Ch.Six: Almost Getting Caught....

Yuki's pov

The next day after thinking for a while I decided to call Kei to yell at him for not letting me know about my concert. After I got all my anger out I told Kei to give me 7 tickets to my concert front row tickets and 7 passes to the meet and greet. I felt Somewhat bad about not going so I got them all tickets to my concert and got them all passes to the meet and greet. This is the best I can do I hope you like this Naruto. I get out of bed way before my alarm went off I got out of my bed and then start to set up my little studio in the corner of my room soon placing my little butt in my comfy computer chair and opens my computer and starts working on my new song.

Sasuke's pov

I was waking up to music being played across the hall "What the hell man... Why can't I sleep in peace?" I said while putting the pillow I was laying on on my face but no matter what I do I can still hear that damn music It's too early in the fucking morning for this shit. I get out off my bed and went over to the dobe to wake him up.

"Oi dobe wake up before I pour water on you." I said while staring at him

"please don't do that its to early for that Sasuke...What did you want." Naruto said

"How the fuck can you sleep through that." I said

"If it bothers you so much then just go to the person room and tell them to use head phones teme." Naruto said while turning around facing the wall

"Fine....Dobe." I said and walk out of our room to go to the room where the music is coming from. I put my hand on the door knob and twist the knob. Well might as well go in its not like shes gonna hear me knocking with this loud ass music playing. I walked into Yuki's room and she was on the phone so I kept quiet until she was off the phone.

"Why did you only give me 3 days to finish Kage." Yuki said she talking to Mio's brother maybe I should just come back la- " I can't finish music that fast dumb ass....No I don't need any help.....Yes I'm sure.....No I don't need his help he doesn't get my style at all." Yuki said what the fuck is going on right now i'm so confused...Yuki writes music?...

"Give me the details about my concert since you guys obviously planned it without me knowing shit..." Yuki said So Yuki has a concert on Syink's wait a minute thats the day of the syink concert. As soon as Yuki gets off the phone she starts making music again and I call out her name to tell her about the music.


"Calm the fuck down." I said while looking at Yuki with a blank look on my face

"Rude....What did you want?" Yuki asked she sounded a little pissed

"I want you to use headphones because your music is to damn loud this fucking early in the damn morning." I said while yelling a little.

"Well then put fucking earplugs in your ears." Yuki said

"Really you have headphones sitting right there why won't you use them?" I asked

"Because they are broken Sasuke." Yuki said

"Well can you at least turn the music down because I need more sleep before its time for us to get ready and leave." I said

"Awe do sweeping beauty need his beauty sweep.." Yuki said in a baby voice.

"Stop talking like that I'm just warning you if you don't turn this music down I will be real fucking cranky and no one likes it when Sasuke Uchiha is cranky." I said

"Who cares just get out and go somewhere that you can't here my music then teme." Yuki said

"Don't call me that.." I said

"Why not teme.." Yuki said

"Naruto is the only one I let call me that..." I said

"Oooh.....Only naruto..." Yuki said while wiggling her eye brows.

"You need to clear that fucking dirty ass mind of yours." I said while poking her forehead with my two fingers.

"I thought you wanted to get some sleep Sasuke." Yuki said while smiling then her alarm clock starts ringing.

"You're gonna pay for this Yukiko." I said while smirking and leaving the room.

((Time skip))

Yuki's pov

We were all getting ready to leave until Kei texted me....And it said

"Yuki don't go to school today."

I texted back scared ass fuck to know why while I'm sitting here thinking that Rinji died

"Why not?"

Kei texted back saying

"Because we are going to need Syink to come to school today...."

A/N : Sorry it took so long again i was caught up in my studies but if you want to know what happens next just make sure your on the look out to when i update again haha hope you liked this chapter