9. Fudge

I finally did decide to read his note. It said 'Hunter I know your mad about me being around Pansy. That night you came in and saw us I was telling her I didn't want to be friends anymore. Hunter you are my best friend and I can't not have you by my side which is why what I'm about to say is hard, I have a crush on you. I know you might not feel the same and that's alright but I need for you to know. I know that you might be in love with the Weasley twin and that's ok as long as you're happy that's all I need and for us to be friends atleast. I'm sorry about anything I have done to hurt you and please forgive me.'

I couldn't breathe when I read it because I did like him. He was my best friend and I love being around him. I was so stupid for thinking he would be with Pansy after I asked him not to. I needed to talk to him but he wasn't in his room and just as I found him and I was stopped by the trio talking about Hagrid and If they wanted to ask him about the monster.

We were talking and I kept telling them no and they agreed unless the monster attacked someone. I wanted to ask Harry how he thinks he could hear it if as he said in Riddles diary that it was a spider. I knew it had to be a snake and I had read about the chamber in the restricted section.

Every time I tried to talk to Draco something or someone would interrupt. The next time Lockhart came and tried to tell me I was the best student and I was doing everything so well in his class. I would just stare at Draco because I haven't talked to him in almost two weeks. I had tons of quidditch practice which I would always see him at but he wouldn't talk to me.

We started looking at classes for next year and I still always sat next to Draco but he was ignoring me and teachers would yell at me. "Draco please. I read the valentine."

He just looked at me waiting on me to say something else. "Can we talk after class?" I asked him.

"Sure whatever."

I decided I wanted ancient runes, divination, care of magical creatures, and arithmancy. Draco just stared at my sheet. I knew I would need something to help me get to all of these classes.

When we got out of class he pulled me into a closet "what did you think?"

I kissed him. " you are my best friend I can't be without you. Even if we are just friends. "

"Do you like me?" I just nodded. I hugged him. He held me as he kissed the top of my head and walked out. " we will figure it out this summer yeah?"

He asked me as I nodded.

I saw Harry later that day and apparently his dorm had been burglarized. Someone went through all his stuff and Tom Riddles diary was stolen. It had to be a Gryffindor which was weird but I couldn't worry about it the basilisk wouldn't hurt me.

The next day Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were playing quidditch so when I went out there my uncle stopped me. I looked confused but he said "ms. Granger was attacked."

"Is she ok?"

He nodded and said "she's in the hospital wing. McGonagall is telling Weasley and Potter."

I turned around and went to the hospital wing to see her. After a few minutes the boys came in. McGonagall held up a mirror asking us to explain I knew it was because she didn't want to die and she was looking around corners.  I didn't tell her that though.

That night after we were told not to leave the dorms after 6pm. Harry sent me a letter that they were going to talk to Hagrid. He met me outside the common room Draco saw me leaving and I told him I would be back soon.

We were sneaking through the castle that was covered with teachers and prefects. We pulled off the cloak when we got to his door.

He opened the door with a crossbow. He was running around nervous as there was another loud knock on the door. We hid in a corner with the cloak on.

Dumbledore came in followed by Cornelius Fudge who was the minister of magic. I have seen him in pictures with Draco's dad. Hagrid looked scared. Fudge said "very bad business Hagrid. I have to take him Dumbledore. "

"Take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban prison." Hagrid said.

"If someone else is found you will be let go with a full apology" Fudge said.

The was another knock it was Draco's dad, Lucius Malfoy. "What're you doin' here? Get outta my house!" Hagrid screamed at him.

"I have no pleasure being inside your -er- d'you call this a house? I simply called the school and was told the headmaster was here." Lucius Malfoy said.

"Dreadful thing, Dumbledore, but the governors feel it's time for you to step aside. How many attacks have there been now? Two more this afternoon. At this rate there'll be no more Muggle-borns left. And we all know what an awful loss to the school that would be."

Fudge tried to sit there and argue with Lucius but he stood firm.

Hagrid said "yeh can' take Dumbledore! Take him away, an' the Muggle-borns won' stand a chance!"

"Now, now Hagrid, if the governors want my removal, Lucius, I shall of course step aside." Dumbledore said. "However you will find that I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me. You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Dumbledore looked at us when he said that.

Hagrid said after Dumbledore was escorted out "if anyone wanted ter find out some stuff, all they'd have ter do would be to follow the spiders. He was about to follow Fudge when he said "an' someone'll need ter feed fang while I'm away."

Ron ripped off the cloak. " follow the spiders." I said.