Ch.Twenty-Nine: Friend Time

Sasukes pov

"So what are we doing?" I asked the guys

"Hmm wanna go to a sports bar I heard that a football game is on right now." Kiba said

"That's cool with me." Naruto said

"I guess I'll go." I said man I gotta be further away from my girl... This sucks

"Isn't it loud in sports bars." Shikamaru said

"Yea it is but we can also get drunk." Kiba said

"Do they have whisky?" Shikamaru asked

"Probably." Kiba said

"If they don't have any whisky I'm leaving." Shikamaru said while walking pass Naruto and out the door.

I sigh and Naruto looks at me and chuckled.

"Come on teme." Naruto said while walking pass me and I follow behind him.

Yuki's pov

Oh my gosh look at all the foods here I'm literally drooling over all of it right now.... Ughhh I wanna eat it!!!

"Yuki...Your mumbling again." Mio said while handing me a tissue.


"Wait what I thought were were getting actual clothes!" I yelled

"We are....onsies dummy." Haru said while laughing.

"Ugh I hate you right now." I said "Why can't we just sleep in clothes we have at home." I muttered

"No you don't you love me!!" Haru said while smiling at me and pulling me into one of the stores that sells nothing but sleeping attire and I see non stop photos of me and Rinji on the walls of this place.... Oooh this is the place where me and Rinji did the shoot for the onsies ugh not this again and honestly Mio is gonna figure it out before anyone.

Out of no where Mio looks at the walls and gasped "Yuk-" I put my hand over her mouth quickly "Shhh I know I know just don't say anything" I whispered.

"B-bu-" I shush her and she stays quiet until one of the workers noticed.

"Oh my hey Ms.Abe I can't believe your actually here!" The worker said

"Y-yeah." I said while smiling

"I have to go get the manager." She said while walking towards the back.

"W-wait!!! You don't have too!!" I said but it didnt help she was already gone.

I sigh and then Haru looked at the walls "hun you modeled for this shop too." Haru said and Mio looked surprised.

"How did he know you modeled for your family." Mio said

"Haru knew me longer than you did Mio me and him go wayyyy back he even met my real mom." I said

"Ooh I didn't know that." Mio said

"Your brother met him too he knew Haru for a little while but then my mom left then Haru left then you came." I said while smiling

"Ohhh." Mio said then the manager came out I've never in my life seen some ones eyes sparkle as bright as hers did oh my god.

"Hey Yuki I haven't seen you in forever!!!" The manger said

"Y-yeah how you been." I said while keeping up my nice act this is one of my mom's clients so I can't just be rude got to play nice with these people....because if I don't Aiko will be a bitch about it....

"Oh I've just been here looking after this store it's been really busy because of you and your big brother." The manager said

"Oh really that's good." I said while tucking a strand of hair that was in my face behind my ear.

"You can pic out anything you want it's on the house." The manager said

"Yea- wait what why!?" I asked

"It's just to repay you for what you've done for us." The manger said

"I didn't come here alone I came here with a whole group of people and I don't really want to be the only one not paying anything and my friends do." I said

"It's on the house for all of your friends how about that." The manager said

"Don't you think that's a bit too much." I said

"No not at all their's honestly not that much of you how much are you guys planing on buying." The manager asked

"Just one outfit for each of us so six." Karin said

"Well you came to the right place come on and choose one." The manager said

(Yuki panda onsie for the slumber party)

After we got done shopping for our outfits (I honestly don't understand why we even bought new clothes to sleep in ugh sometimes haru does the stupidest shit) we left to go to a cafe aka starbucks.

"Why are we a starbucks?" I asked

"I wanted to try the new latte they have here what's wrong with you do you not like starbucks?" Karin asked

"No that's not it at all I've never been here actually I wanted to bring sasuke here so we can try it together but it's okay it's better with Friends anyways." I said

"Oooh I see what's wrong now." Ino said and everyone looks at her.

"She misses Sasuke!!!" Ino said

"N-no I don't I don't miss duckass he probably misses me more than anything." I said while blushing

"You totally miss him hun." Haru said while walking in Starbucks.

"I DO NOT!!" I yelled while walking behind him.

We went inside and all I could smell was coffee the freshing smell of coffee... Mmmm we got a table then I went to order my drink

"Hi what can I get For you?" The cashier asked

"Hmmm.... Can I get the mango dragon lamande right along with the twix Frappuccino." I said why do I sound like a regular here but I herd these were delicious I'll let Sasuke try them

Once I get my drinks I take them back to the table and takes a picture of them then I post them on Instagram.

"Hey why did you get two Yuki." Hinata said

"Because I can and I wanted Sasuke to try one with me so..." I said and then the girls started to aww.

"Let me try your mango dragon lamande." Haru said

"Then you have to let me try your Frappuccino too." I said

"Okay switch then." He said and we switched and both took sips of each other's drinks then switched back

"Mm that's good." Haru said

"Yours was sweet I liked it." I said while smiling.

After a while of talking about nothing we left and headed back home.

Sasuke's pov

"Okay get out." Kiba said while taking his keys out.

Everyone started to get out his car and walking towards the sports bar.

"Look at that you were right there is a football game on right now but I don't like the teams so I'm going to just go and get some whiskey." Shikamaru said while walking to the bar.

"I'm coming with you." I said while walking towards the bar with shikamaru.

We sit next to each other

"Can I get some whiskey and a beer." Shikamaru said then the bartender starts making our drinks.

"Soo... What happened yesterday." Shikamaru said.

"Nothing really." I said then the bartender Brings us our drinks

And we both thanked him.

"Yea right come on tell me." Shikamaru said

"Fine we had sex are you satisfied now... " I said

"Well not really I just want you to talk to me that's all." Shikamaru said

"I asked her out." I said

"And what did she say." Shikamaru said

"She said yes so she's finally mine." I said while smirking in a soft way.

"Ooooh the Imfomus Sasuke uchiha could settle down with one chick." Shikamaru said

"Yea she's honestly all I need..." I said while drinking my beer.

"Do you regret dating Sakura now." Shikamaru said

"Yea I do I should've known better to actually date one of my fan girls. But she's not here and I don't have to deal with her anymore. Because I have a girlfriend thats actually thick that has a nice ass I can grip on when we fucking and she got tittys to just thinking about her is putting me in the mood...." I said kind of forget in that I'm with shikamaru going a little bit over hand.

"...Thats too much detail for me Sasuke I didnt need to know tha-" Shikamaru said but I cut him off "and she has that long ass black hair that I can pull when im hitting it from behind." I said

"SASUKE IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Shikamaru yelled and everyone just looked at him.

"....." Shikamaru just goes back to drinking his whiskey.

"Dude why you yelling man." Naruto came up to us and sat near me and ordered a beer.

"Sasuke was going on and on about how good Yuki is and how more perfect she is than Sakura and how GOOD SHE IS IN FUCKING BED!" Shikamaru whisper yelled

"Well she is one hell of a thicky you know that's just obvious." Naruto said and I glare at him.

"When y'all were fighting me and Yuki had this cool ass fucking dance battle and she just started twerking it was fun because I was doing it too we had a whole twerk battle." Naruto said and me and shikamaru looked at him confused.

"What the fuck is twerking?" Shikamaru asked

"Ass shaking." Naruto said

"Ooooh~" I said

"She was teaching me she's honestly the best Dance teacher Ive had ever." Naruto said

"Do you guys know temari?" Shikamaru said

"Yea why you like her or something." Naruto joking with him.

"Yea I do like her." Shikamaru said

"I thought you would've went for ino." I said

"Ehhhh!!! Nooo me and her are close were like best friends that would be so akward for us." Shikamaru said

"What about Hinata." Naruto said

"She isn't bad but she's too good for me and plus I think Kiba is into her so I'm going to let him go for that one." Shikamaru said

"Tenten? " I said

"Nope Neji and Tenten got together a week ago." Shikamaru said

"What??? When the fuck did that happened?" Naruto asked

"Like I said.... A week ago." Shikamaru said

"Wow I didn't even know Neiji liked tenten we got some weird couple combinations." Naruto said

"Like you and Mio." I said while drinking my beer a the bartender slides Naruto his beer.

"We are not a weird couple Mio could fuck me up at anytime so I'm not going to speak about her jump of into a new topic." Naruto happened

"Wait before we jump of this topic how the fuck did you guys end up together?" I asked Naruto

"Well We were both lonely you know she honestly couldn't help still feeling guilty about what happened between you two she was more sad about loosing Yuki's trust more than anything she said it hurt her so much to know that her own best friend and the boy she had a crush on hate her and not talk to her for a while.....then she said that you felt so lonely without Yuki by your side....surprisingly she said she felt the same way about me Then I honestly said I also felt lonely without her then all of a sudden she told me to be her boyfriend and keep her in check and I gladly accept." Naruto said while smiling.

"Oooh damn she spilled my shit just like that...." I said and then Naruto just started laughing and then Kiba comes up to us with the dudes from dorm two.

"Hey." Neiji and Garaa said

"Oi hey Garaa." Naruto yelled and Garaa went to sit next to him.

"Sup Neiji." Shikamaru said and Neiji goes to sit by him and I'm stuck with kiba.... Great.....

I get on my instagram and see that my girlfriend has posted multiple pictures that I'm honestly going to look at I saw she went to a store that sold onesies it seems like Haru had dragged her there against her will because her caption said 'help me😓' and I started laughing a little then she went to starbucks but the caption struck me hard 'come drink it with me😍❤😏' it's like it was littlerly ment for me then I instantly called her.

"Hey who you calling Sasuke?" Naruto said and everyone looked at me.

"Yuki." I said then she picked up and our whole table went quiet.

Call started

"Wh-at's up ba-be." Yuki said

"Huh babe I can't hear you where are you?" I asked

"WOULD YAL SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M ON THE PHONE!!" Yuki yelled at the girls but even the guys heard her through my phone and I pulled the phone from my ear.

"Babe?" Yuki said

"You done yelling now?" I asked while chuckling

"Yea tenten and temari just got here so we have more girls than we did." Yuki said

"Ooh yea Neiji and Garaa just got here as well." I said

"But hey why did you call though?" Yuki asked

"What was up with your post on Instagram what were you trying say." I said

"What the one when I was at starbucks." Yuki said

"Yea what were you trying to say?" I asked

"That I want to be back in your arms while drinking my twix Frappuccino." Yuki said

"Oh really.... Well if you tell me where you are then that might happen." I said

"I am at Wendy's now get your ass over here now." Yuki said

"Babygirl calm down daddy's coming." I said

"Hey do you want anything from here." Yuki said

"Ummm just get me there chicken nuggets with there chilli too." I said

"Damn you that hungry babe." Yuki said

"Shut up I got the munchies I'll meet you outside of the Wendy's wait for me." I said

"Okay love you." Yuki said

"Love you to bye." I said

Call ended

I get up and put my phone in my back pocket "Where you going?" Kiba asked

"I'm going to meet up with Yuki I'll meet up with you guys around 10." I said

"Alright meet us back at the house then." Naruto said then I got my stuff then left.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this it took me a while to make.... Literally.....