Ch.Thirty: Bonding

Yuki's pov

After I got off the phone the girls just started bombarding me with fucking questions.

"Who were you talking to?" Mio asked

"Sasuke." I said

"Is he coming to get you?" Tenten asked

"Yes." I said

"What are you guys going to do?" Temari asked

"Cuddle." I said then they started awing.

"Ughhh just leave me alone." I said

"Hun...." Haru said and I looked at him.

"Look I'm sorry Haru but me and Sasuke just got together yesterday and we didn't really have much time to spend together either today because I was with you guys I-" I said but Haru cut me off.

"Be back before ten meet us at our spot okay." Haru said

"Yay okay I will." I said while ordering Sasuke's food.

Sasuke's pov

"Teme where ya going?" Naruto said

"To see Yuki." I said

"Oooh~" Naruto said

"Oh my god dobe it's nothing like that." I said while taking another drink of my beer before standing.

"Take your car before I do." Naruto said and I glare at him and walk out the bar.

Right now it was around 5:50 and I have to meet back up with the guys by ten so I would have almost 5 to four hours with my baby ugh I hate having to time things when it comes to Yuki....I'll set a alarm to make sure I won't forget....

I get in my car and drive off to Wendy's to get my girlfriend.

(Time skipppp)

I pulled up at Wendy's and parked my car then I got out my car and walked inside walked towards the group of girls.

"Hey Sasuke." Yuki said

I walked up to her and gave her a peck on the lips.

"S-sasuke w-what the hell is w-wrong with you!?" Yuki yelled

"I missed you dummy." I said

"Look I still got the twix Frappuccino." Yuki said while showing me the cup the twixt Frappuccino we both wanted to try

"Nice.... " I said while smirking at her then Yuki goes up to get our food and I take her seat next to Haru until she got back.

"So... Where y'all fin to go?" Karin asked

"Back to her house." I said

"Really..." Karin said

"Boring." Ino said

"W-what?" I said confused

"Don't you think that's a little boring." Ino said

"Yuki is the one that suggested it." I said

"Ooo. " Karin said

"She just wanted to be in my arms for a couple of hours and act all lovey dovey with me I guess." I said then Yuki comes back.

"Okay come on Sasuke we don't have time to be wasting I got to be back at around 10 o'clock." Yuki said

"So do I dummy just chill at least we get to be together for five whole hours." I said and she smiles at me then drags me out the Resteraunt.

We get in my car and drive back to her big house

(Time skip)

Yuki's pov

We pull up to my house and we both get out and head inside the house.

"So we heading up to your room everyone is out chilling so we're alone right now." Sasuke said while coming up behind me putting his hands on my hips.

"No not today I just want to cuddle with you." I said while kissing him

"Ugh fine." Sasuke said and we take our shoes off at the front door and head up to my room.

We get on my bed and just lay there

While drinking our Frappuccino.

"Oh my god I didn't know it would be so sweet." Sasuke said

"What did you expect Sasuke." I said

"Something bitter." Sasuke said and I start laughing

"What's so funny." Sasuke said

"It's a twix Frappuccino it's suppose to be sweet twix are not bitter you know." I said and Sasuke puts his arm around my waist

"Don't laugh at me I never tried it before." Sasuke said

"Oh my god you are so lame." I said and he kisses me.

"If I'm lame then your lame." Sasuke said while smirking.

"What ever." I said while looking away from him.

"Look at me." Sasuke said and I look at him and he kisses me again but more passionate.

He pulls me up to sit on his lap and we just stare at each other.

"Sasuke what did I tell you." I said

"You told me you just wanted to cuddle and I respect that but you just get me in the mood babe I'm sorry I'll contain myself unless you feel the same way" Sasuke said while wrapping his arms around my waist again burying his face in my neck and I start blushing.

"Would you mind telling me more about you." Sasuke said

"Well it all depends on what you want to know Sasuke." I said while messing with his hair.

"Ummm... Tell me about.... Hmm?" sasuke said

I start to laugh at him a little

"Tell me about your auntie." He said and I look at him.

"Really you want to know more about Fumi." I said

"Yea I think she's pretty chill." Sasuke said

"Why because she let all of you guys drink wine coolers on the bus ride here." I said

"No... No that's not it at all I just like how cool she is and want to learn more about her that's all." Sasuke said

"Well My crazy auntie she was the only one I could ever talk to back then....she left when I was 8 and rinji was 9 Fumi always talked to me right along with me and my mother." I said

"Was it Aiko." Sasuke said

"Oh no no no I'm talking about my real mom her name is Emiko. Aiko isnt my real mom she's nothing to me Aiko and I look nothing alike and I thought you would've noticed since I'm your girl." I said

"I've noticed that you were the prettiest girl in your household right now." Sasuke said while smirking

"Oh my god Sasuke stop it." I said while blushing and Sasuke looks at me.

"I love this face I love to see you blush." Sasuke said while putting his hand on my cheek.

"Oh whatever." I said while looking away.

"Stop looking away come on finish your story baby." Sasuke said

"Fine.... So I know you might have thought that I would've been upset with my mom and auntie for leaving me behind and yes I was for a while but when she came back she explained a lot to me about what happened and it honestly pained me to even see her face then." I said

"Is that why you were sad then." Sasuke said

"Yea...." I said

"I have a question before you move on with your life story what caused Rinji to look so depressed what happened." Sasuke said

"Oh.... Umm it was me when I was eight looking from my window crying while watching my mom and auntie leaving me behind." I said while looking at the bed.

"Oh sorry to bring up the past Yuki I just wanna know what's up with my girl you know." Sasuke said and I nodded.

"Tell me every thing okay." Sasuke said and I looked at him

"Are you sure your ready to know everything." I said and he nods

After I finish telling Sasuke about my life and honestly he looked like he was gonna cry for a minute but didn't because he wanted to look strong in front of his girl😒

"Well since I told you about my life tell me about yours until the point you met me" I said

"Really you wanna know about my boring life" Sasuke said and I nodded

And he sighed.

"My family is wealthy really wealthy have you ever heard of the uchiha corporation that big company." Sasuke said

"I think so." I said

"Well my dad is in charge of the whole thing and my mom just stays home with me and my brother my dad was never really home unless if it was for somthing important he'll just show up out of the blue." Sasuke said

"Oooh damn sounds depressing." I said

"You have no idea I know you know about my little fan girls at school right." Sasuke said

"Yea when did that even start anyways doesn't that shit ever get annoying to you." I said

"Yea its always annoying to me just hearing sakura coming along with the other fans girls yelling Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke it's really annoying and it started in middle school that was the worst day of my life." Sasuke said

" How was it the worst day of your life." I said

"You know Ino and sakura was really close back in middle school they were really young so I didn't really pay them no mind until the shit got worse they use to come up to me every single morning and talk and talk and talk about nothing and then they would just come up to me and say good morning Sasuke~kun in union i got so tired of it that one day I just didn't go to school so I could avoid it...." Sasuke said

"Aww my poor baby I'm here now I'll tell all your fan girls away especially Sakura." I said while kissing him

"Really that would honestly be the best thing ever." Sasuke said while kissing back.

"Look you wanna take a walk then come back and eat we've been here for almost an hour talking about our shitty lives." I said

"That honestly sounds like a good idea." Sasuke said

Then I get up off his lap and gets off the bed and Sasuke gets up but he comes up behind me and grabs my ass.

"You must really love my ass huh Sasuke." I said

"Yea it's just so Fat." Sasuke said

"Oh my god just come on." I said while putting my shoes on and walking out the door.

"H-hey wait." Sasuke yelled running after me.

(Time skipping after we get out side the house we just decided to walk around the neighborhood park while holding hands.)

"Hey what are you and the girls going to do at ten." Sasuke said

"Probably eat then watch Twilight then talk about boys and shit just like what a regular sleep over for girls might paint our nails." I said

"I'm going to come and get you when everyone is sleeping because I want you to sleep in my arms tonight." Sasuke said

"Well that will be nice but Haru wants the girls together." I said

"I know I know but we just got together I don't want us to grow distant." Sasuke said

"Already thinking of the worst huh." I said

"It took me soooo long to actually claim you as mine so a lot of that shit just pops up in my head I love you and I'll tell you that every day until it's the only thing you know." Sasuke said kissing me on my cheek.

"Stop being so romantic Sasuke!!!!" I said pouting while blushing but then I bumped into a lady making her groceries fall on to the floor.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." I said while bend over to pick up the groceries off the floor for her

"Oh you don't have to worry about that it's fine." The lady said

I get up and hand her the bags and I look at her and smile and then she looks at me ..... For a while like when I say a while I mean a really long time.

"Umm ma'am your bags." I said and she snaps out of her thoughts.

"Oh yea um thanks." she said then walks away and I watch her leave.

"That was weird." Sasuke said while grabbing my hand.

"Yea... Yea it was." I said while walking the opposite way from the lady.

(Time skipping to 10 o'clock because I'm lazy)

"I don't want to go back with them yet." Sasuke wined

"Ai no...babe stop whining just come get me in the middle of the night like we planned ok." I said

"B-but I still want to hang with my baby." Sasuke said while whugging my waist.

"Babe look at me." I said and Sasuke looks at me.

"You will be fine okay Sasuke I love you and I will see you later okay." I said then I kissed him and walked out my room towards the girls and he did the same but to the boys.

A/n: Awww my poor babys their time was really limited this time but I want you to remember that lady they bumped into because she's going to be in the next chapter 😂 bye loves❤