Ch.Three: First day of school

Yuki's Pov

Rinji comes in my room waking me up "Come on baby sis you have to get ready for school." Rinji said

I pull the covers over my head "Just give me five more minutes okay..." I said

Then Rinji opens my curtains and pulls the cover off of me. he walks over to me "Come on get the fuck up Yuki!!!!" Rinji says while he trys to pull me up.


I pull my hand from his grip and he falls back. I get out of bed and look at him " I was going to get up you dumb ass." I said while walking to my closet pulling out my uniform and going to the bathroom.

"Fucking baka..." I muttered while taking a bath. I put my uniform on and brushes my teeth and put's on some perfume and walks out the bathroom to get my bag off my dresser and getting my phone and headphones and walks downstairs.

"I'm skipping breakfast." I said while walking towards the door grabbing my keys.

"Wait..I'm coming with you.." Keitaro said while tossing a apple at me and he walks towards me.

And I catch it "Thanks..." I said while walking out the front door and walks to my car.

I get in the drivers seat and Keitaro gets in the passengers seat. I back out of the drive way and drives to school. sadly I had to use a fucking GPS to drive there I park and slaps Kei's cheek.

"Wake up baka." I said

"Owww." Kei (kei is keitaro for short lol) said while getting out the car. We walk in the school and go straight to the front office to get our schedule and keys??...

"Umm why did you give me and Kei a key it for our lockers?" I said the lady laughed.

"No its not for your locker silly it's your dorm room key." The lady said

"I think you were mistaken I'm not signed up for dorms." I said

"Are you sure I'll check the list if you like." The lady said

"Please do so.." I said while trying to contain my anger.

She looks at the list "Nope your on here. Your sharing a room with two girls and four boys and Keitaro you'll be sharing a room with three girls and four boys." The lady said.

how am I going to make my music when I fucking live in a dorm room....I dont know what to fucking do!!!.

"Okay so can you take us to our first period class please." Kei said

"Sure." The lady said while leading us out of the front office.

" I'm calling Aiko later to see if she know's about this." I whisper to Kei so only he can hear. And kei nods and the lady stops at a door.

"This is your home room your home room teacher will tell you who your sharing a dorm room with and multiple other things." She said while walking away and me and Kei walks in the room and my eyes darted to this one girl she looked familiar to me really fucking familiar....

"Mio?..." I said and froze and Kei's eye's widen when he herd the name that came out of my mouth.

Mio's pov

I was sitting in class waiting for my best friend Yuki to come. I was going to surprise the shit out of her when she come's in because she didn't know I was in konoha. She's probably gonna beat the shit out of me when she find's out I'm here and she didn't know about it.

"Mio..." Yuki said I looked over to see who said my name and it was Yuki I ran over to her and jumped on her and we both fell on the ground.

"YUKI!!!!" I said while crying.

"Mio is that really you...what the fuck are you doing here!!!" Yuki said and I laughed nervously.

"Well I go to this school." I said

"And you didn't tell me!!" she said angrily I hid behind Kei.

"K-kei calm down Yuki I don't wanna die!!!" I said Kei said nothing then thats when I looked at Kei and he had a angry aurora around him and I ran out of the classroom with everyone staring at me.

Yuki's pov

I was soo mad at Mio that I didn't realize I was running after Mio at my top speed I honestly forgot how fast Mio was. As I was running I ran pass some boy with black hair almost running him over. I ran faster until I ended up catching up with her and grabbed her arm and stopped her.

Sasuke's pov

I was walking and talking with the guys until I almost busted my ass from some one running past me until I fell on top of Naruto I got up then I saw the girl from before that was near the store. Why is she here...

Yuki's pov

I was yelling at Mio until we reached the classroom we all sat in our seats as the teacher walked in and told everyone to sit anywhere.

I sat next to the window Kei sat behind me and Mio sat in front of me boy with black hair sat by me on my right. and blond headed boy sat in front of him across from Mio.

Kiba sat behind sasuke across from Kei. Kage came in late and then he sat behind Kei. I turned around and glared at Kage. Kage tapped Kei on the shoulder and Kei turned around

"Yes..." Kei said

"Why is Yuki glaring at me.." Kage said Kei pointed towards Mio.

"Oooh... I forgot she came with us down here I'm sorry for not telling you guys." Kage said

I was looking out the window wondering how the fuck was I going to make music when i'm going to start living with six other people this is going to be a hard year. I snapped out of my thought when I heard someone call my name.

"What.." I said

"I'm going to announce dorm roommates." Mr. Hatake said

"Okay." I said

"First dorm house will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Yukiko Abe, Mio Ueda and Hinata Hyuga." Mr Hatake said

"Awww dammit.." I muttered

"Next dorm house will be Sakura Karin Ino Choji Tobi Keitaro Kage and Hidan you guys are the third dorm house away from Sasuke." Mr. Hatake said

"Thank you...." Sasuke said happily

"This will be the second dorm house Neji Hyuga TenTen Shino Temari Gaara Rock Lee Sasori and Deidara now the people I just called go in groups to the dorms and get settled while I tell everyone else there dorm rooms numbers and roommates." I get up grabbing my bag and put my head phones on. I call Aiko to talking about the dorm situation.

Calling Aiko😈😡

"Hello." Aiko said

"Aiko what did you do!" I yelled into the phone

"What are you talking about Yuki." Aiko said

"You signed me and Kei up for dorms why would you do that?!" I said

"Oooh that yea I did that because I didn't want you two here anymore so I sent most of your stuff to your dorm." Aiko said while chuckling

"You don't know what you've done by putting me here." I said

"You need to get out the house you need friends and more people to talk to." Aiko said

"More people to talk to....ha your real funny Aiko that's not the reason why you did this." I said coldly

"Your right it's not I did it because I hated seeing your face so I sent you away." Aiko said while laughing

"....Wow I don't see how my dad married a evil bitch like you." I said

"I can't wait til you disappear..." Aiko said

"Go to hell... I'll never see you as a mother and I'll make sure that I destroy your image of the perfect family if you fuck with my family trust me." I said while hanging up

I take my key and opens the door and puts my bag on the couch and goes into my room texting Kei what Aiko said

texting kei

"Aiko said she did this on purpose." I texted

"I had a feeling she did this." Kei texted

"how the fuck am I going to be syink when I live with other people Kei.." I texted

"I don't know yu..." Kei texted

"DAMNIT!!!" I yell and kick a box over and all you herd was CRASH! I sit in the corner panicking. If anyone found out I'm syink my life would be a total hell....why would Aiko do this....

Mio's pov

As me and everyone was coming in the dorm I hear Yuki yelling then I herd a CRASH!! Oh no....

"YUKI!!" I said while putting my stuff down and every one was running upstairs to see what going on I follow behind them...

Keitaro's pov

I hope she Isn't panicking about this right now stay calm yu. I was running really fast until I heard Mio yell.

"YUKI!!" Mio yelled. I saw Kage running into the dorm one and I run following behind him I run up to Yu.

"Everything is fine yu no one is going to find out." I said so only she could hear.

"How could you know...six people Kei one of them would find out this is why I wanted to be home schooled if the wrong person finds out I'm fucked I am so fucked." Yuki said

I look at Mio and she starts sing the song that calms Yuki down. I haven't heard this song in years...

Mio pov

We stopped singing and I looked at Kei "Every one except for Kei and Kage get out oh yea thanks Sasuke and Hinata for doing that for her." I said

"No problem." Sasuke said

"It wasn't a big deal I'm glad I was here to help." Hinata said while pushing everyone out.

I looked at Kei and Yuki and they were sleeping in the corner on the floor. I sigh and looked at the thing she broke and it was.....

A/N : Haha i love cliffhangers sorry for taking so long to update this i was kinda stuck...