Yuki's pov
Well first off I'm going to tell you some things about me. So first things first get to know me...
Name : Yukiko Michiko Abe
Parents : Aiko is your step mother and Daisuke abe is your real father your biological mother is Emiko.
Siblings : Mai Abe, Keitaro Abe, Rinji Abe. (Your all are Emiko's kids)
Age : 17 years old
Likes : Music, Likes to be alone, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Dancing, Pranking her friends, Party animal, And alcohol and she smokes and she play's games.
Dislikes : Pink, Parents, Sakura, Lame people, Hates preppy rich people.(she likes to live a Normal life)
That is my sister Mai Abe. One thing you need to know about her is that she hates life. She honestly went goth. She is 15 years old no one really under stood why she turned out this way. But hey...who cares but me and Mai are really close. I'm like her idol (literally) the person she looks up too and her eyes are blue too.
This boy here is my brother Rinji Abe. One thing you need to know about him is that he looks really fucking intimidating right...but he's not trust me he's a big ass softie. He is 19 years old. He's really goofy and overprotective of me and Mai and we are overprotective of him.
This is my other brother Keitaro Abe his hair is not naturally red he dyed it. His hair is naturally black. He is 16 going on 17 years old. He is distant at first but when you get to know him he's a good guy to hang around and goof off with. As you can tell in the picture he likes red....a lot. This is the guy that helps me out with the gigs since you know I'm syink and all....I have been looking out for him and taking care of him every since he was born literally since our stepmother is a mean bitch that don't like to watch kids me and rinji always end up being the mother and father figures to Mai and kei.
This is my best friend kage he is just like another big brother to me. We known each other since we were baby's were both 17. Both born in April his is on the 23rd mines is on the 24th same year. His hair is brown and he knows I'm syink. He was the one that told me to go forward with the whole syink thing.
This is mio she's crazy fun. She's mostly just like me. I see her as my little sister I never really let anyone mess with her. My whole family loves her just like she was apart of the family. And she's a fucking bad ass too and she is also 17 to but I'm older than her by a couple of months hehe.
But the thing is. Is that my parents don't know that I am syink. If I tell them I might get in a whole load trouble. My sister Mai and my bro Rinji doesn't even know what I do either. The only people who knew was.....Keitaro and kage... Oh yea and kage sister also knows....Mio.
A/n: hi every one this my very first story on here so don't be afraid to tell me my flaws okay and what i did wrong and plz suggest on what you guys want the story to go like down the road.