Ch.Twenty-Six: Party over

Yuki's pov

"Okay off we go." Naruto said while carrying me to Sasuke.

Once we stepped foot outside I took a deep breath to try and get a little sober while Naruto was carrying me on his back.

"Hey N-Naruto....guess w-what." I said

"What is it Yuki." Naruto said

"I'm a stripper." I said while whispering in his ear then his whole face went red and I started laughing.

"I dance for money....put me down then I'll show you." I said while bitting on his ear,

"O-okay that's enough of that Yuki....look there's Sasuke you can go and bit on him instead of me." Naruto said while a blush came to his face.

"What's wrong with her Naruto." Sasuke said

"She's drunk." Naruto said and I quickly replied.

"NO I'M NOT!" I yelled

"Yes you are." Naruto said

"I-I'm not..." I said then I bit his ear again.

"O-okay take her before I take her for my self." Naruto said while putting me down and I almost fall over but Sasuke catches me.

"How much did you drink." Sasuke said

"I had four (Y/F/D) drinks with the vodka in it and I feel great." I said

"Come on get on my back." Sasuke said he crouches in front of me and I get on his back.

"Sasuke~" I whispered in his ear

"W-what." Sasuke said

"I'm a stripper~" I said and then I bit on his ear.

"Yukiko Abe are you trying to seduce me?" Sasuke asked

"Maybe." I said

Sasuke puts me down and brings me back inside to the party.

Damn everybody is drunk I start laughing "C-come on dance with me daddy." I said and Sasuke started blushing.

"U-umm yea s-sure." Sasuke said and I led him to the middle of the dance floor Sasuke puts his hands on my waist pulling me close to him I put my hands on his neck and we start to dance just like the others.

"Yuki." Sasuke said

"Hmm." I said

"After the party is over can I come to your room." Sasuke said

"...Y-you really want to come to my r-room." I said

"Yea I want to spend time with you and make up for lost time." Sasuke said

".....yea.....sure" I said and Sasuke burrys his face in my neck while still dancing with me.

~after a while of dancing me and Sasuke goes to sit with our friends~

"Hey girl I saw you out there you guys looked so cute." Hinata said

"R-really." I said while sitting down but Sasuke pulls me up and sits down in the seat I was going to sit in "W-what the hell S-sasuke." I said

"Hn.." Sasuke said while pulling me on his lap wrapping his arms around me putting his head on my back.

"I guess every thing is settled now." Kiba said

"Y-yea we are all f-fine now." I said

"Here Yuki." Mio said while handing me a piece of vanilla cake.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" I said while taking a bite of cake.

"So you have to open gifts soon...." Karin said

"I thought I told you guys not to buy me anything." I said

"We know but we really wanted to buy you gift's." Mio said

"Yea she's right just let us spoil you." Shikamaru said

".....but I'm already spoiled." I said

"What the fuck did I tell you back at the house....Bitch it's your birthday be greatful." Haru said

"Ughhhh....I know but like come on you all know who I am I kinda get tired of getting spoiled after a while." I said

"I got money too so I get where your coming from." Hinata said and everyone nods Agreeing.

"But still be greatful I went out to buy you a bunch of shit this year." Haru said while combing his hair with his hand.

".....Fine but you have to do something for me." I said

"What is it boo." Haru said

"You have to stay here for the rest of the week." I said

"Where will I sleep boo." Haru said

"You know you always have a room in my houses." I said while grinning

"Okay then I'll stay but your going to have to go shopping with me for more clothes." Haru said

"Ugh fine." I said then sasuke tightens his grip on me.

"Hmm what's wrong Sasuke." I asked turning my head to look at him.

"N-Nothing." Sasuke said I try to get off his lap to see what's wrong but he pulles me back down on his lap immediately "D-Don't move...please" Sasuke whispered.

"Sasuke what's wrong with you." I whispered he sounds like he's embarrassed.

"It's to embarrassing I can't say it." Sasuke whispered.

"I'm going to have to get up at some point you know." I whispered

"I-I know I'm not stupid just tell me when you got to get up though." Sasuke whispered

"Sasuke honestly tell me what's wrong with you." I whispered

"Yuki just drop it." Sasuke whispered then I felt something poke me on my ass then that's when I figured it all out.

"....." This bitch horny for what reason...ooooh that's why haha

I'm gonna play with him and get him back for what he did to me.

I re-adjust how I'm siting on his lap by moving my hips and he flinched

"Mmm~" Sasuke moaned and everyone just looked at us.

"What the fuck was that?" Naruto said

"That was a moan what are yal doing over there." Haru said while smirking

I start blushing immediately once he said that "W-Were not doing A-Any thing....s-so stop asuming shit." I said

"Oi Sasuke you good man?" Kiba asked

"Fuck! End this party already!" Sasuke said and Naruto starts laughing.

"Oooh I get it Sasuke's se--" Naruto said but Mio hits him on his head

"OWWW!!!" Naruto yelled

"We can't end the party because the queen has to open her gifts then were are going to play a good game of truth or dare once we get back." Haru said

"Truth or dare?....Cant that shit wait until tomorrow night." Sasuke said while frowning

"I'm afraid not we all promised Fumi to give Yuki the best and the wildest birthday ever it has to be unforgettable." Mio said

"Then let's just open the presents and do the truth or dare game at the house." Sasuke said

"Fine whatever you say prince charming but I want the (Y/F/D) to come with us I'm not playing I want it so put the rest of them in a jar and send it to my house oh yea and the cake to." I said to the worker and they nodded

"Okay party's over!!!" Naruto yelled once Naruto said that I got up but sasuke stay close to me to hide his boner so we were basicly waddling to the car like fucking penguins once me and Sasuke got in everyone else tried to get in "tried" To get it in but Sasuke didn't let them.

"Go get your own fucking limo." Sasuke said while shutting the door leaving everyone else outside just stand in there "Drive" Sasuke said to the driver and the car started moving.

"Why didn't you le-" I got cut off by a pair of lips on mine.

"You see what you did to me." Sasuke said while putting my hands on his boner.

"Take responsibility for what you did." Sasuke said I started blushing like crazy Sasuke put his hand around my waist to pull me on his lap.

"S-Sasuke..." I said then Sasuke attacked my neck sucking on it to make bruises on my neck "Ahhh~"

  Sasuke smirked and grabbed my ass while kissing me forcing his tounge in my mouth dominating me and every way "hah~" He pulled away from me breathing heavily Sasuke then reached for my dress sliding my arms out of the straps of the dress pulling it down to my waist "Sasuke wait a minute." I said.

"What's the problem now." Sasuke said while breathing heavily.

"I'm not having sex in a limo." I said

"Why not once we get back to the house we can't just got up to your room and fuck we have to do it here.. ....please" Sasuke pleaded.

"No I'm not fucking in a limo and that's final." I said

"Okay just rub on my dick while I suck on your tits until we get home." Sasuke said unbuckling his pants and boxers pulling them down enough for his member to be out

"Ugh fine" I said while grabbing his member moving my hand up and down

"Mmm.....ah...hah~" Sasuke moaned

I start to move my hand a little faster while Sasuke reaches for my bra unbuckling it from the back

"So.....beautiful....." Sasuke said while putting one of my tits in his mouth sucking on one and playing with the other

"Ahh...ah....hah~" I moaned Sasuke then reaches of my underwear until the car came to a stop but I keep moving my hands

"H-Hey y-yuki...A-Aaahh~" Sasuke moaned

"I want you so bad~" Sasuke whispered in my ear

"Hey sir um we've arrived at the house." The driver said

"O-okay just give us a second." Sasuke said

"Yuki.....hah....Agh....I'm close" Sasuke whispered

"Is that so." I said while letting go of his member and I start fixing myself up putting my bra back on

"W-Wait what are you doing finish." Sasuke said

"Nope." I said while getting off his lap and he pulls his underwear and pants up buclking up his pants

"Yuki you gonna get watch Yuki I'm gonna get you back for this." Sasuke said

"Oh really."I said while touching his member through his pants and he flinches again the door of the limo opens and I walk out of it towards the house with Sasuke walking right behind me with his hands in his pockets looking pissed

"Oi Sasuke what's wrong." Naruto said

"Nothing." Sasuke said while walking through the door

"Come on hun you have to open your presents." Haru said while dragging me inside then my eyes widened at how much presents there were in the living room

"Here open this hun." Haru said while giving me a big present and Sasuke sits next to me and I open it and my eyes widened at what I saw lingerie

I hold up one of them "WHY WOULD I EVEN WEAR THESE HARU!!!!" I yelled while blushing and Sasuke starts to blush to

"Girl your getting up in the age where it's time to lose that card of yours just wear one of those and I guarantee the one your trying to charm will go crazy and make the first experience worth your while." Haru said

"Your such a freak." I said while putting the to the side

"What you doing." Haru said "put them on." He said

"Oh no no I am not wearing these in front of you all." I said

"But I want to see since I bought it." Haru said and the rest of the girls nod agreeing with him

"Oh my god just let me get through the rest okay." I said

"Wait hold on your going to try them on for real and I can't see!!!" Sasuke said

"Why are you jealous." I said

"What do you mean am I jealous of course I'm jealous your letting another dude see you in sexy underwear." Sasuke said

"He's gay sasuke really gay so calm your tits and it's not just going to be him you know it's going to be all the girls to so." I said

"Whatever....." Sasuke said while pouting

"Here I think your going to like this." Kiba said while handing me a present a bunch of fluffy blankets

(All these blankets are what kiba got you we are in love with fluffy shit)

I open the box and my eyes lit up "oh my god kiba thank you so much!!" I said while taking the blankets out "they're so fluffy!!" I said

"Naruto told me you loved these covers so I just decided to get you some more." Kiba said

"Oh my god come here and hug me right now!" I said I get up and kiba gets up and hugs me around my waist

"There so pretty." I said while folding them and putting them back in the box

"Y-Yuki I g-got you s-something too." Hinata said while handing me a gift and I open it I smiled

(Hinata got you a whole box of chokers because she thought you looked good in them)

"Oh my gosh thank you so much hinata." I said while hugging her

"How did you know I loved chokers." I asked

"I didn't I just thought you looked really pretty in them so I got you a bunch of them." Hinata said

"Okay my turn~."Ino said while handing me a gift

I open the box and look at all the wine bottles " I got you this so you can give it to your dad and auntie you told me that you had to find good wine and that right there is good wine." Ino said

"Awe thank you ino." I said

"No problem." Ino said

"You'll get my gift later."Sasuke said while smirking and bitting on my ear

" Ooooh okay." I said while blushing

He's probably gonna fuck me yep he probably is.. .

"Me and Karin and shikamaru got you a necklace." Naruto said while handing me a box

I open it and smiles "you guys really gave me a lot of chokers but thanks you guys." I said while putting it with the others


Titty grab scores

Yuki: 6


Mio: 7

Temari: 8

Tenten: 3


Ino: 6


