Yuki's pov
So right now were in our new house unpacking our things. I was in my new room and started to unpack my boxes until my brother Rinji came busting in my room grabbing my arm and running down stairs with me tagging along behind him. "RINJI WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ME!!!!" I said
"Mom said she wanted to talk to all of us and she looked REALLY MAD. We didn't know where you were so mom told me to go find you." Rinji said taking me to the living room and holding me down on the sofa. Because he knows how I get when mom is about to start lecturing us.
I usually leave the room while she's taking the anger out on us and go for walks outside. But I can't do that because my fucking brother is holding me down!! Aiko looks at us with a angry face. She looks fucking creepy. My god!
"You all start school on tuesday ...except for Mai you will be home schooled!" she said
"Why do I have to be home schooled and they don't that's not fair mom!" Mai said and Aiko looks at Mai.
"I don't think you should be asking that question you know what you did." she said
"I didn't do anything bad." Mai said
"You skip school 24/7 Mai. You don't do any school work. You don't pay attention. You wrote F U on the school wall vandalising school property. You've been suspended multiple times for fighting and even if you were in school you'll just sleep the day away anyways. I don't even see why you haven't been expelled yet.....so from now on until me and your father feel like you can handle yourself in public school again. You are going to be home schooled do you understand me." Aiko said
Mai balled up her fist with a angry face "Yes ma'am." Mai said and she walked to her room and slammed her room door shut.
Then mom looked at me "Yuki your going to konoha high along with Keitaro." Aiko said. Okay wait a minute did she just say I'm going to public school. I don't like the sound of this I've always been home schooled and this change is to sudden.
"Aiko why can't you just home school me along with Mai." I said
Aiko flinched at the way I said her name.
"No you need to go out in the world. Your always at home locking yourself in your room. Go to school make some friends, get a boyfriend or something don't just waste your life doing nothing." Aiko said
Oh my god she's such a fucking nosey bitch that wont leave me alone! I really wish she would just stop acting like she actually care about what I do with my life. The only reason why she getting on us now is so we can stop fucking up dad's image of us being the perfect family. If only I could tell her what I really do then she wouldn't be saying that shit right now. You know what I'll do just that.
"Only reason why your saying this shit to me is because you don't want us to fuck up your image of us being the perfect family. We are not the perfect family....You barley know us Aiko you don't even take the time to spend time with us. The only thing you do is lock us up non-stop honestly you don't even care what we do so stop acting like you do." I said coldly I brake free of from Rinji and walks out the front door.
Aiko's pov
"Rinji can you and Keitaro go see if she's okay." I said. I need to talk to Daisuke about this later....or I could not care and just put her on punishment....
Yuki's pov
I was walking down the street with my headphones on. I was on my way to the store until I noticed that didn't remember the way I came so I was kinda lost.
Then I saw a group of people walking one was a blond headed dude with blue eyes. then there was a dude that had black hair shaped like a ducks butt with black eyes. And there was a pink head girl she was all up on him holding onto his arm blehh her fucking hair color makes me want to barf I kinda feel bad for her.
Then I herd people running towards me running through the group of people I was staring at. Then the people stopped to see what was going on looking at them. I looked at the two idiots who were running and it was my brothers Rinji and Keitaro.
"Why in the hell were you two running your causing a scene!" I whisper yelled
Rinji started to yell at me "Don't worry about it but. You get over here right now!" I sighed and he stopped a minute to catch his breath.
"I'm not going home Rinji so you minus well just turn back around." I said
They walked up to me and start beging me to come home. And I sighed again.
".....Fine you bakas....but first you have to race me." I say turning back then I stopped and look at my big brother Rinji.
"Can you tell me where to go I don't know how to get back." I said
Then Keitaro muttered "...Baka..." And Rinji tells me the directions then I turn around giving them a signal meaning that I'm about to run. I put my head phones in my ears and start listening to my new song I dropped a couple of days ago. Then I started running home through the group of people I was just looking at.
Sasuke's pov
As I watched the three people getting ready to run back. I was watching the girls eyes she looked determined to beat them in whatever they we're doing. She looked pretty hot. So I was going to go up to her and talk to her then she started running in my direction. She was fucking fast as hell I didn't even notice her run pass me until I felt a gush of wind going pass my face "Wow she's fast." I muttered
Naruto then started screaming like a fan girl or something like that. "Oi dobe what is wrong with you." I said
"Syink has a Instagram now its a official account and it's not a fake!!!" Everyone crowds around Naruto and starts following Syink on the spot the followers on syinks page was going up fast. it was crazy....
Yuki's pov
I was already home in my room setting up my mini studio in the corner of my room. Until my phone begin to go off like crazy. I checked my phone and it was all from Instagram.
I honestly forgot I even made a Instagram account but hey this shit is fucking awesome!!! My followers are raising really fast then I started to get text messages saying I love you and your music is awesome and when am I having another concert and other stuff like that etc.
I smile to myself while reading everyone's messages. after a while of reading everyone's messages my brother Keitaro comes into the room giving me my voice changer.
"Someone want's to talk to Syink." Keitaro said while smirking.
"Alright who?" I asked
"I don't know just see what they want." Said Keitaro I take his phone and unmute the call and puts the voice changer up to my mouth.
"Hello?.." I said
"OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS I'M TALKING TO SYINK!!!" The caller said. I pull the phone away from my ear and puts it back when he or she stops screaming.
"So why did you call?" I asked
"I was wondering how much will it cost to book you for a party to night?" The caller asked
"To book me it will cost about 50 grand right boss?" I asked and my brother jumps
"Uh yea sure." Keitaro said
"The party starts at eight and I'll send you directions on how to get here." The caller said
"Should we just come now or..." I said
"You should come now and the theme for the party is masked since you know you wear mask all the time and change your look around a lot..." The caller said
"Okay we will be there in a little bit." I said and Keitaro takes his phone out my hands and ends the call.
"We need to get ready go ahead and take a shower I'll go call your best friend." Keitaro said
"Wait your going to call Kage!!!" I said
"Yea he already knows your Syink." Keitaro said
"When is he coming!!!" I said
"Don't worry about it just go get ready don't forget to put different color contacts in! And change your hair color to don't use permanent hair dye!!" Keitaro said
"While your sitting there worrying about me you need to be doing the same thing." I said while Throwing some hair dye at him and getting some for me and goes to the bathroom and starts getting ready for the party.
A/N: hey once again hope you like my story so far tell me what you think in the comments