Karins POV
I walked away from Sakura I don't even see how Sasuke even dated a girl like her she's so rude ugh!!! I can't stand her!!!
Ino come towards me while putting her shoes on
"Where are you going?" I asked
"To Sasuke's and Yukiko's dorm." Ino said
"Let me come with you. " I asked if I come with her I can tell her what sakura is planning on doing.
"Sure let's go." Ino said and I put on my shoes and jacket since it's already late they might be getting ready for dinner over there and hopefully me and Abe can become friends
Me and Ino put our jackets on and then we walk out our dorm to head over to dorm one
((Time skip))
Ino's POV
I knock on the door then Sasuke opens it
"What do you want ino." Sasuke said
"And Karin." Karin said a little agervated because he just ignored her.
"We came here to talk to Yukiko." I said
Sasuke glared at me once he heard her name come out my mouth.
"It has nothing to do with Sakura's plan I swear it." I said
"Heh...heard that plenty of times from one of Sakura's friends." Sasuke said damn he's sharp.
"Sasuke it's too cold out here just let us inside and then we can talk more if you really think we are trying to get information on Yukikio then come with us while we talk to her does that fit your Standards." Karin said
"You grew some balls Karin." He said while smirking and letting us in the door then I felt everyone's on us. The girls were in the kitchen cooking dinner and the boys were in the living room. Trying to pick a movie to watch on Hulu.
"What's going on in here." I said while looking at everyone.
"Nothing were just choosing a movie so we can have dinner and watch TV Yuki Mio and Hinata are cooking so we were just deciding on what to watch when the food is done." Kiba said and Akamaru barked.
"Can we join in." I asked hoping they accept me
"I don't think so." Naruto said
"Why not?" I asked Naruto then everyone (boys) turns to Naruto and look at him while he is sitting on the floor chewing on a gummy bear.
"Because your Sakura's friends and everyone in this house knows that you guys are no good." Naruto said while looking at the tv.
"You know he isn't wrong Ino I'm your friend and all but I don't think so Sakura is nothing but trouble and so are her so called friends she's been like that for years now." Shikamaru said well he isn't wrong but I'm not her friend anymore I told her off right before I came here when Karin left I literally walked out the room for how rude she was being towards us.
"Ino how about tomorrow me and you beat her then we get the information we need from her because I know she's not gonna talk free handed so we gotta beat it out of her." Sakura said while getting excited
"No thank you." I said while playing a game on my phone.
"Did you just...tell me no..." Sakura said while looking at me.
"Yea what's the problem?" I asked while looking up from my phone at her.
"You can't tell me no I'm the leader of this group you listen to me." Sakura said
"If this is what you thought was going on then you can forget ever considering me as your friend Sakura. Because I thought this was just us chilling out and being friends but now that I think about it. Your a total bitch and I've really had it with you and your bullshit. Because the last time we did something like this you pinned it all on me and Karin and got both of us suspended for a week. You didn't even try to stick up for us. You're a backstabbing bitch Sakura. I dont even understand why I became your friend and helped you get Sasuke when I had a crush on him." I said
"Get out.... GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK." Sakura said while pushing me out the room
"I'll be sure to transfer to dorm one." I said and tell yukikio all what ur going to do to her.
(End of flash back)
"I'm not her friend..." I said while looking at Naruto and Shikamaru
"I've had it with how the way Sakura has treated me over the past 17 years we've known each other all these years the only thing she did was cause straight hell for me and Karin so right before me and Karin decided to come here I had a big fight with that bitch and god let me tell you that felt so good!." I said
"Look....you can stay but we still don't completely trust you Ino we still don't know what your doing with or without Sakura's help." Naruto said
"Karin calm down let's take our jackets off and head to the kitchen with the girls is that alright." I said
"Fine.... " Karin said while taking her jacket off and shoes and I do the same and we head to the kitchen with the girls.
"Oh hi... Ino what are you doing here." Hinata said while looking at me
"I'm not even going to say anything anymore." Karin whispers damn someone is going to burn a whole in my head if they keep glaring at me like that.
I look over to where the glaring eyes are and your guessed right their Yukiko's damn she looks scary this is going to be tough to become friends with her...
"I came over to be friends with all of you if you don't mind me being here." I said
Hinata looks over at Yukiko. "I don't think that would be a good idea Ino." Hinata said
"Look Yukikio I am not Sakura's friend anymore trust me on this one okay I already told the guys this and they let us in you gotta give us a chance to prove our selves that we won't mess with you." I said
Sasuke's POV
"You should go check on Yukiko." Naruto said I looked over at him
"Why don't you do it dobe." I said
"Because you care about her now stop trying to argue with me teme and go check up on the girls." Naruto said
"Fine..." I said while getting up as slow as possible but Naruto gets up before me and drags me by the kitchen and walks away.
"Good luck teme." Naruto says while walking back to the living room.
"Fucking dobe." I mutter while I head into the kitchen but I stop myself while listening in on what's going on.
"I came over to be friends with all of you if you don't mind me here." Ino said
"I don't think that would be a good idea ino." Hinata said should I stop it.
"Look yukikio I am not sakura friend anymore trust me on this one okay I already told the guys this and they let us in you gotta give us a chance to prove our selves that we won't mess with you." Ino said I'm going to go stop this before this gets out of hand.
I walk in the room with my hands in my pockets "Are you guys done arguing now or whatever." I said
"We weren't arguing Sasuke I was just telling them how I'm not going to be Sakura's pon anymore but I don't think Yukikio believes me." Ino said
I look at Yuki and gives her a look saying that she's fine with being here then her glare turns into a smile.
"It's fine you guys can stay but I swear on my life if yo--" Mio puts her hand over Yuki's mouth.
"It's fine Ino she's cool with you now but now since we all accepted you that means you have to promise us this one thing." I said and she stares at me
"You have to promise us that you don't turn your back on us we don't need another her in our dorm and you can stay here on one more condition." I said
".... Don't fall for me." He turns and glares at Karin
"She's dating Suigetsu Sasuke and I'm no into you anymore I'm into someone else." Ino said
"Thank god." Yuki and I said
I look her and smirk then she blushes I never knew Yukikio Abe had that kind of expression.
"Okay Sasuke get out were fine now let us finish cooking." Yuki said
"Okay fine... But one thing." I said while walking up to Yuki and I grab her ass where no one can see "See you later Yuki." I said while walking out the kitchen I now she's gonna beat my ass later but I just had to it was just to fat I couldn't control myself.
Yuki's POV
Sasuke just grabbed my ass what the fuck i-im gonna kill him!!
Mio looks at me then smirks "D-don't smirk at me!!" I yell and Mio just starts laughing at me "Fuck you too bitch." I said and she just keeps laughing
"You know I can't take you seriously when your blushing right!!!" Mio said while laughing
I grab the knife then she shuts up hm that's what I thought I start cutting some onions and then adding them to the pan.
"Ino can you cut these potatoes and Mio--you can make something to drink for dinner Hinata can you make the rice and Karin help Mio I guess." I said
"On it" Ino said while taking the potatoes and cutting them up quickly
"Okay Yuki." Hinata said while filling our rice maker with water
Mio walks over to the fridge and See's beer... "Do you guys think beer will go along with curry." Mio said
"No I don't think so but the guys I think they would want some though so put a few out and you can make your famous Pam pam." I said while putting the chopped onions in the pan and mix the chicken and the onions together.
"Really I don't think they could handle Pam pam." Mio said
"What is pam pam?" Hinata asked
"It's a drink me and Mio came up with it honestly taste really good but it gets you drunk real quick if your a lightweight you are gonna be drunk fast if you drink this baby." I said
"I think we should save that for after dinner if it's that strong Yukikio." Ino said
"Maybe your right but.... Mio still make it because you know it's good when it's cold." I said
"Alright pam pam it is." Mio said while making it.
((Time skip))
After the food and the pam pam is done we fix the everyone's plate and put the pam pam in the refrigerator for later we get the plates and gives them to everyone.
"Wow you girls can cook." Naruto said
"It's fine." Sasuke said while smirking
((Time skip))
After we finish the movie we were done eating
"Mio...get the pam pam."I said
"You sure yuki--"Mio said
"Get the pam pam!" I said
"Here she goes again she's always like this everytime we make pam pam." Mio says to her self.
Mio leaves the room
"What the fuck is pam pam?" Naruto asked
"A really strong drink that's all you need to know." I said
Mio comes out with 8 pam Pam's and puts it on the coffee table in the living room
"What the fuck is this shit?" Sasuke asked
"It's pam pam drink it." I said
"You drink it with me." Sasuke said
"Okay fine come on let's do this." I said
Me and Sasuke drink the pam pam at the same time
"Whooo! That shit was strong Naruto drink it I think you would love it it's better than beer." He said with his cheeks pink
"Hahaha look at your cheeks their pink." Naruto said while pointing at Sasuke then he drinks the pam pam then so does everyone else and then everyone is drunk in an instant
"Yukikio can we talk to you." Karin said and Ino nods I look over to Sasuke.
"I'm going to be there with you don't worry." Sasuke said
"I should have something to worry about bitch your drunk your cheeks are pink." I said to him
"Shut up dumbass I'm sober not fully drunk." Sasuke said
"Okay come to my room then we can just talk there." I said
A/n: Hi sorry it took me soooo long to post this I'm just trying to get my grades up you know but when the summer come it should come more frequently then how the chapters come now hope you enjoyed it