Ch.Two: The party

Naruto's pov

Okay so I just called Syink I'm so excited but I should really get the house ready for Sasuke's party. He really loves Syink's music so I just made a couple of calls and boom.... I made her play for the party. I hear my door bell ring and I run to the door to see...

Yuki's pov

Kage gave me my voice changer and I turn it on and put it under my mask close to my mouth.

"Ready to go inside Syink?" Kage asked while putting on his mask and putting in his contacts. I roll my eyes and sigh

"Whatever." I said Keitaro got out the car.

"Just go inside no one should be hear yet." Keitaro said while he puts his mask on.

(there was a picture here but since I don't know how to add pictures on web novel it's not was Keitaro he dyed his hair temporarily and he put in contacts. All three of them had to look completely different from their real self's so they can have fun pretending to be other people and to cover their identity.)

"Fine..." I said while walking up to the door and knocking on it. Then the door opens quickly.

"Come in come in hurry!!!!" The blond boy said grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs and hands me a microphone and I end up looking at the blond like he's crazy.

"Umm why did you give me a microphone I'm a DJ." I said

"Sorry for just dragging you up here all of sudden my name is Naruto." Naruto said

He holds his hand out to shake mine and I shake his hand "Well hello Naruto." I said he looks like he's going to faint any moment now....

"The reason why I gave you the microphone is because I want you to sing happy birthday to my friend Sasuke." Naruto said

"Umm....question how can I sing happy birthday to someone I don't even know. I have no clue how this dude looks and this is a masked themed party right?" I asked.

"Yea it is...but it's really easy to find him he sticks out so much because of the girls. But one funny way that you can find him is by his hair." Naruto said while laughing.

"What's so funny about his hair?..." I asked confused.

"Because he has duck butt hair....his hair is literally shaped like a ducks ass." Naruto said and I laugh a little.

"Okay.....okay I'll do it." I said while grabbing the mic from him

"Can I ask one more favor of you please?" Naruto asked

"It depends on what the favor is." I said

"Can you try and spend a lot of time with Sasuke at this party. I just want this day to be perfect for him since he's turning 18 and all." Naruto said

"You really care about him huh." I said

"Yea me and Sasuke were friends for a long time." Naruto said

"Okay I'll do it but I'm gonna have to ask my friends I came with so I can stay until the party is over." I said

"Okay you can go now--..." Naruto said then we started to hear foot steps it was Keitaro and Kage.

"Hey uh Naruto the party guest is starting to come." Said Kage.

"Okay Syink you stay up here until I give you the signal. When you see the lights flickering thats going to be your signal to come down." Naruto said while putting on his mask.

"Ok I got you." I said then Naruto went down stairs to go enjoy the party and I stayed hidden behind the wall trying to see how many people were here. And let me tell you there was a lot of people.

Sasuke's pov

I was siting in my car for a little while thinking to my self. This party is going to be so boring. I started seeing people pull up and walking into's Naruto's house. Well I guess that's my queue.

I put on my mask and I got out my car and locked it. Then I started to walk in Naruto's house and the girl's immediately started crowding me.

They can still find me when I'm wearing a mask thats fucking disappointing. I thought I was going to have sometime to my self at least.

I sighed "SASUKE-KUN!!! Happy Birthday!!!.." Sakura said while coming through the crowd of girls.

Ugh why does she have to be so fucking loud she always does this and it's so annoying. "Thanks..." I said

Sakura then came up to me putting her arms around me hugging me. "What are you doing..." I asked

"I'm giving you a birthday hug Sasuke-kun." Sakura said while blushing. Sakura looked at me then started to lean in about to kiss me but I stopped her.

"....stop....I don't want to be bothered right now." I said while getting her off me then she started to looked sad. I walked over to Naruto before anything else could happen.

"Hey Sasuke I gotta present for you." Naruto said

"Oh really where is it?.." I said then the lights started flickering then some girl started walking down stairs singing happy birthday to me. But when she looked directly at me I felt like my heart just stopped.

"Naruto..." I said quietly while staring at the girl.

"Is that girl up there Syink....." I said trying to stay calm. Naruto just smirked and nodded at my question. right then and their I felt like I was exploding from happiness just knowing that Naruto got Syink to come to my party....thank you so much Naruto...

Yuki's pov

I got closer to the birthday boy putting my hand on his cheek "Happy birthday.... Sasuke." I whispered and smiled.

He looked at me and putting his hand on where I put my hand on his face while blushing "Thanks...Syink." Sasuke said

"Hey Syink come on you have to perform now." said Kage

"I have to go do what I came here to do now meet me by the stage when I'm done okay Sasuke..." I said while walking away and going with Kage.

I walk up on the stage and gets behind my DJ controller and starts playing my music. People start dance then I look up and see Sasuke and I smile at him.

Well he's not that bad looking he's kinda cute....No he's hot then some pink headed girl started to dance with him then I just decided to focus on my gig. After I finish with the DJ gig I was welcome to stay for the rest of the party.

Kage came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "I heard you were going to Konoha high school." Kage said on a level to where I can here him and no one else.

"Yea why..." I said

"Well since were basically seniors I was thinking I could go to the same high school as you..." Kage said

I looked at him shocked "Really..." I said

"Yea..really." Kage said

Sasuke walks up to me."You told me to meet you here." Sasuke said while looking really bored.

"I know...come on lets drink." I said while grabbing his hand leading him to the kitchen to see Naruto and some other dude guarding the fridge.

"OH MY GOD IT'S SYINK!!!!" Kiba said running up to me right along with a big group next to him.

"Hello..."I said

"C-can you p-pleassee give me your a-autograph!!!" Kiba said

"Uh sure." I said while pulling out my sharpie.

"Where do you wan't me to sign." I said

"Yea can you sign my bag." Kiba said

"Your book bag?...."I said while looking confused a book bag why not just a simple piece of paper... Well it's not the weirdest thing I've sighned...

"Yea my bag I want you sign it really big so people at school can see it." Kiba said I shrugged my shoulders and signed his bag the way he wanted and gave Kiba his back pack and goes up to Naruto along with Sasuke.

"Oi dobe move." Sasuke said

"NO!!! If I move then my beer will be gone!!!" Naruto said he has beer ooh I have to get some of that and I have a plan.

I go up to Naruto "Naruto can you share with me and Sasuke...please..." I gave him a stare meaning if he didn't share I would leave this party and Naruto sighed and opened the fridge and give Sasuke 4 beers.

"Thanks Naruto." I said while leaving and going with Sasuke walking into the backyard which was huge.

"Hey Syink sit here I'll be back I'm going to get Naruto's speaker." Sasuke said while running inside.

I take a beer and pop the top open with my finger and begin drinking my beer ahhh that's the stuff haven't had me one of these in a while...

Then Sasuke runs back outside to me and places the speaker on the table beside us and I take a seat and he looks at me smiling

"I can't believe I'm sitting next to you right now...." Sasuke said while drinking his beer

"Why I'm no one special I'm just a DJ." I said

"Yea a cool one I listen to all of your songs Syink I'm really in love with your Music I just can't believe Naruto actually got you to come to my party." Sasuke said and I look over to him adjusting my mask

"I'm flattered really but don't you want to hang with your buddies it's your birthday am I right?" I asked

"Y-yeah but I don't think I'll be able to see you again so I'll just spend time with you." Sasuke said and turn to my side away from Sasuke and  chugged my beer down and Sasuke's eyes widened stupid idea Yukikio stupid idea!!!!

"Hey what do you think of my Music?" I asked Sasuke

"I think it's amazing I love everything you do I would love to be in your shoes one day on the stage in front of Millions." Sasuke said

"I'm not that famous yet you know.... I'm only well known In konoha." I said

"Well I hope one day your well known all over the world because your music deserves to be heard." Sasuke said and my eyes widened with me blushing

Soon he asked me for a picture so he can remember me by and I let him for treating me so nicely

((time skip to after the party))

Sasuke pov

So after the party I was staying over a Naruto's and I was laying on his bed looking at all the photos I took with Syink then Naruto walks in and starts laughing at me.

"What's so funny dobe." I said as Naruto tosses me a beer.

"You falling for a girl you just met." Naruto said

I catch the beer " I'm not falling for her I just thought that she was cute thats all." I said

" I hope you know Sakura looked pissed the whole time at the party right." Naruto said while drinking his beer and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean." I said

"You didn't feel her eyes on you!!" Naruto said

"No...." I said well it's not that I didn't feel them its just I didn't want to know they were looking at me.

"Good thing you weren't dating Sakura because she would've beat the shit out of you." Naruto said

"Oh yea by the way I need you to do me a favor dobe.." I said

"What is it now Sasuke.." Naruto said

"Would you tell Sakura that I'm never getting back with her again." I said

" I'm not doing that Sasuke...I am not doing that.." Naruto said

I sigh "Come on dobe..." I said

" it on your own Sasuke." Naruto said

"Fine...I'm not buying you no more ramen." I said

"I really don't want to tell Sakura for you....cause you know she's gonna fucking punch me in my face..." Naruto said

"Do it or I will stop buying you ramen....." I said while getting back on my phone while opening the bottle of beer.

"Wait....Wait....Don't go there... I'll be there by you but I'm not telling her..." Naruto said I sigh

"Fine." I said and drinks my beer.

A/N: That's the end of this chapter tell me how I did lol and one quick thing this book is already finished on wattpad it done and already has a book two if you are interested you can read the full finished book on there or wait until I copy and paste all of the chapters on here it's up to you