Ch.Twenty-one: Departure

Yuki's pov

Okay so now everyone is packing.... I sent what I wanted the dorms to look like so now all we need to do is pack for a week and we should be set to go for the feild trip I gave the principal the money so he can pay them I got the best construction workers to do the job so it should be done perfectly....I know I'm showing my snobby rich girl side but I'm not just doing this for me...I'm doing this for the kids who will live in this dorm after me and my friends graduate this year too so they can be decent....oh yea and Sasuke finally cut Sakura off fucking finally....

Someone knocks on my door "Come in." I said then everyone comes inside smiling at me including dorm two.

"Why are you all so happy what's wrong with you guys?" I asked

"We just wanted to thank you for doing this to let us relax and take our mind of the exams for a little while." Hinata said

"Yea so we got you a little something it's not so expensive....well it is but me and Sasuke helped everyone get it so here." Naruto said while handing me a box.

(there was a picture of a ring here The girls have this one and the boys have something shorter😂 it's a friendship ring)

I put the ring on my middle finger like everyone else "Thank you guys." I said while giving every one a group hug.

"Oh everyone has one." I said

"Yea to show that we are all friends and that this is just the beginning of Our friendship as a group." Hinata said

"Aww that's so sweet you guys." I said while jumping on sasuke's back.

"It was no problem Yuki." Sasuke said while holding my thighs.

"Damnit...." I said while jumping off sasuke's back "I gotta visit Aiko and My dad before I leave." I said

"Hey don't worry about talking to your mom while your there Yuki just say good bye to your father and siblings then leave you don't have to pay no attention to her." Mio said

"Rinji's coming." I said

"What.... Why?" Kei said

"He's going to take place of the manager sense he's old enough to watch all of the juniors and seniors well he doesn't really have to watch us seniors but yea him and Shane are coming to chill." I said

"That's great Yuki." Naruto said

"Hey do any of you like party busses?" I asked while smirking

"Wait... Don't tell me you got us a party bus..." Mio said and I started grinning like Naruto.

"We are all traveling in groups so I just decided to get everyone party busses." I said

"I never been in one before." Hinata said

"Really." I said

"Yea I might be rich to but my dad never let me get one for my parties." Hinata said

"We're the parties you threw were like balls when you gotta dress formal and shit." I said

"Yep that's it." Hinata said

"Oooh but when I first saw you, you were at Sasuke eighteenth birthday party." I said

"I was forced to go...." Hinata said

"Oooh well I should get going the party bus should come and pick you guys up from here okay." I said

"Alright don't get too angry Yuki you know what happenes." Mio said

"Yea yea....The connected by emotion thingy." I said while grabbing my Suit case along with my purse and other suit cases and brings them to my car I get in but someone stops me.

"I'm coming with you." Sasuke said

"You sure?" I asked

"Yea I wanna make sure your good." Sasuke said

"Well that's what Kei was going for....But alright." I said while getting in the car Sasuke puts his shit in the car and gets in right along with Kei and we end up driving back to my parents house.

(Time skip)

I pull up in the drive way and I get out While going to the back of the car opening the trunk.

"SIS DON'T LEAVE ME HERE PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU!!."😭 Mai said while running up to me.

"You know you can't go your not old enough but I heard Aiko and dad aren't going to be here for two weeks and Rinji's coming with us so you'll be home alone....girl you better have fun while everyone is gone sis." I said while winking at her and fist bumping with her.

Then Aiko and dad come outside and my dad pulls me to the side to talk.

"Honey I want you to be careful out there okay don't be partying and getting drunk while your down there." Dad said

"..... Daaaadddd...come on your the cool parent just a few times dad please!!!" I said while begging him

"Only if you bring me back some good wine." Dad said

"Okay dad I will." I said while giving him a hug then I kiss his cheek.

"Yuki come here." Aiko said

Oh fuck what I do now.... I really don't want to talk to this women right now...

I go over to her "what...." I said

"You don't tell me what you say yes ma'am." Aiko said

"I'll say that when we're on good terms.... Now what do you want mother ." I said

"Lose the damn attitude Yukikio now." Aiko said

"Just tell me what you want I don't have time for your pointless lectures right now Aiko." I said

Her eyes widen with suprise "You call me mom not Aiko." Aiko said

"What do you want." I said while getting impatient.

"Be safe." Aiko said

"Whatever." I said while walking towards Rinji

"Sis you didn't have to go that far on her." Rinji said I looked at him

"You know I'm not on good terms with Aiko." I said

"Are you still mad from that time when she disclaimed you at the party back then." Rinji said while ruffling my hair.

"...." I couldn't say anything

"I know she can be a bitch and end up doing things that ends up hurting us but some times we have to let it go. " Rinji said

"I know you think the reason why I dont like Aiko is because of that but that's not the reason and what she did to me I can't fucking just forget that I cant Rinji and now this conversion is over." I said while walking back towards my car.

I went inside and went to hug Charles and Amy (the people that has worked for the abes all there life)

"Guys I have a surprise for you too.... Look I know you guys are together and sense Aiko dad and Rinji will be gone I thought I could give you guys a $100,000 card to the most expensive rosort in Hawaii." I said while giving the card to Charles.

"Thanks for the nice jester.....We can't accept this Yukikio if we leave who's going to watch little Mai while we're gone." Charles said while handing the card back but Amy stopped him.

"I think she's telling You to stop being so shy and propose to me already." Amy said while winking at me

"U-uhhh w-w-what I-I couldn't possibly." Charles stuttered but I pull him to the side.

"Charles...Come on man....The lady looks ready to be your's for eternity. I thought the Hawaii resort could be a good place for you to pop the question to Amy and I think you guys are ready for that next stage in your relationship. You guys look so happy with each other so go for it I think she would be happy and say yes to you." I said and Charles started smiling

"Your right thanks Ms. Abe thank you so much but how will I be able to repay you." Charles said

"When I come back I want you and Amy to come to my dorm and work for me for a day in a half and on that last day I want you and Amy to whip up something good for us like you would do on special occasions." I said

"That's all are you sure that's all you want."charles said

"Yess that's all I want Charles " I said while looking down and hugging him

~soon after I said goodbye to Charles and Amy the party bus showed up and the driver was was someone I thought I would see for a long time~


Titty grab scores

Yuki: 3


Mio: 3

Temari: 2

Tenten: 1


Ino: 2


