Ch.Twenty-Two: Family Problems

Yuki's pov

"Auntie!?" I said with my eyes widened

"Fumiko your driving the bus?" Dad asked while coming up hugging her "I haven't seen you in years...." Dad said

"Haha...." She said while scratching the back of her head and looking towards Aiko and smirking.

"Hey aiko how you been?" Auntie Fumi said

Aiko just glared at her

"Ha you still hate my guts huh." Auntie Fumi said "hey Rinji help us load the bus." Fumi said

" Where do we put the stuff." Sasuke said with a blank look

"OH... MY... GOSH." Auntie Fumi said while blushing at Sasuke "YOU ARE SO HANDSOME... What's your name how old are you." Auntie said

"Ummm.... Thanks and my name is Sasuke and I'm 18." Sasuke said

"Oooh my neice Yuki she's turning 18 tomorrow so make sure her 18th birthday is the best birthday ever okay." Auntie said while winking at him.

"I'll try." Sasuke said

Sasuke's pov

"You know Yuki has always had a attitude when it came to getting close to other's sense you know she's syink and all." Yuki's auntie whispered that last part in my ear.

"You knew." I whispered

"Yea it was kinda easy to tell sense were so close but I'm suprised that Aiko didn't notice." Yuki's auntie said

"Yuki and her mom don't have a bond at all everytime they are around each other they end up arguing a lot about stuff I don't get." I said

"They still aren't getting along huh." Yuki's auntie said

" I guess not."I said

"Her mom hates my guts you know." Yuki's Auntie said

"Why?" I asked

"Because I caught her cheating on my brother so she threatened me and told me to move away but hey I don't blame her she thought I was gonna tell my brother even though I would've but I didn't because little Yuki loved everyone being together back then....when I left every thing turned around for Yuki that's what I herd from my bro but I'm happy now I have a wife and a kid at home☺but I do miss it up here though." I said while looking down

"Hmm well talk more on the bus." I said while putting the stuff in the bus

Yuki's pov

My auntie started walking over towards me and she hugs me "I missed you so much Yuki." My auntie said and I start crying in her arms and my part of the eye is now filled with a dark blue color(dark blue means sadness and depression)and Rinji Mai and Kei blacks out.

"Oh not again." Sasuke said

"Again... What happened?" Auntie Fumi asked

Daisuke's pov

"One of the kids are feeling a type of way and it looks like it's Yukiko." I said to Fumiko

"But what does that have to do with Mai Rinji and Keitaro they all just fell and blacked out." Fumiko said while rubbing Yuki's back.

"Well it seems that our kids have some type of power called connected by emotion's." I said

"Oooh Your talking about that power that's connected by really close siblings." Fumiko said

"Y-yeah how did you know." I said

"Daisuke....You are Dumb as always...Mom and our auntie had it also I can't believe you forgot that long as speech mom gave us about it." Fumiko said

"So it skipped a generation or something." I said

"No dumb fuck The power only goes to the really close siblings in our family... This is what happenes when you never really pay attention to your family Daisuke." Fumiko said

"Don't call him dumb what happens between our family is nun of your concern Fumiko." Aiko said

"Nun of my concern?...haha...Well...As you can tell your family is already pretty fucked up because of you, you don't have the right to call them family because Yuki is already really distant from you." Fumiko said while rubbing Yuki's head.

"No she isn't she's just going through a dumb phase." Aiko said

"Wait.... Don't tell me You actually thought that Yuki was going through a phase this while time." Fumiko said and she just stared at her "You really don't know your kids at all." Fumiko said

"Yes I do know my kids what are you talking about." Aiko said

"Oh really you want to know what's really going on Yu--" Fumiko was cut off by me and Yuki. I look at Yuki and she just shakes her head.

And Aiko eye's widened at her husbands actions "Why did you stop her." Aiko aked Daisuke

"If Yuki isn't ready to spill then she doesn't have to but you should go and get ready because we're soon going to leave in a few Fumiko watch over my daughter I know you live where they are going so check up on her once in a while." I said to Fumiko and kissed Yuki's forehead.

And the kids started to get up and Rinji seemed off when I say off I mean he looked how Yuki is feeling right now and that's awkward that they act just like twins sometimes "Hey Rinji ride the bus with us I need to talk to you and Yuki Shane ride the car to the first sto- Just follow me." Fumiko said said while Rinji just nodded and Shane got in his car I'll explain everything to them both.

"Wow this is nice Auntie Fumi." Kei said while getting on the bus

(There was a picture of a limousine with poles inside of it it looked really expensive)

"Alright come on guys." I said

"Okay." They Rinji and Yuki said but Daisuke stops Rinji and pulls Rinji to the side and talks to him for a little and then he comes on the bus.

"Ms.Fumiko Does all these busses come with stripper poles?" Sasuke asked

"Call me Fumi Sasuke and sadly yes but they have segrams all flavors wine coolers in the back so enjoy yourself." I said

"Your letting us drink?" Sasuke asked

"Hell yea I let Yuki drink and she's underage but you can drink you and your friends are 18 right." I said

"Some of us are eighteen and some of us are 17." Sasuke said

"Ooh well as long as y'all don't tell on me then yea you guys are all good in my book." I said while grining

"Your cool in my book Fumi." Sasuke said while heading in the back and I drive to get the other kids while Shane is follow me with a bunch of other busses following as well.

~Meanwhile at the dorms~

Mio's pov

"Kage do you see the buses yet?" I asked

"I see big vehicles." Kage said and I look over his shoulder and pull on his ear

"Those are buses Kage." I said

"Owww." Kage said and Sasuke and Rinji gets off the bus telling the people in each dorm to go in the busses.

"Hey get your things guys and follow me to our bus." Sasuke said and we follow him to the very first bus and we all get on.

"Wow this bus has a stripper pole." Naruto said

"Kiba dance for us." Ino said

"W-what I-I can't do that." Kiba said looking embarrassed.

"Hey you guys I'm the driver of this bus my name is Fumiko but call me Fumi I know that some of you guys on here are underage for drinking but I don't care about that so drink to your hearts content I bought segrams all flavors wine coolers so enjoy." Auntie Fumi said and she goes back and starts driving the bus again.

Fumiko's pov

I put the location in the gps for the next stop and I put the bus in autopilot and Shikamaru asked if he can watch while the bus drives it's self I said okay and I went to the back to pull Rinji and Yuki too the back room.

"Hey guys--" I said but I got cut off by Rinji

"Why are you here you left us why did you come back?" Rinji asked

"I came back because of Yuki I saw what happened to you on the new's about you fainting on stage and I got worried that you were taking The Dj stuff too serious. Working on music endless nights of staying up trying to balance school work and your DJ stuff and. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said

"How did you know she was the Dj." Rinji said

"Me and Yuki use to stay up all night and talk about our dreams a lot with your mother and she always use to talk about how much she loved music so sense I'm so close with her I just knew that she made her dream come true." I said

"I was so lonely Fumi....Every since you left....My life was straight hell. That woman she was so mean to me! I knew she hated me from the first time I saw her just like everybody else....She tried to disown me in front of a group of important people calling me a disappointment to the Abe family!! I had no one...I waited and...Waited and....Waited for you to come for me but you never did I was called a slut back in elementary school. People hated my guts calling me names just because I was beautiful. I wanted our family back with Mom you dad Rinji Mai Keitaro and I even wanted Charles and Amy too but she forbided Charles and Amy from seeing me one time because I would look so happy with them...A-and she even locked me up from being with Rinji....SHE WAS SO CRUEL!!! WHY WAS IT ALWAYS ME!!! I WAS SO OBEDIENT SO GOOD EVEN THOUGH SHE PUT ME THROUGH SO MUCH SHIT!! SO WHY....Why did you leave me." Yuki said while bursting out into tears(oh my god this is so saddd😭😭) I-I didn't know yuki was carrying all these problems with her she's trying to scream to make it go away man...have to tell them now sorry Daisuke but it's time for them to know why I left.

"The reason why I left...The reason is...." I said with tears forming in my eyes "I left because if I would've stayed you guys would've been hurt Aiko would have hurt you both and seperated you four away from each other and I couldn't have that happen your step mom demanded your mom and dad to get a divorce that night to and told your mom to leave also that night or she Would live an awful life your mom came to me and tears and begged me to do something but I just told her to do as she said and we both left." I said

Rinji looked at me "In the vision I saw from Yuki's point of view on that night Yuki was looking from the widow while you and mom left and when I saw her face looking back at our old house she started to cry and ran away and that's when I started to feel like how Yuki is feeling now." Rinji said while holding Yuki in arms.

"So you saw us leave that night.... That's why you said you were waiting for me to come back...." I said

"Yuki stop crying now it's okay just talk it out with her." Rinji said while stroking yuki's head.

"How is mom doing?" Yuki asked

"She's doing fine she's doing really good she keeps looking at video's of you two wishing to see you guys one more time." I said

"Then take us to her." Yuki said

"I can't do that." I said

"You guys can't see her if you do then your stepmother--" I said

"Fuck her and her wicked ass I wanna see my damn mom and I'm going to see my mom you can never keep a mother away from her child because they will always find a way to reunite and how much I bet Kei and Mai don't even remember much about mom..... I want to see her at my graduation this year I will be waiting for her and if she doesn't come I won't be grabbing that Deplmoma." Yuki said

"Wait sis are you sure you have to grab that Deplmoma that's your ticket to getting to collage." Rinji said

"I'm positive." I said while looking up at the ceiling "Because I know she's gonna come." I said while smiling

"Okay that's enough about family your birthday is tomorrow girl your about to be 18 you better get lit in that big ass house your staying in you better have fun before your high school year is over." Fumi said "And Rinji let her date I have this feeling that your scaring all the boys away." I said

"But none of these boys fit my Expectations to date my sister we went through so much I'm not just gonna hand her to some other dude freely." Rinji said

"I think she's going to make a good choice in who she dates though." Fumi said

"She better." Rinji said and the bus comes to a stop.

"Why did the bus stop?" Yuki asked

"I'm getting off here so I can ride with Shane I'll see you at the house." Rinji said while getting off.


Titty grab scores

Yuki: 4


Mio: 4

Temari: 4

Tenten: 1


Ino: 3




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