Ch.Thirteen: Sasuke.....

Yuki's POV

"Don't ever do that again." Naruto said while walking up to me hugging me right along with everyone else except for Sasuke....

"How about we make another promise..." Ino said

"Promise about what..." Hinata said

"To never keep secret's from each other to tell the truth no matter what that goes for everyone in our dorm." Ino said

"Haha I don't wanna make that promise... " Naruto said while scratching the back of his head.

"I second that." I said and everyone looks at me surprise then the rest of the boys and mio and kei and kage agrees with Naruto and me

"Wow do yal really have that many secrets that you can't tell any of us." Hinata said

"Hinata honestly you can't be talking because you have a big one." Mio said

"Oh yea your right.... Sorry ino." Hinata said

"Yea were sorry some secrets aren't ment to be told yet..." Naruto said

After all that awkwardness we herd the door click and I put my wig and mask "um...ummm where are my eye contacts I can't find them." I said

"Don't panick here." Sasuke said while putting some sunglasses on my face before the doc comes in and See's my face he takes a look at kei.

"Ooh I've seen you in magizines alot your Dan Abe's and Akiokio abe's little boy how's your older sister doing I haven't really been seeing her in the magazines lately." The doctor said. And everyone looks at me and Kei shocked. Another secret out the bag huh... I guess he's a fan of my family's modeling business too...ugh this is a drag...

"Oh yuki she's fine she hasn't been feeling good lately so things haven't been going well for her..." Kei said

"Oh really maybe I'll send her a get well present." The doctor said

"Oh you don't have to do that I'll tell her you said to get well soon." Kei said while smiling and all the girls start gushing over him. And there it is.. Keitaro's signature smile... Ugh this always happens when he smiles that why he rarely smiles now.

"Okay syink you should be able to go home now but be more carefull and you need to eat and sleep once you do that for at least two days you should be fine." The doctor said while walking out the room the girls are still gushing over him.

"Oh my god snap out of it!." I said

The girls apologies to him and he says thanks to me then Kei helps me up and takes me through the back because there are a lot paparazzi out in the front of the hospital but what we didnt know was that there was paparazzi also in the back so we all got bombarded by a bunch of paparazzi

"Hey syink over here what was the cause of you fainting at the concert earlier!!!" Said one of the paparazzi people while everyone was snapping pictures of me

"Are you okay!!" Said paparazzi #2

"All of your fans want to know if your okay."said Paparazzi #3

"I'm fine ok I just have to go home and get some rest." I said with my voice recorder on

"Who are all the people you have with you!!" Said paparazzi #4

"Move out my fucking way!!" Naruto said while holding onto my hand dragging me through the group of people while everyone else tags along but Sasuke was still quiet...behind me into the limo that came and picked us up then we headed back to the dorm house.

((Back at the Abe's house hold))

Rinji's POV

"Where did you go." Mom said

"I went to go visit Kei and yuki." I said then dad walks in the living room.

"Ugh that damn teen DJ is all over tv." Dad said

"Who... Are you talking about... Syink.. " I said

"Yea her.. " Dad said

"Mind tellin me what happened I wanted to go to her concert but I was to busy." I said

"Apparently she fainted from exhaustion." Dad said

"That's what she get she should be in school getting a education instead of doing this dumb crap." Mom said

"Your always right honey." Dad said while kissing mom

"Okay I'm gonna leave now..." I said while getting up.

"Wait I want you to wait at home for the maids they should be here tomorrow morning around 8 o'clock there should be a maid and a butler." Dad said

I got a text message from Naruto

We found yuki~naruto

Is she okay~rinji

Yea but she got sick and fainted so we took her to the doctor. The doctor said that she will be fine but she just has to eat and sleep for two days to get her energy back~naruto

I'm coming over right now~rinjI

No we All went through enough today. how about you get some sleep and stop by tomorrow morning even though we have school. she will still be here~naruto

Okay until then take care of my sister see you tomorrow~rinji

"Umm... I can't wait for the maids sorry.." I said

"Why not..." Mom said

"Because yuki fainted and I got to go see her." I said while walking upstairs.

"Fine I'll get Mai to do it." Mom said

Does mom and dad not care that their daughter fainted am I honestly the only one who cares about my baby sister right now!

((Back at the dorm house))

Yuki's pov

"Oh my god I'm so tired!!" I said while Kei was giving me a piggyback ride

"Look were almost there Once we get in we will put you down for a nap in your room." Kei said

"Yay....zzzz....." I said then I fell asleep fast on kei's back

Sasuke opens the door to see Sakura sitting there on the couch.

"What are you still doing in here." He said while waving to Kei to go back and he does

Everyone else comes in blocking her view of syink sleeping on Kei's back.

"Oh I was just so worried about you babe I just wanted to know if you were okay after that bitch slapped you." Sakura said

"I'll do more than that hoe." Hinata said while walking towards Sakura but Kei hold's onto the back of hinata's shirt

"Don't move your also covering up yuki and me you have to stay where you are no mater what she says about you." Kei whispered in hinata's ear and she blushes

"Lucky bastard." Hinata said while getting back in her position.

"I'm fine." Sasuke said then Naruto came up closer to sasuke so that Naruto can be in his spot so he can go up to Sakura and distract her so they can put yuki in her room. (And if you are wondering why are they doing all of this it's because yuki is still dressed like syink and if she is seen by Sakura then... You know what happens if a celebrity is seen right...)

Sasuke walks up to Sakura and kisses Sakura then pins her on the sofa so that she can't see the stair case.

"Are we finally doing this." Sakura said and everyone takes that opportunity to head up the stairs once everyone was up stair Naruto bangs on the wall to get sasuke's attention to tell him that everyone was upstairs and yuki was free from sakura's sight.

Sasuke's pov

"Are we finally doing this." Sakura said with a lustful gaze


"What was that." Sakura said

"Nothing don't worry about it." I said while getting up

"Where are you going." Sakura said lustful gaze

"I'm going to get condoms from my room I'll be right back stay here and wait." I said while heading upstairs

"Thanks man." I said while doing our little hand shake

"Dang she really wanted you huh." Naruto said

"I really don't want to do this I was actually saving myself for her." I said

"Saving your already had sex though." Naruto said

"No I didn't every girl I was with gave me head I didn't put my dick in no girl vigina naruto." I said

"Whatever." Naruto said

"Do you have any condoms." I said

"I'm not giving you my condoms for that hoe down there." Naruto said

"Good don't give me any because I'm not gonna fuck her anyways." Sasuke said

"Good don't she's to flat chested she has no ass so... Don't....I would be very disappointed in you teme and so would yuki." Naruto said

I head back downstairs

"He didn't have any condoms." I said

"It doesn't matter we don't need them." Sakura said while taking her shirt off

"Uhh yes we do I'm not fucking you raw." I said

"Fine then." She gets her shirt and her purse and leaves.

"Thank god!" I take my shirt off and throws it away the next girl that rips my shirt is going to get it that was expensive.... But I could care less if it was her...

I should go check on her. I walk upstairs and all the boys are blushing I go and see what's going on "woah." I said while blushing Naruto passed out and kiba is drooling shikamaru is taking pictures. "Kei what the hell are you doing dumbass you can't strip your sister here where there is people watching what is wrong with you. where is mio." I said while holding yuki to my chest

"sleeping over there." Kei said

"Get her up and put her in her room then...while Kei is putting mio in her room yal can head out to....everyone." I said and everyone leaves. how did you sleep through how do I do this

"I honestly think she trust me enough to see her body and not do anything to her so I can help." Naruto said

"Are you tellin the truth..." I said

"Well when yal weren't talking me and yuki actually got pretty close I see her as a sister so I really wouldn't want to do anything to her like you would." Naruto said while taking her hills off along with her pants I can't do this I feel like I'mma pass out if I do this anyfurther.(it's like they are stripping her for pleasure😂)

"Okay fine." I said while blushing.

I got her a random T shirt with some booty shorts and threw them at naruto.

Naruto put them on yuki and tucked her in.

"Naruto... Thanks... Sasu--" Yuki said

"Let's stay here with her for a little while." Sasuke said

Yal sat on her couch in the corner of her room by her little studio.

"I feel really guilty... Dude." I said

"Why." Naruto said

"Because I think I was the reason of her fainting during that concert you really don't know how horrible I feel right now dude..." I said

"Why did you two stop talking that day anyways."

"Well here the basics of it you remember when ino and Karin came over wanting to talk to yuki" I said

"Yea what about it." Naruto said

"So yuki didn't want to talk to them alone so I went with her of course because she looked like she didn't want to go alone so I went and they started talking about what Sakura was up to and why she was after yuki Then ino said she kinda think me and yuki would be a cute couple if that ever plays out and yuki said something that I never thought she would say.... She said she wasn't looking for love." I said

Naruto just looks at me listening to what I have to say

"When she told me that I just got really upset and mad I felt my heart being torn to shreds....I actually didn't mean to say what I said to her but I called her dense because she said ..why would I care anyway I was the last person that she thought who would care about something like that that hurt me more then she knows but then that's when I said she was wrong people like me actually have a reason for why they act that way then I walked out I regretted every thing I said then." I said

"You like her and don't deny it the way you took it to heart explains it all and I do think you kind of did take it to heart too much because now that we know that she is syink now you know why she did that to protect her secret of being syink don't you think." Naruto said

"Yea it makes sense that's why I didn't speak through that whole thing while she was Reveling who she really was." I said

"And the reason why she didn't say anything.....the reason why she looked so hurt is because you hurt her too she likes you....both of you are technically dense because both of you are to dense to figure out that you like each other.....I even know that mio and hinata likes me and I'm supposed to be the dumb one....look sasuke I'm just trying to be a friend here were seniors in high school were are almost done with high school don't end it on a bad note clear all your mistakes because I don't think yuki is gonna want a guy that's a player." Naruto said

"But where should I start I've made so many mistakes it's ridiculous." I said

"Your mom..." Naruto said

"Oh no... No no no I am not apologizing for that nope." I said I am not apologizing for that she made me so mad that day she pissed me off

"You have to...." Naruto said

"Any other mistakes I can clear up..." I said

"How will you expect your mom to talk to you when you go up to her to introduce your next girlfriend...she's just going to throw anything next to her at you like she did last time." Naruto said

"My mom is not gonna for give me for that Naruto she made that pretty clear." I said

"Well it's your fault for doing it." Naruto said

"Shut up dobe and let's talk about this in our room." I said while getting up and walking out her room and Naruto taging along behind me."