Yuki's pov
"So where are we going." I asked
"Umm...Can't tell you." Hinata said
"But we're waiting for one more person." Ino said
I looked around the house and I noticed that I haven't seen anyone all day.... What the fuck
"Hey where is everyone?" I asked
"I honestly don't know hun." Haru said
Then Mio comes down and Naruto wraps his hands around my waist.
"Okay everyone is here." Ino said
"You look amazing Yukiko." Mio said
And everyone looks surprised to hear her call you by your name instead of yuki.
"Thanks." I said
"Come on Boo let's get going." Haru said while pulling me out of Naruto's grip.
"Whoa okay." I said while walking out the house.
~we soon drove to this party venue and when I walked in some one stopped all of us~
"Can't go in until you drink a shot." The man said
"We have to drink a shot in order to go in?" I asked and he noded
"Alright then." I said while walking up to the little table full with shots and me and my friends all grab one.
"On 3." I said while looking at Haru
And he smiles.
"1... 2..." I counted and I looked at Hinata and she looked nervous.
".... 3!" Naruto yelled and every took their shot at the same time.
"Whoo!" Me and Naruto yelled "That was strong!" I said
"Now you guys can head inside enjoy the party." The man said and we all went inside.
When we went inside it was like paradise in my book like really you had a bunch of alcoholic drinks along with food and you got people dancing to music and they have sugar cookies with a vanilla cake with vanilla cupcakes with the number 18 on them ugh I feel so special it's neon themed toO ughhh I love it!!!
"Who ever put this shit together really knows my style." I said to Haru.
"Hun oh my god look they have your favorite drink come on" Haru said while dragging me further into the party
"Oh my god your right is vodka in it or rum in it." I asked
"Find out girl." Haru said while handing me a (Y/D/F)
"We should try it at the same time." I said
"Okay." Haru said
"Ready..... Set..... Go!" I said and we drink our (Y/D/F)
"Vodka definitely vodka." Haru said
"Yea your right." I told haru then someone comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see Sasuke but he looks lonely I guess Haru was right.
"Yuki can we please talk....Please." Sasuke said
I just look at him while drinking my (Y/D/F) "Yea that would be a good idea." I said
"Let's talk over there where your suppose to be." Sasuke said while leading me over there.
"Happy birthday Yuki!" Shane said while hugging me.
"Thanks shane." I said while hugging him back.
"Ughhh.... Shane come on dude get off my baby sister your drunk you drinked way to much of that mango stuff." Rinji said while pulling Shane away.
"Happy birthday baby sis I'll spend some time with you later okay and you look beautiful by the way." Rinji said while kissing my forehead and walking away with Shane smiling
"Okay thanks...." Sasuke then pulled me out a chair it looked really comfy so I sat down and he sat down beside me then an announcement came on.
"The birthday girl has now arrived in the building time to actually get the party started and get Rinji and Yukiko Abe out on the dance floor!" The DJ said
"Wait what... What's going on?" I said and a spotlight shines on me then Hinata gives my back a little push.
"Go dance with your big brother." She said while smiling.
"O-okay." I said then I walked towards the dance floor Rinji already there smiling big.
"What are you smiling for bro?" I asked
"Nothing nothing at all." Rinji said
"Did you do this?" I asked while putting my hand In his and he puts his other hand on my waist.
"I requested it but I didn't really know that they would actually do it." Rinji said
"Ooh that's kinda nice of you but isn't this something you do at your sister wedding." I said
"Ugh really I have to do this at your wedding too just great." Rinji said while dancing with me.
"Who set you up I knew you wouldn't just do it to do it." I said
"Fine when we were back at home dad told me to have your first dance at your party idk why." Rinji said
"Ooh wow whats up with dad these days...." I said
"You know when dad is away from Aiko or near her he looks all depressed." Rinji said
"Yea because he doesn't belong with her he belongs with mom our real mom." I said
"Only if we can see her." Rinji said
"Yea.... Only if....." I said while putting my head on Rinji's chests and he pats my head and smiles.
"Okay go have fun with your friends now." Rinji said then the music changes to one of my most popular songs.
"Haha wow it's my song." I said while laughing and a bunch of people just started dancing.
"Go have fun Yu." Rinji said and I went back to my table.
"Sorry for that I didn't know that was gonna happen." I said
"It's fine." Sasuke said
"Okay so go on." I said
"Okay so I came to tell you what really happened." Sasuke said
"I already know what happened Sasuke I told you already." I said
"No no no just let me finish it's more to it." Sasuke said
"So listen....that day when I kissed Mio was a complete mistake and honestly I don't remember much of it because once I took away your drink you were drinking I drunk the rest of it because I was upset so I got a little tipsy and Mio she came over to try and stop us from not talking to each other again like last time she was saying how when your drunk you say the complete opposite of what you want to say she was trying to stop me from thinking to much of what you said and if you are wondering what you said you told me that you didn't trust me so then that's when I kissed her and told her I liked her but honestly those words were ment for you yuki those were never ment for Mio." Sasuke said
"How did you remember if you were drunk." I said
"Kiba.... Kiba told me because he said he saw the whole thing so he told me what happened so please take me back as your friend." Sasuke said
"....." I just looked at him and nodded
Then he starts smiling Sasuke moves closer To me and kissed me.
"You look amazing by the way." Sasuke said
"Thanks...." I said
"What's wrong." Sasuke said
"I hope Mio and Naruto make up." I said while looking worried.
"Wanna help them?" Sasuke asked
"Yep and I know just what to do." I said I grab his hand and goes to find Mio leaning on a wall alone while drinking a drink.
"Mio...." I said and she looks at me then I walk up to her.
"Yukiko.... " Mio said
"I'm going to forgive you this time but if you ever do this shit to me again I swear on my life I will never talk to you ever." I said
And Mio comes up to me huges me and I hug her back "I'm so sorry Yukiko." Mio said
"I know and call me Yuki I'm not mad at you anymore." I said and she smiles
"We're going to fix you and Naruto but let me talk to him first because he is really really mad at the both of you." I said while walking to Naruto
"He Yuki I was just looking for you--" Naruto said "NARUTO.... It's time to forgive and forget." I said
"Forgive and forget? Yuki I can't just forgive and forget about what they did Yuki." Naruto said
"But Mio honestly feels really bad man she really does." I said
"She does." Naruto said
"Yea...she does....she didn't mean for any of this shit to happen she just wanted to help us but things got a little out of hand and it was for the wrong person." I said "Trust me on this one Naruto." I said
"...." Naruto just looked at Sasuke.
"It was honestly for the wrong person dude I didn't mean for it to go to your girl." Sasuke said
"....." Naruto looked at Mio.
"I'm really sorry Naruto I never ment to hurt you like this--" Mio said but she got cut off by Naruto's lips and I looked away.
Me and Sasuke looked at each other and smiled."So you and Naruto were never a thing." Sasuke said
"Why was someone jealous...." I said while looking at him.
"Duh why wouldn't I be jealous Naruto slept in the same bed as you and I didn't." Sasuke said while wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Ooo Sasuke don't be jealous we didn't do anything." I said
Then Haru came running up to me "Honeyyyy come partyyyy with meee I'm lonelyyy." Haru said then started looking at Sasuke "Oh hello there~" Haru said
"Haru this is Sasuke." I said
"Hello Sasuke its nice to finally know what your name is." Haru said
"How many piña colad's did you drink." I asked
"T-three." Haru said
"Oh my god Haru calm down bitch." I said and Sasuke takes a sip of my drink.
"It's too sweet and it has vodka in it." Sasuke said
"It's my favorite drink." I said
"Yea it's good do you not like sweet things." Haru said
"Well.... I like Yuki so." Sasuke said
"Aww hun you better snatch him." Haru said
"Don't worry I'll wait for her until she is ready from me." Sasuke said
"Oh whatever sasuke." I said
"You don't think I will wait for you." Sasuke said looking at me from the back.
"Not at all." I said I turned around and looked him dead in the eye.
"I'll prove it." Sasuke said he said while returning my gaze.
"I won't kiss or touch any other girls but you for the rest of my life I'll only do it if I have to." Sasuke said while smirking.
"If you have to...." I said
"You know what I ment." Sasuke said
"And if you can keep it up for more than a week then I guess you can have me." I said
"W-wait are you for real." Sasuke said
"Mhm." I said while noding my head "better do good and keep your word." I said
"Oh trust me I will...I need you to become mine." Sasuke said and I drink my (Y/F/D)
"Is that so...." I said
"Yea I'm so incomplete without you." Sasuke said
And I drink the rest of my drink
"HONEY COME AND DANCE WITH ME!!!" Haru said with pink cheeks
"Alright...alright I will just give me a second." I said then I looked at Sasuke
"Meet me outside When your free." Sasuke said while kissing my cheek and I started blushing.
"O-okay." I said while going over to Haru.
"H-Hun I miss him." Haru said while looking like he was going to cry.
"Miss who what's wrong?" I said
"MY BOYFRIEND DUHH." Haru yelled when looking at pictures of them on his phone.
"Bitch you never told me that you had a boyfriend." I said
"O-oh I didn't tell you.... I thought I did." Haru said
"No you didn't." I said
"I'm sorry hun I really did think I told you about him but I guess it was just in my mind." Haru said
"Okay I'll tell you about him.... His name is Derrick I met him two years ago he's 20 just like me we met at a business party a year ago we honestly started to hit it off we talked all the time and we ended up getting closer than I thought and soon after he confessed to me." Haru said
"That's sweet Haru congrats..... How long have you guys been together." I said
"We've been together for a year I'm so sorry hun I didn't mean to keep it from you I've just been really busy." Haru said with watery eye's.
"Come on don't cry let's have some more drinks." I said
~three alcoholic drinks later~
"Hehehe...." I started laughing
"Hey aren't you suppose to meet Sasuke." Naruto said
"Mhm..... Yep.... Hehe." I said
"Are you drunk?" Naruto asked
"Mhm....yep.... Hehe." I said
Naruto sighed "I'll walk you to Sasuke come on." Naruto said while crouching down in front of me
I jump on his back "G-gidy up horsey." I said
"Where are you suppose to meet." Naruto asked
"M-meet who?..." I said
"Sasuke." Naruto said
"O-ooo..... Lemme think...." I said
"...." Naruto sighed and waited for me to answer.
"I-I was suppose t-to meet him outside." I said
"Okay off we go." Naruto said while carrying me to Sasuke
A/n: I'm making up the scores tbh but you will see some titty grabbing just wait for it😂😂😂
Titty grab scores
Yuki: 6
Mio: 7
Temari: 8
Tenten: 3
Ino: 6