12. Finding the Weasley

"We will have to send the students home." Said McGonagall.

Lockhart barged into the room "so sorry- dozed off- what have I missed?"

The teachers looked like they wanted to kill him, welcome to the club. My uncle stood up and said " Just the man, the very man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Taken into the chamber of secrets itself. Your moment has come at last."

Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff, said " That's right, Gilderoy weren't you saying just last night that you've known where the entrance to the chamber is all along?" I tried so hard not to laugh because he was a moron even if he knew where it was he would have no idea what to do when he got inside he can't fight monsters, even though his books told a different story.

Then McGonagall said " We'll leave it to you then, Gilderoy. Tonight will be an excellent time to do it. You'll be able to tackle the monster all by yourself."

"V-very well, I'll be in my office getting- getting ready." He said looking very scared as he exited the room.

After all the teachers left we went to find Lockhart to tell him what we know. I'm sure he was already packing to leave but the boys thought he was going to find Ginny. When we arrived they knocked and said they had information that would be helpful when we went inside the office it was almost bare. He was leaving.

"Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked.

"Er, well, yes, urgent call- unavoidable"

"What about my sister? " Ron asked.

" Oh yes, most unfortunate no one regrets more than I..."

" You're the defense against the dark arts teacher!" Harry yelled at him.

" Well- I must say- when I took the job- nothing in the job description-"

"You're running away?  After all that stuff you did in your books-"

" Books can be misleading"

" You wrote them!" Harry shouted.

" Do you use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I done all those things Do you use your common sense my books wouldn't have sold half as well people didn't think I done all those things."

" So you've just been taking credit for what a load of other people have done?" Harry asked as I rolled my eyes because I knew he was an awful wizard and he couldn't do half the things he took credit for.

"If there's one thing I pride myself on its memory charms." He pulled out his wand "awfully sorry but I can't have you blabbing..."

"Expelliarmus!" I said knocking Lockhart back and grabbing his wand which I threw out the open window.

Lockhart was complaining he didn't know what to do he didn't know where it was so he couldn't help Ginny.

"Its ok professor. We know exactly where it is. Let's go." I told him.

When we got to the bathroom Harry asked Myrtle how she died.

" It was dreadful, and happened right here. I died in this very stall. I remember it so well. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. They said something funny. A different language, what really got me going it was a boy speaking. So I unlock the door to tell him to go away and then- I died. No idea how I just remember seeing a great, big,  pair of yellow eyes. "

We went by the sink where she saw the eyes and saw a snake. "Harry say something in parseltongue" Ron said.

Harry looked like he was trying too hard so I said "open up" and it worked the sink moved.

The boys decided to go down there but I had to think about Draco and how he would hate me going down there. But after Lockhart said "you hardly seem to need me"

I knew I had to be there because Harry and Ron couldn't use spells to get him down there. We told him to go first. We all slid down the long wet tunnel.

After walking along for a couple minutes we spotted something but it looked too still. We went up and saw it was the snake skin. It was at least 20 feet long. Lockharts knees gave out and he was on the floor. When he was told to get up he dove for Ron's wand.

"The adventure ends here I will go back to the school and tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you three tragically lost your at the sight of her mangled body- say goodbye to your memories"

I was scared at first but then I remembered he had Ron's wand.

"Obliviate!" He yelled and the wand exploded back on him. Chunks of the stone ceiling was falling all around us. Harry went forward but Ron and I stayed where we were. So when Harry ended up separated from us he told us he was going to go on.

I told him the rocks would be gone when he got back. I could break the rocks but I didn't want the entire tunnel to cave in so I had to be a bit more careful.