Ch.Twenty-Seven: Sasukes Present(Lemon)

Yuki's pov

"Was that everyone from here I'll open the rest later." I said

"My gift was that lit as party you just went to." Mio said and I looked at her

"Your the one that set that whole thing up.... I had a feeling it was you." I said while getting up hugging Mio "Thanks for that I really appreciate it." I said

"It was no problem I was kind of hesitating to do it or not because you were mad at me at the time." Mio said

"Oh I'm glad you did it thank you... Even though I said I didn't want to be spoiled you guys really made this the best birthday ever." I said

"Still got to give you my gift." Sasuke said and I started blushing.

"You can give it to her now we're not going to keep you here." Karin said

"I thought you guys wanted to play truth or dare." Sasuke said

"We don't have to but I do have to talk to the girls real quick and bring your present I bought you." Haru said

"Which one are you talking about you bought like 10 of them." I said

"You know what I am talking about." Haru said while smirking and I got what he said immediately.

"Tsk..." I said while pouting

I grab the box and went with Haru but Sasuke stopped me and whispered in my ear "hey come to my room after you finish with them." Sasuke whispered and I nodded then went along with the girls to Haru's room.

"Oh my gosh I love what you did with the room its so my style." Haru said

"Well duh we've been friends since elementary school I know you like an open book Haru." I said and he smiles

"Go put on the sexy underwear I want to see it." Mio said

"Yea come on go in there." Karin said

"Oh come on do I really have too." I said

"I know what your gonna do girl and these will automatically charm Sasuke so come on make your first time worth your while." Haru said

"Wait you and Sasuke gonna fuck." Mio said

"Yea that's my present from him he's gonna fuck me silly." I said while blushing.

"Oh my god your finally gonna loose your card my baby is growing up." Haru said

"Hehe....yea" I said

"Now you have too try it on you have to you got to wow him girl make him want to be connected to you." Haru said while throwing me the first outfit "Go try the black one on first." He said and I sighed.

"Finnnee!!!" I looked at the outfit "How do I even wear this?" I said while looking at them.

"You'll get it once you get it on now go." Karin said while pushing me into Haru's walk in closet.

Oh my god how do I wear this I need help!!! I try to put on the outfit uhh I think I have it in right I look at myself in the mirror then Ino comes inside the big walk in closet looking at me.

"See I knew I didn't have to help you out you put it on right." Ino said while coming up close to me grabbing my hand and then she starts walking out the closet.

Just out of me being barely dressed caused me to cover myself I didn't feel right at all but I looked sexy in my head "Oh you look good you look like a bad ass bitch that's about to dominate Sasuke." Ino said and Haru walked towards me and puts my hair down and fluffs it.

"Yea you look good especially when your hair is down with it." Mio said

"You look all grown up." Karin said

".... What's that suppose to mean!" I said

Mio gasped "When did you grow!!!!" Mio said

"What do you mean!?" I asked

"Your body looks more perfect then before your tits grew and your ass probably got bigger." Ino said

"W-what they look the exact same and stop looking at me it's weird!!!" I said looking embarrassed.

"Go try on the red" Haru said while handing me the red one and I sigh.

"Whyyy!!..." I said

"You'll see just go put it on already." Haru said

"Ughhh.... Fine." I said while going back into the closet.

I take the one I have off now and put's on the red one and then I go look in the mirror hmm I like this one I walk out and I see them smile.

"This is the one." Haru said while nodding.

"Yea you look great you look like a little sexy devil." Karin said

"You really look good in red." Ino said and Hinata smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Of course she does she always has we don't even need to try the other one on because they is what your going to were." Haru said and I smile.

"I agree now put your dress and heels back on hurry didn't he say meet him in his room well walk you there so you won't feel so nervous." Mio said

"Okay just Hold on." I said while going back in the closet and I start putting my clothes back on but leaving my red underwear on underneath and walks out when we all walk out all the girls squealed litterly....And I just smirked at what I'm seeing.

"This looks at little more than a birthday present to me." I said

"Yea it looks more serious than I thought." Mio said

"Well go already hun." Haru said

"Have fun." Ino and Karin said and Hinata waves at you goodbye.

"Come here." Hinata said and I walk to her and she sprays me with some perfume "There now your perfect." She said while smiling.

"Thanks." I said and I start walking down the trail to loosing my virginity

After a while of walking I spotted Naruto and he gives me a rose and my eyes widened.

"I-It's not from m-me okay S-Sasuke told me to do this." Naruto said looking embarrassed I open the door to see even more pedals!!! Oh yea and I saw sasuke too.

"Yuki you still look amazing." Sasuke said while kissing my cheek "I have to tell you something before we go through with anything." Sasuke said

"What is it." I said

"Look for a long time now I have liked you....I know I never showed my feelings towards you but....I really do I know I said I would wait a week until you were officially mine but I can't wait that long yuki I want us to be together right now..... I don't know what I'll do if I don't have you right now so I wanted to ask you this really important question." Sasuke said while looking me dead in the eyes.

"Yukikio Abe will you become my girlfriend." Sasuke asked me and I just stare at him with a confused face what the fuck just happened...

"Uhhh.... Yea I'll be your girl." I said while smiling and he picks me up and lays me on the bed then he gets on top of me tracing my body outline with the tip of his finger.

"Hmm.... This is new what's this." Sasuke said while tuging at the my red underwear.

"It's my underwear." I said while looking away from him.

"Ooh" Sasuke said while pulling my dress completely off this time wasting no time he takes his shirt and pants off.

"Look at that~" I said while bitting my lip then I put my hands on his chest.

"H-hey~" Sasuke said while blushing looking at me he bends down to give me multiple little pecks on my face.

"Mmm~" I moaned and then I kiss him on the lips and he stuffs his tongue in mouth Fighting for dominace and of course I let him win.

"Hah~" Sasuke panted pulling away from the kiss Sasuke pulled my underwear to the side and puts his finger inside me pumping in and out of me.

"Mmm.... Ah.... Ahh...." I moaned

And he keeps going adding another finger in to spread my hole a little more.

"Fuck.....S-sasuke~" I unbuckled my bra piece and threw it across the room.

"Touch me~" Sasuke said while taking his boxers off with his other free hand Sasuke looking and begging me for attention so I put my hand on his member and starts pumping it as well until I started to feel something happening up in my stomach.

"Ahhh.... Fuck what's happening~" I moaned.

"Your probably going to cum just release it." Sasuke said looking at me with gental eyes still pumping his fingers.

"Oh fuck I'm cumming~" I said while releasing it all on his fingers then he takes the rest of my clothes off.

"I'm going to give you my dick now ok." Sasuke said while taking your hand off his member spreading my legs open,

Sasuke then sets his member at my entrance and slowly put his member inside me and I felt nothing but Pain it hurt so bad that I literally had tears in the corner of my eyes.

"It'll be okay the pain will go away soon." Sasuke then whipped my tears from my eyes then he kissed me to get my mind off the pain and soon after the pain subsided I gave him a quick nod and he starts thrusting slowly.

"Ah.... Mnn~" Sasuke then got the hang of things and went a little faster than he was before at every thrust he was hitting my g-spot non stop and that had me on the edge to cum again.

"Hah.... Agh... Mmm" Sasuke then went faster pulling me closer to him and putting my leg on his shoulder gripping my leg tightly from how tight I was around him.

"Agh y-you f-feel so g-good.... So t-tight~" I blushed at hearing Sasuke moan from the pleasure.

"Ahhh.... Fuck.... Hah~" I felt him twitch inside me and he went quicker with his inhuman speed so I bit my lip from how hard our skin was slapping together and he pulls my hair.

"Fuck yes you like this huh~" Sasuke said while tugging on my hair then he comes to a stop and pulls out cumming on my stomach.

"Aghhhh!!!" Sasuke yelled then he takes a tissue and whips his cum of my stomach then throws it away.

I kiss him then lays down completely naked under the covers and he soon lays near me with his arm around my shoulders.

"I love you." Sasuke said and I looked over to him.

"I love you to teme." I said while putting my hand oh his chest.


Titty grab scores

Yuki: 8


Mio: 7

Temari: 8

Tenten: 5


Ino: 7


