6. First Match

The next few weeks I tried to see to see Hermione, Ron, and Harry but they kept avoiding me I was starting to get annoyed. I was angrily reading a book in the library when George walked in. He wanted to know what was wrong I told him and he said "they are probably not trying to avoid you but they don't have photographic memories like you. They might need to do homework."

He made me feel better so we would spend time together atleast once a week. Every time I saw Draco recently he was with Pansy who he knew I hated her. So the trio was too busy to spend time with me and now my best friend was with my enemy. Lovely. Its a good thing George was with me otherwise I might go crazy.

At one point over those weeks Hermione asked me where she could find powdered horn of bicorn i told her the only place in the castle would be in my uncles storage room.

"Why?" I asked.

"No reason I was just curious about it." Hermione said.

"Hermione thats a powerful ingredient. Im not sure what your making but im going to suggest that you don't. You won't be able to get that ingredient." I said staring in her eyes as she tried to look at the floor.

Finally the first quidditch match rolled around it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. We were better then Gryffindor in every aspect minus the seeker. Draco had been doing great in practice but it is very different in a real game. Hopefully he can do just as well.

We should easily win, we had better brooms, better team, more competitive team it should be easy. We went out there Flint and Wood shook hands glaring at each other and we started the game. At the very start of the match a big black bludger went straight for Harry's head.

Harry quickly and barely dodged the bludger. He quickly looked at me and I shrugged showing it wasn't me. I dont think he believed me but it was true. George who was a Gryffindor beater hit the bludger at one of our players who I got in front of waiting to hit it at someone with the ball but it changed direction in midair and went back towards Harry.

Harry had to move his broom as fast as he could but the bludger chased him. At this point we were leading 60-0. Harry had himself a rouge bludger but it was helping our team a lot. Harry couldn't look for the snitch because he was running from the bludger.

Eventually the twins had to help the team and leave Harry all alone. He swiveled and barreled and span to avoid the bludger. We were winning by a lot but since Harry had decided he didn't care about being killed by the bludger and was just going to play.

Harry and Draco were up there arguing. I yelled at Draco "find the snitch D!" He looked at me then nodded looking everywhere. It just hit Harry on the elbow. Harry came towards Draco and the snitch. Harry grabbed the snitch but his broom was going down. We lost only by 10 points still. But we lost. Draco couldn't get his head in the game.

Harry's arm was broken and for some reason Lockhart thought he was talented enough to fix it which led to Harry completely losing the bone in his arm. I laughed because he should have just gone to the hospital wing. Now regrowing a bone will take longer the madam pomfrey to fix. Poor Harry but I wanted to know who sent the bludger after him. Everyone would think someone from our team but it wasn't.

Then Flint not only yelled at Draco but at me for saying we should put him on the team. I just walked away because Draco was stupid out there today. I loved him he was best friend but he was stupid to fight with Harry instead of find the snitch.

The next day Harry told us about dobby the house elf. He had already said that he had come to his house during summer but apparently he was at school now. I knew dobby was the Malfoy house elf so I was a bit upset he was doing all this without permission. He said Dobby closed the barrier at the train station as well as made the bludger come after Harry. Dobby also said the chamber of secrets was about to open again.

Hermione said "again?"

"Apparently it was opened before. I'm not sure but it was opened before is what the elf said." Harry said. Harry also said that Colin Creevey aka mousy was petrified. Even Dumbledore said the chamber was opened again. Hermione was shocked. She looked at me.

"I'm not sure when must have been before my uncle went here." They were scared all of then.

It was finally winter time. It was nice and cold outside. It felt amazing. My uncle came around asking who was staying at Hogwarts for winter and since I would usually go home with Draco but his parents were going on a trip so he would be staying at school so I would stay to. Draco still seemed to be spending time with pansy and I already knew she liked him. It was annoying.

Blaise and Crabbe told me how she was flirting with him constantly. I was getting upset but I couldn't tell him to stay away from her. Right?

About a week later close to the middle of December a sign was posted about a new dueling club. Draco and I decided to do it. I asked Harry and him and Ron and Hermione were going to it as well.

Draco asked who I thought would teach it. "As long as it isn't Lockhart it doesn't matter. "

Unfortunately I saw Lockhart come up on stage not two minutes later. "Let me introduce my assistant, professor Snape." He said.

I laughed because my uncle could beat this nitwit at a duel anytime. He looked very bored. Lockhart said "don't worry you'll still have your potions master when I'm done with him."

I just rolled my eyes. The two professors turned to face each other and bowed. The first spell my uncle knocked Lockhart off his feet and on his bum. He got up and said "that was good to show them that professor however if I wanted to stop you it would have only been too easy."

No one in their right mind believed that. Lockhart had decided to pair us up. Harry and Draco were a pair which would probably end badly. Hermione was with Milicent Bulstrode a Slytherin who was huge and she could kill Hermione with her bare hands if she wanted.

I was partnered with some random Ravenclaw which the duel was over in 10 seconds. It was pointless for anyone to duel me. Harry got hit hard with a spell which almost knocked him over. Then Harry hit malfoy with a spell in the stomach which made him double over in pain. After a few minutes Snape had to stop everyone because they were supposed to disarm only but most were using offensive spells.

I helped Draco up as he thanked me quietly. Then they were trying to block spells only and Draco sent a snake at Harry. My uncle said he would take care of it but Lockhart being the egotistical man he is said he would do it. Instead of banishing the snake it just flew 10 feet in the air. The snake was mad and it had its teeth showing about to attack a student when Harry started speaking parseltongue.

The student asked what Harry was doing. Harry looked so confused because even though he could talk to snakes I don't think he knew it was a different language and I'm sure he thought a lot of people in the wizard world could. Ron and Hermione pulled Harry out of the hall because everyone was talking about him now.

Now everyone would think he was the heir of Slytherin even more then before. The next day outside it was blizzarding. Draco and I always loved the snow and would go play in it whenever we could so we went outside thay day and built a snowman and threw snowballs at each other. We ended up laying on the ground laughing looking up at the sky. His arm under my head. I curled up against his side as he held me. I knew I loved him and didn't want him to be with Pansy.