Ch.Ten: The Talk

Yuki's POV

"Okay come to my room we can just talk there." I said

We all walk to my room and they sit on the couch and Sasuke sits in my computer chair.

"Come on Sasuke get up." I said

"Sit on my lap." Sasuke said while patting his lap.

"No Sasuke I'm not sitting on your lap but I know one thing you need to do to get out my chair" I said.

"Stop being so shy Yuki... Come on just until the talk is over." Sasuke said while practically begging me to say yes.

"Okay how about after the talk I'll sit on your lap." I said

"How about before the talk." Sasuke said

"After the talk and that's final...." I said

"Fine...whatever." Sasuke said while getting up out my computer chair and walks over to my bed and lays on it.

I sit in my chair and face Karin and ino "So what's the problem." I said with a serious look on my face.

"You know Sakura right the girl me and Ino use to be friends with the pink hair big ass forehead." Karin said

"Yea I know who she is my brother told me to stay away from her and to stay away from her friends too." I said sternly blehhh disgusting

"Trust me we are nothing like Sakura if anything were the total opposite of Sakura." Ino said

"Back to what I was saying.... Sakura... That bitch.... Sakura she's planning something.... Something dealing with you and a big secret..." Karin said

Does she know about me being Syink... I can't let this Sakura bitch get too close. "A secret?..." I said

"Yea a secret.....she said that you were hiding this big secret and she gonna figure it out....she want's to beat you like hand to hand combat type shit." Ino said

"The last time she wanted to do something like this we got in trouble for it....Sakura blamed it all on and Ino took the blame for everything she didn't even apologize for what she did...that day I got in so much trouble I got suspended. And my parents forced me to leave my science club. And they separated me and Suigetsu." Karin said

"I got in a lot of trouble to... My mom told me to clean the whole house for a week and they took me out of the konoha swim team. I loved swimming so much Yuki....Sakura knew that but she didn't care." Ino said ino look's like she's about to cry.

"So why did you guys stay with her after that incident." I said

"She promised me that she would get me and Karin back in our club's but she never did....she's a big ass liar with a big ass forehead." Ino said

"Can you tell me one thing." I said

Karin and ino looked at me I need to know why, why am I her target

"Why is she after me?... " I asked I looked at Sasuke

"She didn't tell me anything Yuki so don't look at me like that." Sasuke said

"She's has you as her next target because.... Your talking to Sasuke she thinks your going to steal her man." Karin said and Sasuke almost throws up in his mouth.

"Her man I'm nobody's man yet." Said said while looking at me and then he smirks.

"I kinda think you two would be a cute couple though if that ever plays out." Ino said and Karin nods.

"I have no time for love right now I have to much stuff on plate already love will kind of just get in my way... It's not like I don't want a boyfriend or anything just not right now."I said

I looked at Sasuke and he looked disappointed at what I just said he kind of looked like a sad little puppy it made me feel really bad.

"Sasuke... " I whispered so only I can hear it in my mind.

A/n : hai this is going to be a two part chapter I know this was shorter than usual but the next part will be good and juicy trust me😄😄