Ch.Eleven: The Talk PT2

Yuki's pov

"Sasuke...." I said in my mind

"Hey Ino and karin can you give us a minute please." I asked and ino and karin nods and walks out my room closing the door behind them

After they left Sasuke started talking..

This isn't going to be good...

Sasuke POV

"Your not looking for love huh..." I said

When Yuki said she wasn't looking for love my heart almost shattered.... I-I thought yuki liked me from the way she was acting around me... Guess I was wrong the whole time.

"No I'm not... Sorry sasuke please don't take this to heart." Yuki said while while looking at me apologizing from the look in her eyes.

"Don't take it to heart.... Don't you think it's to late for me not to take it to heart Yuki you were sending me all these signs saying that you interested but now your telling me your not." I said

"I'm sorry Sasuke I really am but the time isn't right for me to be in love with anyone right now....I have to much shit on my shoulders if I were to be in love right now it would honestly be over in a instant and I don't want to go through that...why would you care anyway Sasuke your last person that I thought who would care about something like this" Yuki said

"Well you were wrong because a person like me have reasons why they care about stuff like this... Your just to dense and dumb to figure it out..." I said while getting up and walking out her room leaving her shocked

I walk pass Naruto in the hallway "hey...Teme everyone out there is passed out from Yuki and Mio's pam pam it was-" He cut him self off while looking at me. my hair was all over my eyes I looked depressed to naruto

"What happened..." Naruto asked and I walked past him and went to the room and laid on my bed

"I'm such an asshole why did I ever think I would get a chance to be with Yuki..." I whispered

Yuki's POV

"I'm so stupid for saying that in front of him.... He looked so sad... I-I just don't know what to say to him he looked mad and upset...hurt..but....I'm shocked he called me dense when I'm the second most smartest person in the house... Damn I was hoping he would wait for me but...I'm so damn stupid for ever thinking I would get a chance with Sasuke even if I'm some stupid Dj..." I whispered

((Time skippp))

Today is the day of the concert and I'm so nervous for some reason it's not like it's my first time performing it's because of.... Him...

(Flash back)

"Well you were wrong because a person like me have reasons why they care about stuff like this... Your just to dense and dumb to figure it out..." Sasuke said

(End of flash back)

I need to get my head out of the gutter and to get ready for this concert in a couple of hours

Mio walks in my room and gives me a big hug "What is this for.." I said while hugging her back.

"I heard what happened between you and Sasuke it's been Two days and yal still aren't talking and you haven't slept since then either I can tell." Mio said

"I'm fine Mio... " I said

"Stop lying to me look in the mirror Yuki you have dark circles under your eyes and you didn't eat yesterday either...probably didn't drink anything yesterday either." Mio said she's such a worrywart I swear

"I didn't but I will be fine I swear." I said and then Naruto comes upstairs to my room and looks at me

"Hey Yuki is everything okay." Naruto said

"Everything is fine everything is fucking perfectly fine....couldn't be any fucking better." I said sarcasticly

"Okay I was just worried about you that's all. we were all worried about you. but it's kind of to bad that we couldn't get you to come with us tonight to the concert." Naruto said

"I'll be watching on the tv so don't worry I'll probably see you on the TV screen so have fun for me okay." I said with a big weak smile on my face and Naruto smiles back.

(Time skippp)

I'm about about to go on stage in a little bit I'm back stage I just got dressed so I'm in my dressing room doing some warms ups to lose some of the nervousness I have right now until someone knocked on my door and I obviously opened the door and it was Sasuke he came to up to meet Syink to say hello

"Hey how you been." Sasuke said with a smile I guess he moved on and already got Yuki of his mind

"I'm fine how about you. You look like your doing well as always." I said he pulls me into a hug.

"It's nice to have you in my arms for once but right now I have to go so I'll see you after the concert..." Sasuke said then let's me go and then he walked away

"Man I guess he really is over it huh..." I said then someone comes over too me and tells me I'm on and they lead me too the stage

The crowd is screaming and yelling and chanting my name. I finally let every thing that was weighing on my shoulders go. and started to play my newly finished song.

After the second song I started to get really dizzy I was looking around the crowd until I saw Sakura pulling on Sasuke and kissing him and him kissing her back. I guess they are back together I knew he wouldn't wait on me...

Then I fell and blacked out from exhaustion...

A/n : This was the best I've written it's good to me hope you enjoy it part two


By bree