Ch.Thirty-one: Mystery women

Emiko's pov

I got done shopping for my dinner tonight I was going to make my famous curry. I was walking through the park until someone bumped into me causing me to drop my groceries.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." The girl said while picking up my bags

She gets up and hands me the bags and I look at the girl and she smiles and then I look at her

That smile..... It looks so familiar like my baby girls smile why does she look so familiar...--

"Umm ma'am your bags." The girl said and I snap out of my thoughts and she's polite

"Oh yea um thanks." I said then walked away

I headed over fumi's house and I bang on her door and she opens it

"What is it Emiko do you not know how late it is-" Fumi said but I cut her off this is to important

"Yea yea whatever I have to tell you something." I said

"Okay okay come in." Fumi said

I walked in her house and she shut the door behind me

"I bumped into this sweet girl Fumi." I said

"Is that what you came over here for just to tell-" Fumi said but I cut her off

"She Remined me so much of my oldest daughter." I said and Fumi became quiet

"I swear she was so much like her Fumi" I said while crying

"Oooh I miss my babies so much.... I know they're probably grown up and probably don't care much for me now. But I miss them.... I want to know how they are doing. If Yuki was able to make friends. To see if Kei and Mai are actually getting along now. To see if Rinji has himself a girlfriend already. I want to be apart of my kids lives. I've been out of their lives for so many years....I felt like my heart was slowly healing when I saw that girl Fumi." I said while looking at her

"So you think you saw Yuki." Fumi said

"Yea I do." I said

"Was she with someone." Fumi said

"She was with some dude....he had black hair and really pale skin." I said

And Fumi's eyes widened for a little bit

"Emiko in a couple of weeks from now I'm going to take you somewhere just be prepared." Fumi said

"Where'd this come from." I said

"Don't worry about it. Just trust me and daisuke still loves you Emiko." Fumi said and when she said that name my heart nearly stopped

"How do you know." I said

"Listen I know my brother okay he never stopped loving you." Fumi said and her wife walked in and spotted me

"Oh hey Emiko." Fumi's wife said

"Hey." I said

"Why are you here so late." Fumiko's wife said

"I just bumped into this girl that reminded me of Yuki." I said

"Oh your daughter why would she be up here though." Fumi's wife said

"I really don't know that's why I don't really think it was her." I said

"Oh well I think you should just talk to her when you see her again-." Fumi's wife said

"Or you should just leave her alone." Fumi said

"Your right maybe I should.... Well I should get going back home then." I said

"Wait I have to talk to you about Aiko so let me get dressed and I'll walk you home." Fumi said

"Alright." I said and Fumi went back upstairs to change her clothes

I sigh and sit in a chair watching my the clock as time flew by

"Sorry I took so long Emiko." Fumi said

"What ever let's just go." I said while getting my bags up and walking towards the door

"Okay." Fumi said taging along behind me

"So what did the bitch do now." I said

"Well she has made your daughter feel horrible for the years we were gone and she has locked her up in her room separating rinji and the others from her she had completely changed Yuki is not how she use to be." Fumi said

"....what did daisuke do about it." I said

"I think he wasn't around." Fumi said

".....Aiko Aperantly told Yuki that she was a disappointment to the Abe family in front of a lot of important people." Fumi said

"....why would she even do that to her!!!" I said

"I don't know?!" Fumi said

"She has NO right at ALL to tell MY daughter that she is a disgrace to the Abe family when she isn't one herself!!!" I said

"I know but we left so we could protect them and that's all that matters Emiko." Fumi said

"I know but I don't like what your telling me about what's happening to my children Fumi." I said

"I don't either but honestly Emiko you should've seen how well your kids have grown." Fumi said

"I know... I do wish I could've seen it happen.....Them growing up." I said

"Kei dyed his hair red...." Fumi said

"What why?!" I said

"I don't know but the last time I saw him his hair was completely red." Fumi said

"Wow he should've just keep his hair how it was it was I thought he looked really cute back then." I said

I really want to see my babies maybe one day i'll see all four of my kids again.... Someday....

A/n: 😲hopefully you remember who Emiko is because she is important keep her in mind😀 see you next time my loves😉