Ch.Nineteen: Sakura's Lie

Sasuke's pov

I heard laughing from behind me so I turn around.

"She's worthless I don't see why you fuck with her Sasuke." Sakura said

"What did you do to Yuki." Kei said

"Ha like you care." Sakura said she looked up at him showing her black eye while smirking

"What the fuck did you do?!" Mio asked while clenching her fist by her waist.

"I did what I was supposed to do.... Tell.... I told principle Sarutobi what Yuki did to me." Sakura said while looking like she was about to cry.


Oh shit.... This is not good....

Mai's pov

I get up to use that bathroom and the maid comes in to get me up for school I come out the bathroom and maid stares at me and shocked.

"Madame what happened to your right eye?" The maid asked

I run to the bathroom and look at what she's talking about my right eye on the left side is red. What the hell

Then my vision started to get blurry and I blacked out

Rinji's pov

"What the fuck was that?" I asked

"What was what?" Shane asked (his best friend)

"I just got something like a memory or something about some pick headed girl faking a bruise to get some chick in trouble." I said while looking at him.

"What is that Rinji dude your right eye on the left side is red." Shane said

"Wait for real?" I asked while going to the bathroom to see it's true

"What the hell...I'm going to call my step mom hold up wait she's in that meeting with the principal for something Yuki did..." I said

Yuki's pov

I was walking to the office with the principle until I stopped and my right eye on the left side changed to red.

"Ughhh." I groaned and lean against the wall.

And the principle looks back at me and I blacked out.

Kei's pov

"I did what I was supposed to do.... Tell.... I told principle Sarutobi what Yuki did to me." Sakura said while looking like she was about to cry.


And everyone around him gasp.

"Dude your right eye on the left side is red." I ignore what Kiba is saying glares at Sakura.

She lied on my sister over some dumb ass dude my sister was trying to keep a good record and now that's fucked up because of her....she is not getting away with this....not while I'm alive....damnit!!!.... I knew she was up to no fucking good!!!

Then my assistant principal tsunade runs up to me and looks at my eye.

"You have it to." Tsunade said

"...." I looked at her confused

"Your sister has the same thing on her eye in the same place and so does your older brother and younger sister." Jiriya said

"Could it be the connected by emotion thing." Orochimaru said

"I think it is." Jiriya said

"Come with us your whole family is here." Tsunade said

"I'm not going anywhere without Yuki." I said clenching my fist while still glaring at Sakura and she smirked at me.

"We're gonna take you to her so come on." Orochimaru said

I go right along with them and the rest of the people who live with Yuki follows behind me. Right along with haruno We get to the principal office and my whole family is here and once Yuki See's Sakura she charges for her. But dad holds her back and then all of our left eyes on the right side turns red.

"Ughhh." Mai groaned then the rest of us blacked out.

"Mom what's going on with our eyes." Rinji said

"I don't know." Aiko said

"Ain't like you give a damn anyway's." Yuki said while our left eye on the right side stays red but has little spots of blue in it.

"Do you know anything called connected by emotions?" Orochimaru asked to my parents.

"No what is it?" Aiko said while looking worried

"Have a seat this is gonna take a while to explain." Sarutobi said

Yuki's pov

Everyone sits down and Jiriya starts talking

"Connected by emotion it's a type of power shared among a group of really close siblings." Jiriya said

Me and Kei Rinji and Mai looks at each other's eyes confused.

"I guess the power choose you guys because you guys are so close." Tsunade said

"The power is good to have when you want to know your sister or brothers emotions." Orochimaru said

"The black outs that you guys were were having visions right like when just now when Yuki got mad from seeing haruno what did you see?" Tsunade asked

"I saw back at Kei's dorm where my brother is staying and I saw that some pink headed girl arguing with my big sister trying to fight her!!!" Mai Yell while glaring at haruhoe.

"What about when you blacked out at home Rinji from Kei?" Tsunade said

"I saw her." Rinji said while pointing at haruhoe "Confessing what she did to my baby sister." Rinji said

"Hmm well connection by emotion is when....You know what I'm just going to give you a example let's say a mom got two kids and one kid is really mad like when I say mad I mean mad then One of the eyes's of both of the kids will be dark red but if your mom had four kids then it's a different story let's take one eye for example that one eye will be half dark red and it's natural eye color it goes oldest to youngest so it will be like.

Left eye~ right side of the left eye will be Yukikio's emotions and the left side of the left eye will be based on Rinji's emotions.

Right eye~ left side of the right eye will be based on Keitaro's emotion's and the right side of the right eye will be based on Mai's emotions.

Don't let all the siblings feel the same way because that will build up to rage and they will take it out on the person who caused it and they will see why they are upset to begin with when one of the siblings part of the eye is fully filled." Jiriya said

"So it isn't bad bad like seriously bad." I said

"No." Sarutobi said

We all sigh of relief

"Okay thanks for coming down Orochimaru Jiriya and Tsunade to explain." Sarutobi said

"No problem." They all said at the same time then they all walk out the room.

"Okay back to the haruno situation The reason I called you down is because of this." Sarutobi said while calling haruhoe in and I see her eye just like in the vision.

"...." I said nothing because I'm trying to get my eyes back to normal wow so she really did go through all this trouble just to get me in trouble... This is so fucking petty

"Sakura came to my office crying with this black eye on her face saying and I quote 'That yukikio girl punched me in the eye' so I went to find you." Sarutobi said

"You know I didn't do that right.... You can ask Kage and Kei and Sasuke and Mio they were there for the whole thing and Rinji and Mai saw it in their vision." I said

"Explain what happened Kei." Sarutobi said

"Alright so Yuki comes to pick me Kage up every time she can. I don't know why she looked so surprised. Then I herd them yelling in the hallway haruno was saying that if my sister got near or talked to Sasuke she would make her life a living hell. Then we tried to leave but the other girls that moved in the other day was talking about her so she got tired of it. She was gonna fight them but we stopped her before anything could happen then Sakura came running towards her trying to fight her." Kei said

"Hmm Sakura your suspended for the rest of the week for lying and for threatening another student and Yuki your suspended for two day's for trying to fight back." Sarutobi said

"Bitch..." I said and Rinji hits my head telling me to be respectful.

"He's lying I swear." Haruno said

"Principle Sarutobi she is lying because when we were at her dorm Yuki didn't touch her and she didn't have that black eye on her face then because Sasuke had already put yuki in the car." Mio said

"How about this thanks for coming Mrs and Mr Abe but I have to finish this situation your kids will be fine after a while so don't worry you and your other two kids can head out now." Sarutobi said

"Okay thank your very much....come on Rinji and Mai." My mom said

Rinji walks past me and ruffles my hair "Just calm down sis breath in and breath out." Rinji said

I do what he says "Dont let that thing piss you off you know what I always tell you don't let unimportant things piss you off it's just a waste of time and you know it." Rinji said

"Okay big bro." I said

"I'll try to come visit you tomorrow okay." Rinji said

"Okay." I said then he leaves with Aiko and dad.

"Yuki, Kei, kage, Sasuke, Mio and haruno get in the office everyone else head to class." Sarutobi said while going back in his office while shutting the door and sitting back in his desk looking at all of us

"Principal Sarutobi she did do this to my eye I am not lying about this." Sakura said

"Sakura....Stop I already know your lying Yuki's older brother said it and I believe him Rinji would never lie but one thing you need to tell me is why are you trying to ruin her life." Sarutobi said

"..... I'm not." Sakura said

"Stop lying already and just fucking tell him!!! I'm so tired of you messing with Yuki over Sasuke as you can see he doesn't like you anymore why can't you just move on!!!!" Mio said

"BECAUSE I JUST CAN'T!" Sakura yelled

"...." Sasuke looked at her

"He's the most popular boy in school and I'm the most popular girl in school we belong together and Yuki is a nobody that doesnt deserve to be with people like us she's doesn't deserve Sasuke love like I do" Sakura said

"There she goes with that bullshit again." Sasuke whispers to me and I start smirking.

"Sasuke why are you dating these crazy girls." I whispered

"Ugh honestly I didn't know she was crazy until you came here and she told me about her plan to spill your secrets that's when I started thinking she was crazy. " Sasuke whispered

Ino comes in the office "Ino my door was closed--" Sarutobi said

"Listen when I transferred dorms it was because of her she was planing on doing bad things to Yuki and I didn't want in on it so you need to expelle her before she does anything else." Ino said

"I cant do that the most I can do is just suspended her for two weeks."sarutobi said

" That will be good enough maybe during that time frame she'll learn from her mistakes." I said

"Okay Sakura haruno your suspended for two weeks now Every one dismissed get out you all are giving me a headache." Sarutobi said and everyone started to leave.

"Principal." I said

"Huh..." Sarutobi said

"Do you think you can move my brother and Kage out of that dorm away from her." I said

"Yea..... Yea I'll do just that I'll move them to dorm house two." Sarutobi said

"Oh yea and one more thing." I said

"What is it Ms abe?" Sarutobi asked

"Syink told me to ask did you think about it yet." I said

"Your talking about the dorm renovation thing." Sarutobi said

"Dorm renovation.... Wait she's renovating the dorms that's going to cost a lot isn't it." I said can't let him know that I know about it even tought I am syink just with out the mask

"She said she told you about it." Sarutobi said

"Oh I must've forgot." I said

"Syink came by personally to ask me if she can renovate the dorms and I forgot to give her a answer but tell her that I'm allowing her to do it." Sarutobi said

"Hmm I'll tell her she might call you so you can talk it out." I said


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