Ch.Twenty-Four: Happy Birthday

Yuki's pov

"Can I change in front of you." I said

"I don't mind but Do you want me to turn around or--" Naruto asked

"It doesn't matter I just want to be in something more comfortable." I said while looking through my dresser.

"Well change away." Naruto said and I pull of my shirt and pants then I put on my night outfit

"Hmm not bad." Naruto muttered

"What was that?" I asked while grinning.

"N-Nothing." Naruto said while blushing.

"So are we going to complain and eat or are we going to watch a movie and eat." I asked

"I wanna watch a movie instead I just wanna get them off my mind right now." Naruto said

"Ummm.... Yea.... Naruto." I said

"Sasuke kissed me." I said

"What why?" Naruto asked

"I don't know but I didn't want to so I pushed him away." I said

"Let's not worry about it right now next time he does it just knock him out." Naruto said while taking the gummy worms out the basket then I got into the bed and we ended up watching movies together all night then we fell asleep together.

~The next day Yuki's birthday~

"Yuki wake up~" Someone said while shaking me "Wake up~" I end up Siting up with my eyes half way open.

"Yuki~" Ino said

"Hmm." Naruto groaned while sitting up.

"Wait.... What the hell?..." Karin said everyone looked at Naruto suprised.

"What are y'all staring at?..." Naruto asked

"Why are you in Yuki's bed..shirtless." Karin said while smirking.

".....Wait hold on its not what it looks like." Naruto said while getting up.

I finally wake up and see all the girls in my room except for Mio "We were just watch a movie ain't nothing happen now why are you guys in here disturbing my sleep." I said

"Well it's your birthday so we're about to take you out." Ino said

"But before any of that happens what happened between you and Mio." Hinata said and I looked away

"Why won't you just ask her since she's the one that fucked up in the first place." I said while getting a little angry and Naruto looked uncomfortable with how this conversation is going.

"Alright alright enough of that drama shit honey we gotta get you ready boo."

"Oh... My... God... IS THAT YOU HARU." I yelled while jumping out my bed to jump on him.

"Yesss the baddest bitch is in the house!!" Haru said

"How the fuck did you get here." I said while smiling.

"Oh my god girl that boy called me.... What's his name...Your hot brother called me yesterday on the phone the one with the black hair with tattoos so anyways he said that you missed me and I just had to come see my bitch like I missed the fuck out of you so I decided to come since it is your birthday." Haru said

"Bitch we gotta catch up for real." I said

"We can catch up while we getting ready." Haruto said then he looks at Naruto "Oooh honey I didn't know you had a man look at him.... He's cute Yu." Haru said

"We're just friends Haru." I said

"Bitch.... You better snatch him before another hoe get to him.... Girl just look at that body boo he's probably rough in the bed... " Haru said while bitting his lip.

Me and Naruto just blushed "H-Haru what the fuck bitch clean your nasty ass brain you dumb fuck." I said

"Okay Naruto your coming with us and so that means the rest of yal hoes go get ready bye." Haru said while pushing them out my room.

"So... I see you made it in the music business." Haru said

"Yea thanks for paying attention." I said

"Always honey but....When I came in here I saw a super hottie." Haru said

"Is he tall and pale skin with black hair." I said

"Yes girl he's so fine." Haru said

"Hm you think so." I said

"Yesss Yu if he was a vampire he can come bite all up on me." I said

"Your a freak Haru but I'm afraid he's taken." I said while looking down

"Hmm of course he is who's the Lucky chick." Haru said

"Mio." I said while smiling bitterly

Haru comes behind me and takes my bun out "Girl how she get him." I said

"They almost fucked on the party bus apparently." I said

"Ooo she's a super freak huh." Haru said while brushing and combing my hair out.

"Yep and a bad friend." I said

"A bad friend....what happened boo?" Haru said

"I liked Sasuke a lot and Mio knew that so I guess when I got to drunk and passed out they made out right behind my back and Naruto loved her a lot so right now me and Naruto are just chilling together right now and comforting each other." I said

"Damn that's real fucked up boo." Haru said while looking at me through the mirror "So you all basically switched partners?" Haru said

"No Mio switched partners I never did." I said

"Do you still like him?" Haru asked while styling my hair.

"Yea but I'm also growing feelings for Naruto now just a little bit." I said

"Girl at least the feelings that you have for Naruto isn't that strong like the feelings you have for Sasuke." Haru said

"But this isn't the first time he's done this to me first he tells me he cares about me after that we get into a argument then he goes off to kiss some other chick." I said

"Well he could've probably been drunk and thought it was you." Haru said

"So you think it was a accident?" I said

"Yea Yu...if you seen how he looked.... he looked lonely without you boo." Haru said

"Without me.... He has a bunch of girls always tailing him down like some celebrity he could just choose one of them." I said

"But maybe he thought you were different girl from the others I herd that when he first met you he helped you get through alot." Haru said

"What are you saying haru?" I asked

"I'm saying you need to make up with him he wants to be with you bitch." Haru said I looked down

"I'll think about it." I said

"Okay now let me do your makeup boo." Haru said while taking out your make up stuff.

"Okay now let me work my magic." Haru said and I closed my eyes

~after a while of talking and getting my hair and makeup done~

(This is what Haru did to your hair he dyed your hair a lighter brown its only temporary so don't worry😂 it's half up half down with curls)

"This is the best I've ever done on anyone you better own this look now let's get you in a dress." Haru said

"Alright your just dragging me around huh." I said while laughing

~haru drags you to the closest and pulls out two dresses~

"Umm Haru there the same dress just different colors...." I said

"Bitch just choose one damnit I know what I'm doing." (I'm going with the left one it was a black dress and a rose gold dress both were kind of revealing )

"Fine." I point to the (dress you choose)

"God choice." Haru said while throwing the other one back in the closet "Go put it on." Haru said while giving me the dress.

I put on the dress then comes out and he has a satisfied smirk on his face

"Now I know I'm really gay but bitch you look hot like damn that dress looks good on you it shows your curves in all the right places honey now turn around I want to see the back." Haru said

I sigh and turn around "Yesss bitch Yess you look amazing I wish I was you right now." Haru said

"Thanks..." I said "Your coming with us right." I said

"You really want me to come you know what happens when I get to drunk." Haru said

"Man I don't care everyone has a drunk side but yours is just more wild so I don't care go ahead and get drunk bitch if it's my party the it's yours as well so do whatever." I said

"Aww thanks hun but your forgetting something." Haru said

"What." I said

"So you know....I know you don't like glitter--" "No no no I am not putting on that body glitter shit." I said while cutting him off.

"But what if it was my brand." He said

"Wait what you make that stuff." I said

"Yea I'm a fashion designer you know and I make perfume and a bunch of other shit but that's not important I just want you to try it out hun." Haru said

"So I'm not the only one that dreams came true." I said while smiling

"Just this once." I said

"W-wait really...." Haru said

"Yea and if you like it then you can keep it okay." Haru said while taking out a bottle from his bag.

"You said this is a new product of yours that isn't on the shelves yet." I said

"It's going to be released later on don't worry hun." Haru said while applying the body glitter to my body and I help him out.

"Now one more thing." Haru said while applying a crown to my head "Now your a Queen." Haru said while smiling.

"Oh my gosh stop it." I said while blushing and then a bunch off people who barged in here.

"Wow Yuki you look amazing." Hinata said

"Yea.... Wait.... Hold on..." Ino said

"What now?..." I said

Ino comes up to me and examines my skin. "Your wearing body glitter and I've been waiting to get. My hands on it for the longest it's called queen how did you get it." Ino said

"It was a present." I said

"Awe so lucky." Ino said

"Thank you so much Haru I appreciate it." I said

"Aw it was no big deal hun in pulse I missed you a lot and so does everyone else." Haru said and I smile "Here I bought these for you I think these will do good for the outfit your wearing." Haru said while handing me a pair of shoes.

(black heels with a open space for the toes.)

"It will match your bra you have on a long with the black choker you wearing as well." Haru said

"Oh my fucking god stop spoiling me damnit." I said while smiling

"Bitch it's your birthday be grateful ." Haru said

"Here let me see your foot." Naruto said

You give Naruto your freshly painted foot and Naruto puts the heels on your feet then he smiles at you "Now kiss her prince charming." Haru said

We look at him confused

"Your ruining the story kiss her." Haru said with puffy eyes.

"Your kidding me right." I said

"No I'm not kiss her Naruto." Haru said

" U-uummm do you want to do this...." Naruto asked me

"I don't mind but I thought you liked Mio." I said

"I do but I kinda grew some feelings for you so that's why I don't really mind kissing you." Naruto said

"This is just pay back from them were just gonna do a little peck." Naruto said while leaning in close to me and kissing me on the lips and Haru starts clapping.

"I LOVE IT!!!!." Haru said while smiling "okay so let's get going guys we have a party to get to." Haru said while grabbing my arm and leading me outside my room.

A/n: Alright so yea naruto and yuki is hitting it off how will sasuke take this news once he talks to her at her party come back next time to find out.

Sasuke: just end the chapter already

A/n: why are you even here?!...