10. Aragog

When they all left we saw the spiders on the floor and, as much to my dismay, we followed them. We couldn't leave Fang, Hagrid's dog, so we brought him along. Ron hated spiders so he was harder to get to follow.

It was pitch black in the forest so we had use the lighting spell "lumos" we Harry and I said to cast some light Ron couldn't because of his broken wand.

We saw the tiny little spiders on the ground and followed them into the forest. We walked for about 20 minutes into the darkness. After a while the ground seemed to be slopong downward and Fang let out a loud bark.

"What?" Ron said scared. 

"There's something moving over there." Harry said.

It sounded like something big and it was moving closer to us. There were bright lights, so bright we had to close our eyes. When we could look it was the car. The car Ron and Harry had taken from the train station.

Harry said we should find the spiders but Ron looked terrified staring about 10 feet up. Harry and I turned around to be faced with a huge spider the size of a small elephant came out.

"Hagrid is that you?" The spider said. It was blind it had milky white eyes.

"We are friends of Hagrid's" Harry said.

"Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before," the spider said.

"Hagrids in trouble." Harry said.

"In trouble? But why has he sent you?"

"They think, up at the school, that Hagrid's been setting a- a- something on the students." Harry told the spider.

"But that was years ago. I remember it well. They believed I was the monster that dwells in what the call the chamber of secrets."

"And you didn't come from the chamber of secrets?"

"I was not born in the castle. A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg." The spider was angry from the sound of it.

"You never attacked anyone?"

"The girl was killed in a bathroom. I never saw any part of the castle but the cupboard in which I grew up."

I thought about it if she died suddenly in a bathroom I think it must be Moaning Myrtle who was killed fifty years ago.

"But then do you know did kill that girl?" Harry asked.

"The thing that lives in the castle is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all else. We do not speak of it!"

Aragog was the name of the spider and he looked tired so he was leaving and Harry said "we'll just go then"

"Go? I think not... my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat, when it wonders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friend of Hagrid."

I knew I couldn't fight all these spiders because the two of them would be no help but I wasn't going down that easy. I had my wand ready when we saw the bright lights of the car. The car flew down the hill it stopped in front of us and it's doors flew opened. We all dived into the car with Fang in the backseat with me. Ron didn't touch anything but the car roared away from the spiders.

We were going so fast so when the car stopped we almost went through the windshield. Fang was so ready to get out so I followed him back to Hagrid's.

"Follow the spiders. If Hagrid ever gets put of Azkaban I'll kill him." Ron said after throwing up in a bush. "What was the point in sending us in there?"

"We know Hagrid's innocent." Harry said.

I laughed and said "I already told you that. Obviously it's not Hagrid."