Ch.Fourteen: Mai & Rinji

Mai's pov

Well to day is gonna be straight shit today. I gotta get out of here. I feel like I'm in prison here and the bad thing is that I'm at home....

After a long time of being alone in my room Aiko comes in.

"No school for you today Mai mommy has things to do with dad today..." Mother said

"Like what have sex with him..." I whispered

"What was that...." Aiko said with stern voice

"Nothing....Dear mother." I said sarcastically

"The reason for no school today is because our maid and butler will be arriving soon and you Mai will wait for them to arrive." Aiko said

"Why couldn't rinji do it..." I said

"Because I asked you to do it is there a problem Mai..." Aiko said

"I never said I had a problem with it mother I was just asking simple question." I said while snapping a little

"Rinji couldn't do it he said that the reason was because Yuki fainted yesterday and I highly doubt that who ever told him that was telling the truth so that's why I wasn't really fond about the news." Aiko said

"But you didn't go see for yourself if it was the truth or not." I said

"No I didn't have enough time." Aiko said

"Well I'm going to go see if big sis is alright." I said while putting on some new clothes

(That's her outfit)

"No your not your waiting on the maid and Butler." Aiko said

"No I'm going to check on my big sis." I said while walking out the door.

This is a pain but I really need a ride...

I go up to Rinji's room and bangs on his door. "Big bro!! I need a ride somewhere!!!" I yelled and he opens the door.

"I can't give you a ride mom said your not allowed to leave the house." Rinji said

"But I just want to go visit big sis and see if she's alright..." I said while looking worried.

"Your really lucky you know that..." Rinji said while walking out his room and I tag along behind him.

(After a long drive to her school)

"Do we have to go through the school to get to the dorms." I asked

"No dummy the dorms are kind of separated from the school it's kind of like a little Neigborhood it's nothing like we are use to I know Yuki isn't enjoying it." Rinji said

"Is that it over there." I said while pointing to a bunch of two story houses in the distance.

"Yea that's it." Rinji said

"Bro are you serious the neighborhood doesn't look to bad you know. I would love to live there if mother would let me got to public school again." I said while bro pulls up to a house that was far towards the end of the street.

"Is this where sis and big bro stay." I asked

"No Kei and Yuki got separated unfortunately...but Kei should be here Naruto said that he wouldn't leave her side yesterday....Mai" Rinji said

while pulling the key out the car.

"Come on already I wanna go see my sister." I said while walking up to door and ringing the door bell.

"Ok." Rinji said while getting out the car and walking behind me

Some blonde boy opens the door and omg let me tell you he was hot ass fuck

"Hey Rinji who is this chick." The blonde said

"I'm Mai and you are..." I said while looking into his eyes omg I feel like I can get lost in his eyes.

"Naruto..." Naruto said while looking back.

"Okay that's enough." Rinji said while putting me behind his back

"Awe come on." I said

"Come on in everyone is still here for now." Naruto said while walking in

I can litterly feel someone staring at my ass I know it's Naruto it has to be him... I turn around and unfortunately it wasn't Naruto it was some dude named kiba.

"Umm hi where is Yuki?" I asked

"Um she is in her room Sasuke is taking care of her right now. But since you came all this way I guess I can let you see her." Naruto said as he walks up to me and puts his hand on my waist he guides me and Rinji upstairs to Yuki's room but Naruto stops me mid-way

"What's up Naruto?" I asked

"Oh um I just wanted to say you look really good today..." Naruto said

I blush and look away from him "Thanks Naruto your actually the first boy that had the ball to come up to me and say that." I said

"Really... But your a beautiful." Naruto said

"Well I guess I come off scary to some people." I said

"Not to me-." Naruto said

"Let's go see yuki now." Rinji said while giving naruto a death glare

"Naruto lead the way." Rinji said

"O-okay." Naruto said while leading us to Yuki's room

I bust through the door "BIG SIS ARE YOU OKAY I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH." I said while pushing some man with black hair out of my way and hug my sister.

"Wait what.... Mai why are you here your not allowed to be out the house. Do you know what Aiko would do to you. And great out fit by the way.." Yuki said

"Well that's the thing Aiko was talking to me and she acted like she honestly didn't care that you fainted so I pulled a Yuki and left right in front of her. And thanks big sis I learned from the best." I said

"So Aiko is still the same huh she still doesn't give two fucks about her oldest daughter." Yuki said

"Baby sis your brothers and sister care that's all that really matters to be honest." Rinji said

"Rinji...Oh my god Rinji I didn't even know you were here." Yuki said while breaking from my grip and running up to big bro to jump on him and hug him.

"Wish she did that to me." The dude with the black hair said

"Oi what's your name." I said

"Why do you wanna know." The dude with black hair said

"Because.... I'm curious...." I said

"Curiosity could get you in trouble." The dude with black hair said

"Stop wasting my time." I said a little annoyed

"Sasuke.... Sasuke uchiha." The dude with black hair said

"Hmmm Sasuke Naruto and Kiba the pervert." I said


"Who are you?" Sasuke asked

"Who do you think I am." I said

"I don't know..." Sasuke said

"Wow your no fun." I said

".... " Sasuke looked at me waiting for me to answer his question.

"My name is Mai Abe and Yuki is my big sister." I said

"Are there anymore of yal." Sasuke said

"What do you mean." Kei said

"Kei Kei!!!." I said while running to him and jumping on his back.

"Is there anymore of you like do you have anymore siblings Kei." Sasuke said

"Oh no you already met everyone and were all here." Kei said

"Okay good." Sasuke said while sighing

"Yuki you know you should be in bed and not on my back right and you all are supposed to be in school." Rinji said

"Aww bro don't be like that!!" Yuki said

"I was suppose to take care of her so I'm not going to school." Sasuke said

"What time is it?" Naruto asked

"It's 8 o'clock that's why I said that because all of you are going to be late if you don't leave right now." Rinji said

Everyone except for Rinji Yuki Mai and Sasuke started running out the door into their cars and drives to school

"Wow he's a fast runner." I said

"Get your head outta the gutter Mai he's not going to get with you your too young." Yuki said

"Oh my god sis let a girl dream." I said

"No way you need to date someone your age I do not want your heart to be broken by these older dudes." Yuki said

"I think it's about time to go Mai." Rinji said

"Aw come on bro let's stay the night please I don't wanna leave big sis." I said while whining

"But we gotta get you home before dad gets home." Rinji said

"But I don't wanna go. " I said while pouting

"That's not gonna work get in the car." Rinji said

"Fine...." I said while hugging big sis "I'll visit you again." I said while whispering in her ear and big sis nods.

"Mai!!" Rinji yelled

"I'm coming damnit I'm coming!!" I said while leaving.

A/N: okay so this is a new style I'm going for so I was wondering if you guys like it this way or should I go back to my old style and switch up the pov's

