Ch.Twelve: The Reveal

Sasuke's pov

As I was kissing Sakura I herd a lot of people screaming and gasping I brake from Sakura's kiss and look up at the stage. She fainted...

As I looked next me I was looking for Mio but the only people I see is Naruto Kiba Hinata Shikamaru Ino and karin but no Mio "What the hell." I said

"What happened?" Naruto said while looking worried.

"Where is Mio." I said

Mio's POV

"Oh my god Yuki fainted I knew she wasn't okay I just knew it damnit!!! She was already pressured enough with Sasuke...Sakura kissed Sasuke did Yuki see it before she fanited? I don't have time for this I need to go! As I was walking I seen them putting Yuki on the strecher and I ran over to them

"Exscuse me ma'am only family members past this point." The paramedic said

"I'm her best friend were like sisters just let me ride with you guys I'm not Leaving her alone not in this state." I said while not leaving her side I took her hand you better wake up Yuki I take off her mask and takes away her voice changer

((Time skipp))

In the hospital....

Sasuke texted me seven times I guess he was worried (their text messages)


Mio where did you go

Hey answer me






Sasuke I'm fine ok

Don't worry about me


Meet us back at the house

Okay I will by now ✌

(End of text messages)

"Ugh I swear he acts like my dad and were all the same age." I whispered

"Yuki..." I called out her name and she turned her head slowly towards me.

"I know you can hear me... But to be honest I think it's time for Syinks reveal." I said

"No I'm not revealing myself I can't. . . you know what's going to happen Mio my parents are going to kill me." Yuki said

Naruto's POV

"Should we just head to the hospital to see if Syink's okay." I said

"Dobe." Sasuke hits me on the head. "Even if we go to the hospital it'll be for nothing." Sasuke said

"Why do you say it will be for nothing." I said

"Because they won't let us in Syink's identity is still a mystery." Sasuke said

"Yea Sasuke is right." Sakura said

"Why are you even here?" Ino asked

"I invited her to come." Sasuke said while kissing her forehead

"So you guys are back together?" Karin asked while Sakura is glaring at both of them.

"Yea you got a problem." Sakura said

"I actually do have a problem you don't deserve a man like Sasuke your just gonna cheat on him like you did all your other boyfriends....." Hinata said

"Who said that you can talk to me like that." Sakura said while holding on to Sasuke arm.

"Your not the boss of me hoe so don't even try to boss me around because I've had it with you." Hinata said

Sakura glares at Hinata while holding on to Sasuke's arm and then Hinata turns to look at Sasuke with a glare.

"You couldn't wait.... For her.... You just had to find another bitch and not wait for her...." Hinata said while walking up to him and slapping Sasuke.

"I hope that put some damn sense in your head." Hinata said while walking away leaving Sasuke to be the one shocked.

"Babe are you okay?" Sakura said while trying to tend to his stinging cheek.

"Sasuke that was messed up you know... It was hard for you to accept us but you let Sakura in with no problem and me and Ino didn't do anything wrong to you like she did... That hurts you know."Karin said while walking away towards Hinata and Ino tails behind them.

"Damn teme you got it hard but--." I said but the door bell interrupted me "I guess I'll get that." Shikamaru said.

Shikamaru's POV

Damn this is a drag so much bullshit in this house all I wanted to do was sleep but noooo Naruto had to force me to go but... I got two ramen coupons out of it so it was worth it😅.

I open the door "Who are you?"

"Oh hey is Yuki here." Rinji said (do yal remember him yea thought I wasnt gonna put him back in well u were just wrong I would never leave rinji out he's to funny lol back to the story 😂😂)

"Who are you." I said

"Oh I'm Yukiko's big brother I'm the oldest out of Yukiko and Keitaro and Mai." Rinji said

"Oh I don't really know who Mai is but you can come in." I said while leading him where everyone else is.

"Who is that?" Sakura said a little flirtatious

"So where is my baby sister." He said while looking serious.

"YOUR HER BROTHER... NO WAY!!" Sakura said and Rinji looks at her confused...

"Umm... Okay." He looks at Sasuke still looking shocked.

"Yea don't worry about him he just got himself in some stupid situation with some girls." Naruto said

"As long as my sister isn't apart of his shit I'm fine...I don't need her heart being broken." Rinji said while getting angry.

"Well that's to bad becau--." I put my hand over naruto's mouth.

"We don't need anymore bullshit in here." I whisper in Naruto ear. And he nods quickly and I let him go

"What were you saying?" Rinji asked

"N-nothing." Naruto said

"She's not here..." Sasuke said quietly

"What?" Rinji said

"She isn't here...." Sasuke said

"Where is she then? " Rinji said

"She said she had a family thing to do." Sasuke said quietly

"A family thing... We didn't have a family thing today." Rinji said

Sasuke's POV

Wait what... So if they didn't have a family thing then where is Yuki.

"So your telling us that you guys didn't have a family thing going on today." Naruto said

"Yea we didn't have one if we did then I would've came and picked Yuki and Kei up because they still don't know their way around here and Yuki probably wouldn't have come because she isn't on good terms with our step mom right now." Rinji said

I can feel Yuki's older brother's eyes on me but I don't care Yuki is missing and they are still here talking. I take my arm from Sakura's arm and walk out the door to my car with Rinji following me out

"Oi dude I'm coming with you." Rinji said.

"Hn." I get in my car and Rinji and Naruto gets in

"Where did you come from dobe?" I asked

"I was behind you the whole time now stop talking to me and drive." Naruto said and I start driving.

Yuki's POV

"No I'm not revealing myself I can't. . . you know what's going to happen Mio Aiko is going to kill me." I said

"Look where you are you not realize that you are in a fucking hospital!"Mio said while yelling at me.

"I know I know I know! Mio damnit you know I can't do that!...If Aiko finds out I'm dead!...And you know it I can't do this!" I said while yelling back at Mio.

"You collapsed Yuki... Look I'm not telling you to tell the whole world I just want you to tell the people you live with, the people you trust so they know not to put a lot of stress on you when you have important shit coming up like a concert." Mio said

"I know what your trying to do but what if some of the people turn their backs on me and tell Aiko what do I do then Mio?" I asked

"No one would do that to you Hinata Ino and Karin all love you like family Shikamaru Naruto and Kiba love you like a sister and Sasuke he likes you too damn much to ever tell anyone this big of a damn secret no one in our dorm would ever turn their back on you because your a good person they have no reason to do that." Mio said

I start crying for the first time in my life over a dumbass boy like Sasuke uchiha damn

"I saw it..." I said

"I know you did and I'm sorry you had to see it but I don't want to say it but it looks like they are back together now." Mio said

"That was the last thing I ever wanted to hear from anyone but thanks... For telling me Mio. I'll reveal my self... But only to the people in Our dorm okay....only the people in our dorm. But I'mma need my mask and voice changer back though so hand it over." I said and she hands it back to me and I turn the voice changer back on. And puts it under my mask and puts it back on. My wig is still on so I'll just pull my wig off and take take my mask off then tell them ugh this is a pain in the ass.

"I'll text everyone to come here and tell them not to bring anyone along outside of Our dorm ok." Mio said

"Okay." I said

Sasuke's POV

Vrrr vrrr I grab my phone and reads it "come to this address and don't bring anyone out side of our dorm it's urgent." Sasuke read and then Naruto phone goes off too.

"Did you get this message from Mio too teme." Naruto said

"Yea should we go?" I Asked

"We should go pick up the other's and see if they got the message too." Naruto said

"But she said it was urgent dobe." I said

"But if everyone one got the message then that means she wants everyone there and plus if we go back I can get in my car and we can split everyone up in two groups and drive to the location." Naruto said

"Good idea we already dropped Rinji off so we're heading back." I said while driving back to the dorm.

((Time skipp))

Hinata's POV

"Hey did you guys get this message too." I said while showing them my phone.

"Yea I wonder what it's about." Ino said

"Me too it's urgent so do you think the guys got it--" Karin got cut off by Sasuke's car honking and we all go outside.

Naruto gets out the car and comes up to us "Just nod yes or no to my questions ok." Naruto said

"Okay" I said

"You guys got the text right." Naruto said

We all noded yes

"Okay good so we are going to split up in two groups and head to the location in mine and sasuke's cars are you guys coming." Naruto said

And we all nod yes again and we all split up and get in the cars and head to the hospital

Yuki's POV

Kei and kage came for a while to lecture Mio on making me tell our dorm about our secret but it's too late to turn back now.

"Hopefully no one tells." Kei said then everyone starts coming in and looking at me because I'm still dressed as Syink and they all start talking at the same time.

"Guys." I said then everyone stops talking.

"I know you guys were really worried about me because I collapsed earlier." I said

"I called y'all here to tell you something and it's important really important and I don't want this to get out to anyone okay you have to promise me before I let you know what it is please." I said while looking at them

"I promise." Naruto said

"I promise." Sasuke said

"I promise." The rest of the guys said and girls

"Okay so now that you all promised now I can tell you let's get to the point... So you know about my mystery identity right about people wanting to find out who I am." I said

"Why is Mio Kage and Kei here I just noticed they were here but why.." Sasuke asked

"We're here because we already know who she is she wanted us here so she doesn't feel too nervous." Mio said

"Yea thanks guys honestly... But today I'm going to show you who I really am." I said

"I... Am... " I said while looking down and taking my contacts out my eyes and removing my mask that had my voice changer in it and last but not least the wig I remove the wig and the only thing I hear is nothing so I look up and the only thing I see is shocked faces

"Yuki..." Sasuke said

"Hi... " I said

"The time when you were sick...and the time at sasuke's party..." Naruto said

"Yea that was me..." I said

"The conversation we had at the school...and the loud music in the mornings..." Sasuke said

"How you we nervous this morning..." Hinata said

"Your panic attack..." Shikamaru said

"Was all because of syink and of what comes with it." I said

Then they all start smiling except for Sasuke he looked sad and hurt and regretful...

"I knew it!!!" Kiba yelled

"This is awesome being friends with a celebrity." Naruto said

"This is such a drag now I have to keep another secret." Shikamaru said

"You have to give me music lessons" Kiba said

"Boys calm down." Hinata said while coming up to me and hugging me

"Next time please be more careful and not collapse on us again." Hinata said

"Yea we were worried." Karin said

"Don't ever do that again." Naruto said while walking up to me hugging me right along with everyone else except for Sasuke....

A/n: well this was a long one hope you enjoyed it.