hear them talk bad about Draco. Draco and I had talked that night on Halloween I told him I didn't do it and no other Slytherin heirs were still alive so I didn't know who it was. He believed me of course and apologized for even thinking it was me.

I was surprised Draco said nothing about the kiss but I appreciated it. I honestly didn't remember it but he did.