Ch.Twenty: Field Trip?!

Yuk's pov

After all that bullshit happened yesterday I've been thinking about this shit about haruhoe and the renovation shit and about the game honestly mio is still in fucking lead but the one thing that I'm really thinking about is my mom and how she pretended that she cared about me.... Probably for her fucking image of us as the perfect family like what the assistant principal said we are close as siblings but all of us as a family we are not close with our parents....

After talking to the principal about the renovation stuff he let me go to class.

"Welcome back Yuki you have a lot of catching up to do." Mr. Hatake said

"I know.... I know and I will put my all into catching up to." I said

"Good now take a seat in your usual seat by Mr.Uchiha." Mr.Hatake said

"Got it." I said while going to my seat then he begins the lesson.

After a while of learning something completely new it was the end of the day and Kakashi had Sasuke tutor me and this was really awkward....

"Yuki we are going to start with math is that cool with you." Sasuke said

"No it isn't cool with me I hate math even thought I'm good at it I hate it." I said

"Who care's you need to get all your grades up anyways." Sasuke said

"Ughhhh!!!" I groaned

After a while I got my shit together my grades were decent enough to pass after I got home I collapsed on the couch.

"Hey Yuki you okay." Shikamaru said

"No I'm not okay my whole brain is fried Shika." I said

"That's what happen when your secretly a DJ." Shikamaru said while Chuckling

"Ahh... Your right honestly its a lot of work." I said

"If you need any help with school just tell me I'm pretty smart you know." Shikamaru said while smiling

"Alright thanks for the support Shika." I said while getting up and heading upstairs to my room.

"I'M TAKING A NAP." I said while getting out my clothes and getting in the bed and going to sleep.

Naruto's pov

"Sasuke....I told you to cut her off." I said

"Uhhh I know but she wouldn't listen at all to what I had to say." Sasuke said

"Then let me handle it." I said

"No dobe she's my problem." Sasuke said

"If you don't let me do this then she's gonna make sure that you and Yuki don't get together and I know you want to be with her." I said

".... " Sasuke didn't say anything.

"So let me handle it." I said

"Fine dobe have it your way." Sasuke said while taking a nap.

Mio's pov

"Hey Hinata." I said

"Yes." Hinata said while climbing in her bed.

"Was Sakura always this clingy with Sasuke." I said

"Yea she was she never wanted anyone else to get near him he hated how clingy she was but he always kept quiet about it." Hinata said

"I just want her to chill out because after the exams comes our graduation and I don't want to end this year off on a bad note. I want my best friend to have a good school year since this is her first time coming to a public school." I said

"Where did she go before she got here." Hinata said

"Yuki was home schooled a little but after yuki and her mom got into this really big argument then her mom stopped home schooling her Thats why yuki and her mom really don't get along." I said

"Ooh so that's why her part of their eyes where blue spotted." Hinata said

"You saw that too." I said

"Yea..." Hinata said

"Man this is one fucked up school year." I said while falling asleep

(Time skip)

Yuki's pov

Ughh... I gotta call the principal don't I ughh where did I put my voice changer...

I get out of bed and began searching for my voice changer it wasn't in my Syink box with all the other shit like it's suppose to be it was completely gone who the fuck took my voice changer?!

I put on my robe over my under wear since I didn't feel like putting on clothes right now I go downstairs too see Naruto and Kiba playing with it.

"What the fuck are y'all doing with my voice changer." I said while walking up to them taking my voice changer from them.

"Good morning everyone." Kage said while walking in with kei behind him.

I pay no mind to them and test out my voice changer "Testing.... Testing."

"We didnt mess it up or anything Yuki so just calm down." Kiba said

"Alright Kei give me your phone." I said

"Which one...." Kei said

"The phone you use to make calls for my gigs and shit." I said

"Why do you need it." Kei said

"Remember that time when me you and Mio and Kage went to the school to talk to the principal about the dorm renovation shit." I said

"Oh yea." Kei said while handing me the phone and I turn the voice changer.

"Okay I'm going to need everyone that's in here to shut it so I can finish this shit." I said while calling the principal and putting the voice changer up to my mouth.

Call started

"This is Sarutobi principal of Kohana high school what are you calling for?" Sarutobi said

"Oh this is Syink I'm just call in to talk to you about the renovation stuff." I said while Sasuke is just watching me

"Oh yea Yukikio did tell me you were going to call." Sarutobi said

"Is this a good time to talk about it?" I asked

"Yea it's good." Sarutobi said

"I was thinking about starting the renovation before the exams is that good?"I asked while looking at sasuke

"So you want to build the new dorms this weekend and we can have the juniors and seniors head to your villa or house to stay kind of like a little field trip for a week and have the sphmore's and freshmen go home to see there family." Sarutobi said

"Hmm that sounds good you don't need the teachers to come either my manger will be there he can watch us." I said while smirking at Kei

"Okay that sounds good just send me what building style you have in mind and we can get started on friday." Sarutobi said

"Alright I will ... Goodbye." I said

Call ended

"So we're having a field trip?" Naruto asked

"We're supposed to be but we're not." I said while smirking.

"So what are we going to be doing then?" Sasuke asked

"Party duh were going to be having so much fun." I said

"What type of fun are we talking about?" Sasuke asked while bitting his lip

"Like getting drunk going shopping kissing eating new food instead of ramen." I said

"Ill always stick to ramen no one can replace ramen." Naruto said

"We'll see." I said

"Your pretty brave to try and get me to forget ramen." Naruto said

"Yea I know." I said

"Sis...." Kei said

I turn around to see what he wants

"What house are we going to put all these people in." Kei said

"Honestly I don't know I don't even know how many people can go yet but I was thinking about The house we personally bought before we moved up here with our personal money." I said

"Good choice I haven't been there in a while." Kei said

"Yep now let's get ready for school and stop digging in my shit Naruto." I said while going back upstairs and changing into some actual clothes.

I grab my keys from my night stand and grab my bag for school and goes down stairs with every one else but I grab Mio's tit and say titty grab on my way down the stairs two points for me hahaha.

"Yuki I'm ridding in your car today." Naruto said

"Why don't you have a whole car over there." I said

"Yea but I be missing stuff when I'm not with you and Sasuke." Naruto said while laughing

"Oh alright then come on...." I said while putting my bag in the trunk,

"I guess I'll drive my car then." Kiba said and Ino and Karin goes with him this time and Shikamaru always drives alone I don't know why.

I get in the car and starts to drive off with Kiba following behind us we arrive at school and I get my hair pulled by Sakura's new friends aka pons.

"That's for getting our bestie suspended." The girl said

"And this for being a slut." The other girl said while slapping me.

I turn to Kei and whisper in his ear "If I beat her ass now I wouldn't get in trouble right?" I whispered

"You shouldn't be but you'll be in less trouble if you do it off school grounds." Kei whispered back

"I can't wait that long." I said while charging towards the girl pulling her by her hair down the hallway while hitting her on the side of her head

"Yuki come on now." Sasuke said

"...." I didn't say anything I just kept hitting her I was letting all my hatred out for sakura out on her.

"YUKI!" Sasuke yelled my name and Kei looked at him.

"She totally blacked out before we finished moving I herd Sakura telling them to beat her." Kage said

"Why didn't you say anything?" Sasuke asked

"Because Yukiko took years of boxing lessons and she has experience in fighting she's a tough girl she'll be okay." Kage said and Sasuke shut them out running to me and pulled me off her.

"...." I was still holding on to her long hair.

"Let go Yuki." Naruto said while walking over to me.

"...." I didn't say anything I just kept holding on.

"Yuki....let.It.go." Kei said

"...." I let go and started crying "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" I Yelled and the two girls looked at me suprised their faces were full of regret.

Sasuke picked me up and took me to the nurses office with Mio and the rest of the gang tagging alone behind him even Hinata gave the girls a glare before walking off.

"I see how she wanna play...." I said while dozing off.

Mio's pov

After Sasuke put her on the nurses bed and Sasuke sent everyone else to class.

"I have to do it today." Sasuke said

"Do what?" I asked

"I have to cut sakura off today if I don't then she's just going to keep doing this stuff to her and I never wanted Yuki to go through this." Sasuke said

"I know...but she's pretty tough" I said

"It doesn't matter if she's tough I don't want the women I love to go through this and that's the second time I have seen her cry." Sasuke said

"...." She was thinking about that time back in elementary school she use to get bullied a lot all the girls in our class called her a slut because so many boys were crushing on her paying no attention to the other girls we were young I know we didn't know what that word ment back then but Yuki knew it was an insult from the way they said it to her and the looks they gave her from it that's probably why she started crying because she has reached her limit of being strong.

A/n: Alright next chapter I'm skipping to friday because the only thing that really happens is the people give the permission slips to Yukikio so she knows how many people are actually going and a bunch of studying.


Titty grab scores

Yuki: 3


Mio: 3

Temari: 2

Tenten: 1


Ino: 2


