Ch.Four: We Kinda Got In A Fight

Mio's pov

The thing she broke was....The guitar her mom gave her when she turned 14....She took care of that guitar she loved that thing but I guess when she found out Aiko signed her up for the dorms she just couldn't believe that she did that without even talking to her. I guess her feelings of love for Aiko is gone....This time I kinda think Aiko went to far....

Sasuke pov

"Oi sasuke." Naruto said

"What do you want Naruto." I said while walking to me and Naruto's room.

"I never knew you could sing..." Naruto said while following me.

"Is there a problem with me singing..." I said a little aggravated.

"No there's not a problem I was just saying....Ya know.... It was a little unexpected...." Naruto said while walking in the room and sitting on his bed.

"I just did it to help out I didn't just want to sit there and watch her having a panic attack like you Shikamaru and Kiba did." I said while unpacking my boxes and decorating my side of the room.

"I hope she's alright now....but I wonder what was wrong with her to cause her to panic like that...." Naruto said while looking worried.

"I wouldn't dig to much into it.....she's probably just having family problems." I said. I know Naruto didn't even listen to what I just said but sooner or later he's going to get in her business and stick his nose where it doesn't belong and then I'm going to end up having to save him from getting his ass beat.....again....

((Time skippp!!!))

Yuki's pov

I woke up and saw Kei right next to me sleeping. I look on my bed to see Mio laying there on her phone along with Kage sleeping on my bed. I get up and I tug on Kei's hair "Get up idiot..." I said "Oww ow oww okay I'm getting up" He said while pushing my hand away from his ear.

Naruto's pov

Some was knocking at the door I walked over to the door to open it "What do you want Sakura..." I said annoyed to see her.

"I came to see Sasuke~kun...where is he..." She said pushing me out of her way to go find Sasuke.

"Oi didn't Mr. Hatake said you couldn't be here..." I said.

Sakura looks at me "So what does that have to do with anything....As long as no one runs their mouth to him then he wouldn't even know I came here..." she glares at me then goes upstairs.

I follow behind her making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. She comes across Yuki's room "The new girl lives with you guys..." She says while putting her hand on the door knob but I stop her.

"It's already really rude to just walk into our house without us letting you in...So I advise you not to walk into other people's  room's either.... Especially without their permission you didn't come to see Yuki you came to see Sasuke did you or did you not..." I said while glaring at her. she moves her hand and walk towards mine and Sasuke's room when she get's there she starts screaming and hugging all up on Sasuke. Right then and there I just want to grab her and drag her out of here but she isn't my problem she's Sasuke's.

"SASUKE~KUN I MISSED YOU!!!!" Sakura said. she really needs to calm down she's giving me a headache. Sakura sits on Sasuke's bed and Sasuke starts to look irritated

"Sakura listen.....I need to talk to you." Sasuke said while grabbing her hand and walking out the room towards the front door. I hope he cuts Sakura off for good this time I lay on my bed and take a nap.

Sasuke's pov

I took Sakura to the front door so I can talk to her "What are you doing here Sakura..." I said coldly.

"I came here to see you Sasuke~kun..." Sakura said while twiddling with her fingers.

"Why?" I said

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to get back wit---." I cut her off

"About that I'm sorry Sakura but I'm done with you.." I said while opening the door and pushing her out then she turns around.

"I'll give you time to think about what I just said okay Sasuke~kun." Sakura said while walking off. she just ignored me .....she didn't even listen to a word I told her!!!! then I shut the door sighing and started hearing footsteps....

Yuki's pov

I was walking down the stairs and saw Sasuke at the front door with a girl...I'm not even going to get involved with that pink headed girl so I was going to walk back upstairs till I heard the door shut. I guess she left I walked down stairs and started to cook some miso ramen I felt someones eyes on me...

"What is it Uchiha." I said and he walks over to me and sits on the counter and I look at him.

"What happen to you in there...." Sasuke said

"Drop it Sasuke..." I said while getting angry.

"How can I drop something like that...Look only thing I'm trying to do is help." Sasuke said while looking worried.

"I never asked for your help did I?!" I said almost losing my cool.

"Alright....Alright I'm not going to push you to tell me.....But even though we don't know each other well don't ever hesitate to come ask me for help." Sasuke said while getting up and walking into the living room. He's a sweet guy and all but I don't know if I can just trust him like that.

Mio's pov

I was in Yuki's room on my phone facing the wall until I decided to get up and see that Yuki wasn't even in the room anymore. Where the hell did she go??? I go up to my brother Kage and push him off the bed and all you heard was THUMP!

"WHAT THE FUCK MIO!!!" Kage said while getting up angry and yelling. Kei woke up looking pissed

"Would you two please be quiet." Kei said bluntly I start getting irritated.

"Where's Yuki..." I asked them while trying to stay calm.

"I don't know." They both said at the same time. I grab both of their ears leading them downstairs to the living room then I let them go.

"Kei go look fo---" "If your looking for your friend she's in the kitchen cooking food." Sasuke said while looking at t.v.

Sasuke's pov

After that girl left the two boys she was dragging down stairs sat down on the other couch looking at the t.v.

"Oi." I said to the boys and then they looked at me.

"Who are you guys." I said

"I'm Kage Yukiko's childhood best friend I'm a sinior and that's her brother Keitaro he's a Junior." The boy named Kage said. I looked at her brother and he looks familiar but I don't know where I Know him from. Naruto Shikamaru Kiba and Hinata comes down stairs. Naruto looks like a mess and I started to chuckle.

"Dobe what happen to you." I said while chuckling

"I don't want to talk about it." Naruto said while sitting on the couch. Keitaro and Kage stood up

"We should be leaving now it looks like Yukiko's is okay now." Kage said while walking to the front door. I feel someone staring at me. I look over to who was staring at me and it was the red headed boy Keitaro.

"Follow me Sasuke I need to speak to you Kage you go without me." Keitaro said. I look at him confused but I get up and follow him outside while Kage goes back to dorm three house. We stop when were at a park next to my dorm and he sits down on a bench and starts talking.

"That pink headed girl she your girlfriend?..." Keitaro said

"No why?" I asked

"Keep that girl away from my sister because if she comes near her there's going to be a problem." Keitaro said

"What did--" "I can tell she's a bad person from the look of her and the way she acts I'm just saying you don't gotta protect her but if she messes with Yukiko I'm not saving her you ask Yukiko for the story." Keitaro said while walking towards his dorm and I walk back to mine and I walk in and go to straight to Yukiko.

"Can I talk to you..." I said

A/N: Well that the end of this chapter.....Oh yea I'm real sorry it took so long to update😭