Ch.Seven: Plan Set In Motion

Yuki's pov

Well I have to make up a damn reason to stay in the dorm because Kei told me to stay home today.... I'll just say I'm sick or something....

"Yuki come on were leaving" Mio said. I grab her arm and pull her into the kitchen.

"Kei told me not to go to school." I said

"Why...DID RINJI DIE!!!" Mio said while looking worried.

See this is why I love her so much "No Kei told me not to go to school so I can play DJ Syink today so I can give Naruto some tickets to my concert and backstage passes" I said

"I wanna be apart of this too we just got connected back a day ago so I wanna see you in action when your Syink and I wanna see how its like to dress up as someone your not and to be right by your side like sisters😌" Mio said I look at her a tilt my head to the side a little.

"Are you sure you wanna be apart of it because you know once your face is in the media they are not going to leave u alone. " I said while looking at her seriously. I can't believe Mio is going to be with me from now on with this DJ stuff I'm so happy😀.

"Yea of course I wanna be apart of it. " Mio said while smiling and I smile right back at her feeling really happy.

Naruto comes in the kitchen " Mio is Yuki coming or not... " Naruto said and I start coughing and Mio is Rubing my back.

"Yuki are you okay?!" Naruto said And when he yelled it Sasuke came running in here to see what's wrong then everyone else comes right behind him. fucking dobe why do you have to have a big mouth Naruto your making things more complicated then it has to be...

"What's wrong." Sasuke says while looking worried. Wow duckbutt actually cares about me that's flattering😂

"I'm sick..... That's what's wrong with me." I said while snapping a little. I got to get into it so... He'll be okay... Right...

" Well then stay your ass home then we will tell the teacher why ur not in class but I'm not letting you stay here on ur own Naruto...--" I cut him off

"Mio can watch me." I said and they all stare at me... What's wrong... They are all staring at me and I do not like it...

"Alright Mio will watch Yuki now let's go were going to be late if we don't leave right now." Sasuke said

"Right let's get a move on I hope you feel better Yuki" Said Hinata while pushing everyone out. thanks Hinata I smile at her so she can see I appreciate it.

Mio walks me back to my room and I turn to her " Your brother should be on his way over here with the tickets I want you to go get them while I see what I got for you to wear when we enter the school." I said while searching through my boxes full of clothes.

"I'll go and get them when I hear him knocking I wanna look through these with you to see what fits my style." Mio said

((Time skippp))

After we found a outfit for Mio Kage came knocking at the door at the right time "I'll go and get that☺" Mio said

"I'll be here getting ready" I said while doing my make up.

Mio's pov

I was walking down stairs to get the tickets from my brother. Ugh I am really pissed that he knew this shit before me. I open the door and see someone who isn't my brother Infront of me and I tilt my head to the side

(This is how kage looks now during this thing for Naruto he dyed his hair lighter and put in color contacts 😂)

"Who are you." I said then he starts laughing like I'm stupid "What's so funny." I said while smiling.

"You wanna know what's funny.... The funny thing is that you don't know how your own brother looks through a stupid disguise." Kage said while laughing and I laugh right along with him while pulling his ear.

"Owwww" Kage said

"Give me the damn tickets already" I said while pulling him by the ear inside the house.

"What do you mean I'm driving you to the school dumb ass." Kage said while Looking pissed.

"Just give me the damn tickets Yuki needs them and I need to get ready so you need to hurry up because your wasting time." I said

"Fine." he gives me the tickets "thank you." I said while heading back up the stairs

((Time skipp))

Yuki's pov

After me and Mio got ready me and mio went downstairs to Kage "Okay let's go I wanna hurry up and do this so I can go get something to eat after this." I said

"Why are you always so hungry." Kage said

"Actually I didn't get to eat anything today because I was working on that song....You know the song that I have to finish in two fucking days..... So if you have a issue with me being hungry then you got another thing coming because you and kei are going to be my personal hoes for three fucking days... " I said while walking out the door toward the car while Mio and Kage followed right behind me.

((Time skip))

We arrived in front of the school and me and Mio got out the car and Mio hands me the envelope with the tickets then all I hear all the students scream I love you from the school windows. The bell isn't going to ring for another 30 minutes so I'll go inside and just talk to the principle. I walk into the school and get bombarded by the employees of the school thankfully the principle came when he did or I would've still been crowded by the employees that work here.

"So.... Why the sudden visit Syink I'm pretty sure your busy preparing for your concert." Sarutobi said.

"Well I don't know for sure but I'm looking for a guy Naruto Uzumaki I believe he lives in dorm house one." I said and Sarutobi takes out a list and nods his head.

"Yes he does and what business do you have with Mr. Uzumaki." Sarutobi said.

"someone told contacted me and asked me to surprise him that's all and I wanted you to also allow me to spend money on their dorm house to renovate it into their own liking." I said while waiting for his answer.

" I am sorry Ms. Syink but we don't have enough money for that--" I cut him off.

"I thought you would say that so I decided to pay for everything myself." I said while hoping he would allow it.

"Oh I don't know I don't want the kids in that dorm to go over board and what about the kids in the other dorms I don't want them to get jealous because your coming to visit dorm one." Sarutobi said while looking worried. See I like our principle he cares a lot for all the kids here like they are his own I think I might just invite all of them to my vacation home so everyone can get a chance to hang with me for while.

"Well since your bringing that up I guess I'll get all the seniors off your hands for a bit and invite all the seniors to my vacation homes so we can all chill kind of like a fun field trip and trust me I don't think the kids will go over board it'll be fine I promise." I said while smiling.

"I'll have to think about this renovating thing but in the mean time you can go ahead to the cafeteria that's where all the seniors are unless Naruto and his friends went off campus for lunch.... Or we can make this easy... And call up everyone in the dorm into a empty class room and have our best teacher Kakashi Hatake lead you to the room they will be waiting on you in." Sarutobi said

"Yea I would love it to go that way a lot it will save me." I said while laughing with the principle. hmm the principle is a cool dude.

"Okay during 6th period we will gather all the students that live in that dorm into the English classroom on the second floor across from the girls bathroom Kakashi will lead you there while I call them over the intercom does that sound good."Sarutobi said

"Sound good to me." I said

(In the mean time)

Sasuke POV

It's really boring here without Yukiko here she's usually yelling at me about something right about now or she's calling me names or something I wonder what she's doing right now maybe I should've been the one to stay at home and took care of her.... What the hell am I saying... Ugh..... I heard someone calling my name and it was Naruto...

" Oi Sasuke we got called down to the English room by the principle." Naruto said

"For what?!" I said and Naruto shrugs his shoulders and walks away then Sakura comes up to me. Oh yea I have to cut Sakura off today before school ends so I can prove to Yuki that I can do this on my own but right now I can't because the principle called us down.

"Not right now Sakura I have to go." I said while getting up out my seat then I felt someones hands on my arm I look and it's Sakura... Again

"That Yukikio girl something is fishy about her crew it's like she is keeping some kind of big secret." Sakura said and I look at her confused then I start thinking about what happen in her room this morning. Could it actually be true that Yukikio is hiding something.

"Why are you telling me this... I could careless about what that girl is doing." I said

"Because I'm going to need your help Sasuke-kun I want to bust that girl on every secret she has up her sleeve" Sakura said

"I'll think about it but right now I have to go." I said while head in towards the English room everyone is her except for Mio and Yuki I sit down next to Naruto and Shikamaru.

"This is such a drag." Shikamaru said well he isn't wrong there are no teachers in here right now. Then the most unexpected thing happened I never knew that she would be here.

Yuki's POV

Kakashi was leading me to the classroom in a secret way only a couple of people fainted but a lot of people seen us and surrounded me and Kakashi I told him sorry about my fans and then he told me that it's no problem be cause he was a fan of my music to you don't know how surprised I was when he told me this. And soon after a while he brought to to the English room.

"OH MY GOD IT'S SYINK!!!!!" Kiba yelled and then everyone came running up to me this is one thing I hate about being a celebrity but it's better then not having anything to do as well so I cant really complain

"Ok ok everyone please sit down I came here to speak to all of you especially to Naruto Uzumaki" I said and Naruto looked confused on why I had to speak to him.

"It's nothing bad I promise it's actually pretty good if you ask me." I said while trying to get him to understand.

"Okay good I don't want to get in anymore trouble this year." Naruto said while sighing and I can hear Mio giggling at him from behind me and I smile.

"Well first things first nice to see you all again didn't really think I would see you all again so soon but I just had to see y'all because your friend I think her name was Yukiko she contacted me about how big a fan you all were and she practically begged me to come here in person to give you these so you won't have to work so hard and earn the money for these so all your friends to go with you and Yukiko told me to also tell you that she wanted to apologize again for not going with you all to my concert she felt really bad so she set this all up for you Naruto you have a really good friend." I said while handing Naruto the envelope with the tickets to my concert in it along with backstage passes and when Naruto opened the envelope his eyes widened at the sight of the tickets and backstage passes that was in there.

Naruto POV

When Yuki told me she wasn't able to go I was planning on trying to convince her to come with us to Syink's concert but now that I know that Yuki did all this to apologize to me for her not being able to go I kind of feel bad about it about being so mad at her I think right after Syink leaves I'm going to go back to the dorm and talk to Yuki and thank her.

Yuki's POV

I was standing next to Mio while watching Naruto smiling brightly with the present I gave him. He looks so happy. "I have another thing to say to you all I want to give all of you a present but I don't know if I can fully go out with it but I'm going to tell you guys Anyways I was speaking to your principle Sarutobi and I was thinking that I would let you all renovate your dorm house to your liking tell me if it's to much..... ---" I paused because everyone one was just looking at me with surprised expressions they were like this for a while until Hinata said

"That will be great Syink" Then Sasuke came up to me and took my hand and dragged me outside

What's up with him "umm Sasuke what are you doing.... "

A/n: I will most likely update when I can soon I will be taking test for my classes so I'm studying but I will update when I can but make sure you look for when I update because this is going to get juicy real quick....